He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 881 Shining Talisman

Chapter 881 Shining Talisman
In the end, Xiao Zhi won the championship with an overwhelming advantage of 493 points without any suspense.

Even the total score record and the single score record were all broken.


No.2 Karabali, who was full of confidence just now, now has a strong sense of powerlessness lingering on his face.

"Athlete Xiaozhi of the real new town, too European!!"

"Wait later, I'm going to pull out one of Ash's hair as a talisman."

"Isn't it more fragrant to pluck the feather of the Dark Lugia directly?"

At this moment, the audience off the court became frenzied after experiencing the initial numbness and shock.

I don't want to inhale more of Xiaozhi's European energy, hoping that I can also meet such a special Pokémon.

On the stage, Xiao Zhi, surrounded by five strangely-shaped Pokémon and an ordinary electric mouse, made every move as if he was carrying holy light!

As for the finale of the contest.
Award ceremony.

Among the ten judges, one of the high-level middle-aged men from the Pokémon Alliance walked slowly to Xiao Zhi.

He is the one who has seen the Silver Conference.

Naturally, he also knew of the ancient god that Xiao Zhi carried with a strange totem.

Although he had already watched it once during the Tenno Challenge, but that time, he watched it on a TV screen.

Watching him up close on the stage today was still dumbfounded for a while.

"Congratulations, Xiaozhi, for becoming the champion of this special competition."

The middle-aged man opened his mouth to congratulate.

Not only is the combat power superior, but the European energy is completely full. Outrageous!

As for the information on these special Pokémon of Ash. No hurry.

If it is a passerby trainer, why should their alliance take this opportunity to do a comprehensive physical examination.

These are extremely valuable information.

But Xiao Zhi is a member of their alliance with 3.5 flowers and belongs to his own people, and the information can also be obtained from Dr. Damu.

"Then this is the prize for winning this time."

With that said, the middle-aged man took out an exquisite mahogany box.

When I opened it, I saw a pendant inside the box.

This is an indigo four-pointed star-shaped pendant, similar in color to Calabari's Glittering Duck.

"This is.?"

Xiao Zhi subconsciously took the box and looked at the pendant blankly.

"Didi, the Shining Talisman, can increase the chance of trainers encountering Shining or special Pokémon."

The picture book on the waist made a sound.

"Hehe, not only that, this star amulet can also improve the luck of trainers~!"

The middle-aged man added.

Luck. This has always been a metaphysical thing, but it exists objectively.

Not only in encountering flash Pokémon, but also in combat, there are certain bonus effects.

For example, increasing the chance of "frightening the target" from Air Slash.

Trainer, bring your own grace!

"Or, it can make your electric mouse increase the probability of triggering the electrostatic characteristic."

The middle-aged man pointed at Pikachu on Ash's shoulder again.

He naturally knew that this electric mouse was far less powerful than the crotch pull on the surface.

But this is a special Pokémon contest, and there is no point in being strong here.

Even the ace Kuailong, the ace of Champion Crossing, came here, and it also made up 15 points.

"nice one!"

When Xiao Zhi heard this, his heart suddenly burst into joy.

I don't know if he is too close to Xiaolan, and he is often prone to bad luck.

Just to exorcise evil!
So Xiaozhi took off the rope of the shining amulet with a backhand. The key to improving the lucky value lies in the four-pointed star, which has nothing to do with the artificial rope.

Ash put it back into his own Poseidon pendant, juxtaposed with the silver feather.

In the area, I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but it’s really refreshing!

This year's Special Pokémon Contest officially came to an end as Xiao Zhi walked off the stage.
On the other side, behind the stage, no one cares about the corner.

At this moment, Xiao Hao, who had watched the competition completely, his face was extremely pale.

"Why is this guy so handsome?!"

No matter which one, it is hard for Xiaohao to imagine.

Especially the last Dark Lugia
Even Xiaohao's life goal, dream, may not be as rare as the latter.
At this moment, it is so easy to appear in the hands of a peer? !

Xiaohao felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness for a while.

Envy, even jealousy, all kinds of strange emotions came to my mind.

In the end, Xiaohao took Yan Tu'er by himself and slowly left the celebration venue where his life was full of excitement.

He felt as if his life had completely lost its meaning.

Subconsciously, Xiaohao took out his illustrated book and called Dr. Sakuragi, whom he respected the most.


The Pokédex phone was connected, and on the other end, Dr. Sakuragi's kind and gentle voice came.

"Hello? It's Xiao Haojun, what happened?"

Hearing this, Xiaohao seemed to have found an outlet to vent, expressing his knowledge and emotions towards Dr. Sakuragi.

Dr. Sakuragi just listened patiently.

There are indeed some people in this world, as if the whole world revolves around him.

Can't be forced.

Drilling into the horns of the bull will only make you fall into a daze.

In the end, Xiao Hao, who had vented, was relieved and gradually got out of this depression.

That's right, he is Xiaohao, and the future is still in his hands!

In his mouth, he subconsciously said casually:

"Maybe I am not a qualified special researcher yet."


Unexpectedly, Dr. Sakuragi on the other end of the phone suddenly became excited.

"It turns out that Xiao Haojun thinks so too? It's my fault. It's because I didn't think comprehensively at the beginning. Xiao Haojun is really not suitable to be a special researcher."

"Actually, I also think that Xiao Haojun should go back to school now, and improve himself with further studies. It's better not to become a researcher for the time being."

Dr. Sakuragi's series of words made it difficult for Xiaohao to speak for a while.

After several consecutive mission failures, even the good-looking Dr. Sakuragi can only admit that he was wrong in the first place.

Moreover, with Xiaohao's introverted and proud character, it is actually difficult to get along with outsiders in the world.

Such a person needs a positive and extroverted person as a partner to make up for this part of the defect.

But obviously, there is no such person in their Sakuragi Research Institute.

"Well then, I'll tell your parents, Xiao Haojun, if you go back to school to study, you don't need to come to the Sakuragi Research Institute for the time being."

Xiaohao: "???"

Wait a minute, I'm just being polite and humble.

If you follow my words and encourage me again, it will be over.

What is this development? !

"Hey! Wait a minute, Dr. Sakuragi!"

Xiaohao also tried to justify something.


It's just that on the other end of the phone, Dr. Sakuragi has already hung up.

The current Dr. Sakuragi, on the one hand, is busy discussing this matter with Xiaohao's parents.

On the one hand, they are also looking for a new special researcher at their Sakuragi Research Institute.

Xiaohao: "."

He was completely stupid.
(The character Xiaohao will no longer appear in this book.)
(End of this chapter)

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