He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 857 The Heavenly King Challenge!Paralysis and poisoning!

Chapter 857 The Heavenly King Challenge!Paralysis and poisoning!
Moonlight, Fairy-type move, can restore some of its own stamina.

The effect is similar to that of photosynthesis.

Just accepting the moonlight, the green light on Yueyibu's body has not yet appeared.

"Pikachu, use the thunder trick!!"

Xiao Zhi's loud blow directly broke the illusion of starry sky and moonlight.


Pikachu also suddenly came back to his senses, and immediately tightened his body, and the violent and thick lightning pulse suddenly shot towards the sky.

Whoosh! !
The unreasonable thunder trick, directly smashed the moonlight phantom!

It even exploded in mid-air, turning into beams of parabolic branch currents, lasing towards Yue Yibu's several shadow clones.


Seeing that his moonlight was violently interrupted, Yue Yibu's eyes lit up with a green light.

With a flash, he easily avoided the thunder.

see through!

Since the power of the thunder was dispersed, both the speed and the power were much smaller.

A set of combo punches down.

Don't look at it now, it seems that Pikachu is completely suppressing the opponent, and the powerful moves make Pear Blossom's Yueyi afraid to meet him head-on.


But at the moment, it was Ash's Pikachu who was panting.

On the other hand, Yue Yibu's breathing is still steady and long.

Moon Eevee is a very durable Pokémon.

With a period of cosmic power bonus, Yue Yibu's double defense has been improved by a degree.

"Yue Yibu, use the poison!!"

At this time, Lihua chose to take the initiative to attack.

It is different from Xiaomao's violent output Liuyue Ibrahimovic.

Pear Blossom's Moon Eevee is more inclined to improve himself and consume enemies.

Relying on its super high durability, it completely consumes the enemy's physical strength and will little by little.
It's like a cat playing with a mouse.

This is a battle of evil attributes!

A cloud of purple-black venom hit, Pikachu shuddered, and hurriedly dodged to one side.


Even after landing, Pikachu looked fierce.

He raised his purple-black poisonous claws with his backhand, and condensed a mass of venom bullets in the palm of his hand, which would also make the opponent look sullen.

You're still poisonous, I'm still poisonous, you're still poisonous!
"Wait a minute, Pikachu!!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi, who was in the back, hurriedly called to stop.

The feature of Yueyibu - synchronization, has been shown in the previous game.

Once Yueyi enters the poisoned state, Pikachu will also be poisoned.

Next, the latter's ultra-high durability, and the moonlight, a blood-returning move.
It will only put Pikachu in a desperate situation with no way out.


Pikachu, who is afraid, can only temporarily put down his poisonous claws.

But Yue Yibu has no concerns, and the Electric Mouse does not have such divine characteristics.

The highly poisonous bubble bombs, like shadow balls, kept appearing in Yue Yibu's mouth, and they were ejected again and again as the forelimbs waved.

puff! !
puff! !

In the face of several purple light groups that were still oozing bubbles, this time it turned into Pikachu, like a drowning mouse, dodging in a hurry.

The highly toxic liquid soaked most of the arena and continued to spread.


This allows Pikachu not only to pay attention to the attack from a distance, but also to pay attention to the venom on the ground, even if it steps on it, it will enter a difficult poisoning state.
Whoosh whoosh! !

At this time, a sharp sound suddenly came from Pikachu's ear.

Before Pikachu could fully react, only a white light could be seen in the corner of his eyes.

Whoosh! !
The next moment, Pikachu's entire body was directly knocked out by Yue Yibu.

Lightning flashes!
puff puff.!

When Pikachu got up from the ground again, his face turned purple, and there were purple bubbles on his head.

Pikachu is poisoned.

"Damn, when!?"

Ash hurriedly looked around, Pikachu was neither hit by the poison nor stepped on the poison on the ground.
"Xiao Zhi, have you forgotten, the moonlight before, but let the surface aperture of my Moon Eevee glow~"

Tianwang Lihua, just reminded with a chuckle.

Moon Eevee is a Pokémon that evolves in the dark. It is very sensitive to moonlight, and the body will respond to stress.

Once the aperture on the body surface glows, it also means that Yue Yibu will emit his own toxins on the body surface.

When attacking through melee, the poison spreads out.

If we say that the toxin of Xiaomao's Moon Eevee is rich in evil energy.

Then her Moon Ibrahimovic toxin is the literal meaning.
Poisonous! !
Now Pikachu has entered a highly poisonous state, and was hit by black eyes and could not leave the battlefield.

Your own Moon Eevee only needs to rely on the shadow clone and see through the continuous dodge exchange
This is how her Yue Yibu fights, eclectic!
However, in the next moment, Yueyi suddenly frowned out of thin air.


The sound of electric current flowed, and arcs appeared on the surface of Yue Yibu's body.

Yue Yibu entered a state of paralysis.

"how is this possible?!"

The face of Tianwang Lihua changed and she blurted out.

The characteristics of Pikachu are not synchronization, or synchronization is also a state of synchronization poisoning.
and many more!

Seeing Li Hua's sudden realization, Xiao Zhi finally laughed out loud.

"Haha, have you forgotten the characteristics of my Pikachu too?"

The characteristic Static, when in contact with the target, has a 30% chance to paralyze the opponent.

Although this 30% chance, Xiao Zhi has always thought it was nonsense.

His Pikachu will always be the first to flash the electric light and achieve melee contact, but it is only the last time Pikachu triggered static electricity, and he has no idea when it is.

Maybe this Pikachu, really unlucky.

At this moment, on the field, one side is poisoned, and the other is paralyzed.

However, in the paralyzed state, it will not continuously lose blood, it is just a harmless negative effect.
"In other words, make a quick decision!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes narrowed, the battle is now the key.


The poisoned Pikachu also let out a low drink, and shot a mighty pillar of lightning towards the sky to encourage himself.

"Pikachu, use the speed!!"

Xiaozhi made a decisive move.

He had to speed up the rhythm of the fight.

Pikachu's figure suddenly turned into a green light and disappeared completely without a trace.

"Yue Yibu, use Loud Roar!!"

Pear also wants to repeat the old trick.

bang bang! !
However, before Yue Yibu's voice roared out, he was already hit by an inexplicable blow in front of his chest, and he couldn't help but go backwards!

In the paralyzed state, Yue Yibu's speed was greatly reduced, and his loud roar could not restrain Pikachu's movements.

"Right now, Pikachu!! Use [-] Volts!!"

Xiao Zhi's offensive was extremely fierce, without the slightest pause.

"Pika! Chu!!"

After landing, Pikachu burst out a violent current on the spot, rushing out along the trajectory of the latter's backwards.

The poisoned Pikachu is still the power of the peak!

Boom! !

In the next instant, the powerful electricity of [-] volts completely exploded on Yue Yibu's body! !
The latter's backward figure, again violently retreated a few meters!
(End of this chapter)

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