He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 862 The Heavenly King Heavenly Battle Tournament!The gold content of the ancient gods!

Chapter 862 The Heavenly King Heavenly Battle Tournament!The gold content of the ancient gods!

The cyan dragon claws were about to strike, and Tian Wang Lihua's eyes narrowed, and suddenly said:

"Use Fraud!"

After the words fell, Helujia's eyes were red and bright, and following Lugia's posture, he also raised his forelimbs and swung his claws forward! !
Boom! !
The sound of a melee collision exploded, and with the same strong force, the two Pokémon's figures suddenly retreated several meters at the same time.

Fraud, this is a strange evil attribute move, it will change its corresponding attack strength according to the opponent's attack strength.

This is another one-hit-five-five move.

"As expected of the king of evil"

Xiaozhi frowned, even in the face of Pokémon like Lugia, Heluga still did not lose the slightest, and even displayed a series of fancy skills.

Divine beast man, is not so easy to be.

When facing a strong enemy, even the legendary Pokémon is still prone to overturning.

"Heluga, Shadow Ball!!"

After recovering a little, this time Heluga even unleashed a dangerous ghost-type move.

A huge ghost energy bomb struck.

"Lugia, use shadow sneak attack!"

Lugia's figure immediately melted into the shadow of the place, and easily avoided this shadow ball with outstanding effect.

The next moment, he appeared behind Heluga out of thin air, at an extremely tricky angle.

But this time, it didn't use the slap attack of shadow sneak attack, and the ghost attribute has a general effect on Heruga.

"Right now, Lugia, use the water cannon!!"

Ash instructed loudly.

Since you used a move with outstanding effect, then I'm welcome!

Lugia raised her neck, the turbulent water between her teeth condensed
"Heruga, use Crushed!!"

However, Heluga's speed was one step faster.

He turned his head sharply, looked directly at Lugia, and with a kick, he flew towards the target behind him.

The action was smooth and smooth, and it was extremely fast.


The sharp teeth, just one step ahead, bit Lugia's slender neck.

The throat was severely damaged, and Lugia couldn't continue to use the powerful water cannon.

The effect is outstanding!


Even Dark Lugia couldn't help but let out an uncomfortable whimper.

"Xiaozhi. Smell detection can not only see through the ghost attribute of the target~"

Tianwang Lihua, just laughed softly.

There was an extremely dangerous cold light in the beautiful eyes.

The latter's nose with a keen sense of smell can be said to be easily seen by Heluga no matter which direction he sneaks in.

In close combat, just comparing the control and reaction of his own body, even the ancient god Lugia, will not be faster than his own Heruga.

This has nothing to do with the speed boosted by Dragon Dance.

"Shadow Ball!!"

Even when Heluga's teeth were deeply embedded in the surface of the latter's flesh and blood, a ghost energy bullet condensed in his mouth.

Boom boom.!

The shadow ball of zero distance suddenly erupted at Lugia's neck! !
The diffused ghost-attribute energy blasted Dark Lugia's figure several meters away on the spot, and then fell heavily on the ground.

The effect is outstanding! !

With a double-effect hit, Tianwang Lihua finally regained her former composure and chuckled.

It's just that this demeanor didn't last long, but Pear Flower's face changed again.

Not far away, Diablo Lugia got up again from the ground, shook her head after getting up, and this blow made it a little uncomfortable.

"Are you all right, Lugia?"


Facing Ash's concern and inquiries, Dark Lugia just let out a hissing sound.

The problem is not big.

Ordinary ghost Pokémon, after being subjected to this set of effects, are even the king-level combo punches.

Even if he doesn't die, he will inevitably enter the wind.

But as a legendary Pokémon, it is a completely different reaction.

Without him, it is meat.

This is a common characteristic of every Legendary Pokémon.

High durability and endurance.

This is also the most proud point of every mythical beast man.

Can't kill at all.

Not to mention Lugia, who is not an offensive god at all, but a complete meat shield type.

With such a terrifying combination of restraint punches as Heluga, Dark Lugia's stamina was still maintained at more than half.


Diablo Lugia even spread its wings and made a high hissing sound towards the surroundings of the arena, causing the surrounding discussions to become solemn again.

This is the gold content of it as an ancient god!
Even if it is not a complete ancient god, the durability is still not enough for ordinary Pokémon to touch porcelain.


And such a high-intensity battle has already made Heruga gasp for breath.

In the face of such an opponent, the sense of racial oppression is also extremely strong, far exceeding its attribute advantages.

This made Heruga use more stamina than usual even in normal battles.

Dark Lugia still maintains the basic characteristics of the original version of Lugia.

This is the race of the ancient gods, endowed with innate abilities!

Letting its opponent consume more stamina for each skill used.

"It's our turn to attack, Lugia!!"

Xiaozhi's fighting spirit was high, and he said loudly.

In my mind, I remembered a special state that Lugia had unintentionally triggered when they were still in Silver Mountain before, when Lugia Zengjin and Gengar were practicing the Hidden Spirit Raid.
If you can use this trick, you will definitely win today!

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi quickly instructed:
"Lugia, use Hidden Spirit Surprise!!"

Lugia suddenly understood Xiaozhi's intention, his eyes narrowed, and when he flapped his wings, he completely dived into his shadow.

At the next moment, he emerged from the shadow of Heluga, and his wings flapped violently.

This scene made Xiao Zhi frown slightly.

"It's useless, use crunch!"

The responsive Heruga immediately clenched his teeth and bit back!
The strength of the evenly matched forces caused the two to retreat a few meters at the same time.


Ewha's face has regained her spirits.

If it was just such an attack, her Heruga would be able to react completely.

Mere meat is meaningless.

If one set doesn't work, then play another set. Two sets of ancient gods, no matter how fleshy they are, will have to completely fall down in front of her Heeluga today!
"Heruga, use the wave of evil!!"

The dark aperture turned into a laser beam and flew out!
"Lugia, do it again, sneak attack!!"

Lugia understood, and her figure sneaked into her shadow again, completely avoiding the fluctuations of evil.

The next moment, a strange figure appeared behind him.

This time, a faint glow appeared on the surface of Lugia's jet-black body.

But in the end, the energy could not be maintained.

Boom! !
Collision with Heluga's melee move, Lugia flew out again.

 Thanks to the cappuccino of the night sky for the 1000 coin tip!
  Thanks for the 100 coin reward from the unstable portal!
  Thanks for the 100 coin reward of salted fish without culture!
(End of this chapter)

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