He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 868 Conquer, Fossil Pterosaur!

Chapter 868 Conquer, Fossil Pterosaur!
At this moment, Xiao Zhi blushed and his neck was thick, and the muscles of his entire arm were trembling repeatedly due to the excessive force.

The two faced each other almost at zero distance, staring at each other.

The evenly matched forces were unable to suppress the other person for a while.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi's heart sank immediately, and he stretched out his palm a few inches earlier.

This time, Ash directly hugged the stone head of the fossilized pterosaur.


Under the stunned expression on the fossilized pterosaur, Xiao Zhi burst out his strength all at once.

But this time, the force was completely directed to the side.

Rumble.! !
Suddenly, one person and one dragon fit together in a spherical shape. On the hard rocky ground, they quickly rolled sideways!

This move by Ash comes from the racial tactics of crocodile Pokémon.

It uses a strong bite force to firmly bite a part of the target's body, and then quickly rolls sideways.

With this force, the target's organs are directly torn off.
Death rolls! !

Rolling all the way for more than ten meters, when the death roll was over, the head of the fossilized pterosaur had begun to spin.

Although Zengjin's characteristic is a stone head, and its skull is extremely hard, no matter what kind of scene it encounters, it will not have any anti-injury effect.

But now it has reached a 3/4 mega state, which has transformed the characteristics of the fossil pterosaurs into the characteristics of hard claws.

This is a powerful and versatile feature that increases its power as long as it is a touch-type move.

"It's now!"

Seeing the fossilized pterosaur shaking its head in place, Ash suddenly popped out his palm and grabbed the former's waist.

There, it is also the place where the fossil pterosaurs carry the props.

Like a thief, Ash stole the props of the Fossil Pterosaur, and then suddenly pressed the button in the center of the props.


The next moment, the fossilized pterosaur turned into a red light, and was forced into the black elf ball with bronzing patterns.

Luxurious ball!
This is also the Poke Ball used by Ash when he captured this fossilized pterosaur.

Later, it was always carried by the latter as a prop.

"Call it!"

After doing all this, Xiao Zhi patted the dust on his face and stood up again.


Pikachu also jumped back quickly, indicating that the problem is not big.

But Ash quickly threw the luxurious ball out.

"It's up to you, Fossil Pterosaur!"


This scene made Pikachu shudder, and quickly retreated.

excuse me.

The next moment, the 3/4 mega fossil pterosaur reappeared in front of Ash.

But at this moment, it did not continue to attack Xiaozhi.


The fossilized pterosaur even stuck out its rock head and rubbed Ash's face lightly, making a strange sound of rocks rubbing against each other.

The intimacy between the two is not low.

The seemingly dangerous battle just now was actually just a playful act by the two of them.

Of course, if it was an ordinary person, now the head has really been swallowed by the fossilized pterosaur.
It's a joke, but the process is serious.

"Your strength has also improved a lot, Fossil Pterosaur~!"

Ash patted the latter's hard body and praised.

At this moment, the three sharp claws on the wings of the fossilized pterosaur, almost no trace of biological claws can be seen, but completely transformed into three sharp sharp stones!


The fossil pterosaur roared in response.

In the whole yard, Xiaozhi is evenly matched with it, this is the only existence he recognizes.

"No, your props."

Ash just wanted to put this luxurious ball back into the rock crevice on the waist of the fossilized pterosaur.

Only this time, the latter blocked Ash's movements.


The Fossil Pterosaur made a high roar again, and the terrifying ancient atmosphere made the surrounding Fossil Helmet Ammonite beasts agitated.

Finally, a pair of dark green pupils looked straight at the figure in front of him.

"This is."

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then reacted suddenly.

This is the fossil pterosaur that finally recognized his subjugation and is willing to become his Pokémon?

Fossil pterosaur nodded and officially joined the team!
It has the intimacy bonus of the luxury ball, and every time Xiaozhi passes by the backyard of the institute, he will inevitably talk to it once to increase the intimacy.

The most important thing is that only this human body can stably restrain it as the overlord of the ancient sky.
"Great, Fossil Pterosaur!!"

Xiao Zhi was overjoyed, and immediately hugged the slender neck of the fossilized pterosaur.

The subconscious embracing force immediately strangled the latter again, making it difficult for him to breathe, and coughing again and again.

You must know that this fossilized pterosaur, when it first woke up, was already able to suppress the joint attack of Genggui Hudi sent by him and Xiao Mao at the same time.

Now that he has fully recovered his body, his strength has gone a step further.

And according to Dr. Damu, the degree of mega evolutionary variation of the fossilized pterosaur body is still increasing.

In other words, in the future, it is very likely that the ordinary daily state of the fossilized pterosaur will be the complete mega evolution form. !

In addition to the ancient fossil Pokémon, they all have the power to stimulate their own blood, and burst out powerful innate power.
Just thinking about this scene made Ash gasp for breath.

This is destined to be an extremely powerful Pokémon.


Seeing that Xiao Zhi finally put away the luxurious ball of the fossilized pterosaur, Pikachu finally took a few steps closer.

If it is one's own, the instinctive fear has been eliminated a lot.

Before Xiao Zhi could take the fossilized pterosaur back into the luxury ball, in the distance, Gengar's voice suddenly came.

Suspended in the air, flying lightly to Xiao Zhi's side.

His face was worried, as if to express something.


Then Gengar jiggled again and found a fossilized pterosaur biting Ash's head behind him.

Or should I say with, the bright red tongue of the fossil pterosaur licked from time to time.

This guy, Gengar, had a fight with it, and the relationship was not very good.

"What happened?"

Xiao Zhi asked curiously, pulling Gengar's attention back.

This guy, didn't he go to the research institute to find Diablo Lugia to play with?
It's just that they are not ghosts and can't understand these nonsense.


At this time, Geng Gui suddenly took out a piece of paper and a pen, and skillfully wrote on it.

This Gengar has a talent for painting, and can fully express his meaning through painting.

With a wave, a slender snake-like pattern appeared on the white paper, but the snake's body was stacked in circles.

Xiao Zhi: "Big Rock Snake?"

Gengar shook his head.

Ash: "Is that a green caterpillar? Or a unicorn?"

Gengar: "."

Seeing this, Geng Gui was heartbroken, and he suddenly bit his own palm.


The blood that spurted out also dyed the white paper, this "long snake" pattern stacked in circles, its body red.

This also made Xiao Zhi instantly understand what the latter wanted to express.

It's that red tyrannosaurus! ?

(End of this chapter)

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