He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 874 Alien Pokémon, not as good as wild dogs

Chapter 874 Alien Pokémon, not as good as wild dogs
"This time, I actually have a secret weapon~"

Xiaogang smiled meaningfully.

"Secret weapon.?"

Xiaozhi knows that Xiaogang has a huge big steel snake, which belongs to a special form of Pokémon, and it is estimated that he can get a lot of points.

As for the others.
"However, uh, let's forget the championship. Since you are all here, this time I will focus on participating."

But thinking of something, Xiaogang sighed and smiled helplessly.

Xiaozhi's intelligence, he knows the bottom line.

No matter how powerful his secret weapon is, it can't match Ash's all-star lineup!
In this kind of game that only looks at the uniqueness of Pokémon, the existence of Ash is simply here to fry fish!

Xiao Zhi chuckled rather proudly, since he wants to win the championship, he naturally won't be soft-hearted!
Soon, the conference officially began.

"Welcome friends from all regions to gather in our city of Nibi today!"

Xiaogang's father, Wu Neng, was on top, holding a microphone, and said the opening remarks loudly.

Special Pokémon contests have been held in many regions, with a large number of fans and trainers from various regions.

At this moment, these contestants, Xiaozhi Xiaogang, and countless audience members are all sitting neatly under a huge open-air stage.

It was dark and crowded.

"Then next, I will introduce the rules of the competition to you."

Wu Neng's hosting style is straight to the point.

"The rules are very simple, each player can send up to six Pokémon of their own"

The full score of a single Pokémon is 100, which means that the maximum score for a player is 600.

"Ordinary Pokémon, the base is 5 points, and then according to the rarity, the points are increased in order."

The rarity of the quasi-god level is about 10 points.

"Abnormal body type +10 points, special breath +10 points."

The special breath here means that just standing there without using any skills can produce special effects.

Special competitions really only look at the special appearance, and don't need to look at the inside.

Pure appearanceism.

"And once there is a flashy Pokémon defined in the official picture book, the starting point is 60 points!"

"As for the official picture book, there is no special form defined. The starting point is also 60 points, and the percentage of bonus points added will increase even higher!"

Compared with the rarity, or what looks cute and cute, the fur is gorgeous, and the skills are gorgeous. These are not the point.

Different color flashes, or special forms, are the most important things in this conference!

This is fundamentally different from a gorgeous contest or a performance contest!

On the one hand, it caters to the tastes and hobbies of trainers such as the collection of exotic Pokémon.

On the other hand, the official alliance will continue to obtain information on new special Pokémon in this kind of competition.
For the official, this is the main event.

This is much easier than finding the special Pokémon one by one.

"And this time, there are ten judges in total!"

Wu Neng just wanted to be ten people sitting in the first row.

Including the president of the Pokémon Fan Association, the official of the alliance, the researcher who focuses on special Pokémon, and the boss of the Silver Company in the golden city next door.
There are people from all walks of life, but they are all people of considerable status.


Wu Neng's introduction also caused Xiao Hao, who was still full of confidence in the audience seat below, to suddenly turn black.

Wait, isn't this a Pokémon beauty contest? !

He combed his Pokémon fur brightly, and he was very energetic, so he brought it out for the competition!

Xiaohao hurriedly took out the promotional flyer he had seen in Deadleaf City earlier.

"Special Pokémon Beauty Pageant!"

Xiaohao: "."

He didn't see the first two words.

His Pokémon don't seem to be very special.
If not, why don't you just slip away now?


It's just that Yan Tu'er was looking at the front stage with a fiery face, holding Xiao Hao's arm tightly, not letting the latter get up and leave at all.

In the end, Xiaohao can only stay in his position, like sitting on needles, the secret passage hurries over today
Soon, the game officially begins!
The first trainer to appear, seems to have been prepared for a long time. He raised his hand and released a golden arm.

Completely different from the usual blue-grey.

"Appeared, the first one is a different color arm!!"

There was an uproar at the scene, a strange-colored Pokémon is not so rare.


The golden wrist strength is even more on the stage, putting on various bodybuilding styles again and again, raising his score.

Next, the trainer released five of his other Pokémon.

However, they are all Pokémon that can be seen everywhere, such as Bibi Birds and Fierce Sparrows, and there is nothing unusual about them.

It seems that it is only used to draw points and make up numbers.

Finally, his score is also displayed under the scores of ten judges.

"Different wrist strength, 63 points!"

"The other five normal Pokémon add up to 25 points!"

"The final score of player No. 87, [-] points!"

This is the scoring mode for special competitions.

The score of a special Pokémon will be much greater than the sum of the scores of several normal Pokémon.

"The second player is here!!"

"Player No. [-] is here!!"

Next, the contestants stepped onto the stage one by one in order.

As No. 77, the last contestant, Xiao Zhi could only applaud from the audience in a short period of time.

The same goes for Xiaogang next to him.

It's just that on the stage, the super-special exotic-colored Pokémon that appeared one after another made Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's eyes widen, and they were amazed.

On weekdays, it is rare to see the last strange-colored Pokémon in a year, but at this moment, it seems to be everywhere, frequently appearing on the stage.

Another person who doesn't know the truth may still think that the Alien Pokémon is not as good as a wild dog.

Most of these contestants are heterochromatic collectors, and they basically have one heterochromatic flashing Pokémon per person.

There are even nearly half of the players, one with two!

And those six are ordinary Pokémon, which is rare.

After all, no one would choose to take the initiative to humiliate themselves.


Pikachu even saw a different kind of Pikachu on stage.

It's not much different from it, but the different-colored Pikachu has a darker fur.

As if tanned, yellowish-brown
"Pickup~ (The dirt is not pulled a few~)!"

Pikachu breathed a sigh of relief.

The contest continued until the 40th.

At present, the highest score of a single Pokémon is a special form of flame horse.

Generally, the color of the flames of the Heterochromatic Flame Horses is beige.

But the color of this flaming horse is not recorded in the official picture book, it is a strange blue
Even the attributes seem to have changed, and the aura has become treacherous.

"Special form of flame horse, 76 points!"

Such variation in form and attributes made this flaming horse overwhelmingly the number one result in the audience!
Of course, it's temporary.

At present, the trainer with the highest total score is a trainer who is carrying three Shiny Pokémon at the same time, with a high score of 215!
 Thanks for the 100 coin reward from the unstable portal!
(End of this chapter)

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