He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 891 3 Holy Beasts vs Phoenix King! !

Chapter 891 Three Holy Beasts vs Phoenix King! !
"What are they doing...?"

Xiaozhi and the others were stunned.

The Three Sacred Beasts like Emperor Yan are the spokesperson of King Feng in the world and also a bridge to communicate with human beings.

After all, he is a subordinate of King Feng.

But this posture doesn't look like reporting work at all.

In an unusually dignified atmosphere, the air is full of collision flames, more like a fight is about to start?

Several people chose to wait and see what happened, and continued to watch secretly in the bushes.


Soon, Emperor Yan below took the lead towards the sky, and let out a loud roar, and the air trembled with the sound.

The lion's head is covered with yellow, red and gray hard shells and sharp horns, which is very powerful.

"Mimi~! (I will translate in real time for you~!)"

I don't know if it's because of the time travel last time, but now Rabbi's personality has changed to bold.

His eyes were fiery, and he wished that the people in front of him would fight immediately.

The next moment, in Xiaozhi Xiaolan's mind, Emperor Yan's roar also transformed into a corresponding logical meaning.

"Feng Wang, tell me, who is the flame that burned down the Bell Tower 350 years ago?"

Emperor Yan asked angrily.

Although, the voice is still rabbi's soft voice.


It was only then that Xiaozhi realized that when Emperor Yan separated from him, he was fooled by his illustrated book to find King Feng to settle accounts.

So now, are they just at this juncture?
Even this time, Emperor Yan called Feng Wang by his first name without respectfully adding an adult suffix.


Feng Wang still maintains the posture of floating in the sky, and the whole body exudes colorful sacred light, which cannot be violated.

He didn't answer.

Without him, Feng Wang disdained to answer his subordinates.

This haughty gesture completely enraged Emperor Yan.

The ash volcano on his back seemed to be about to erupt in the next second.

"Tell me, Phoenix King!! Did you set it on fire!?"

Emperor Yan once again roared towards the sky, and the air suddenly became hot.

350 years ago, because of the battle between Yandi and the Pokémon in the tower, the scattered flames ignited the Bell Tower and completely trapped their three holy beasts.

When the three of them wanted to escape, the flames spread all over, and even Suicune's water flow couldn't extinguish it.

In the end, the three holy beasts were buried in the sea of ​​flames.

The fire consumed everything, and the Bell Tower became a charred tower.

The endless flames were finally extinguished by the descending Phoenix King, who used the holy ashes to resurrect the three of them.

Since then, these three special Ibrahimovic mutant groups have been completely distinguished from the Ibrahimovic family.

They became Yandi, Suicune and Leigong respectively.

The revived Emperor Yan thought it was his own flame that had burned his two elder brothers to death, and he felt very remorseful and blamed himself.

There are even more metal shackles on the limbs and ankles than Suicune Raikou, which symbolizes the punishment for his sins.

As for the elder brother Yandi and the three when they were still Ibrahimovic, they actually had genders, and they were all male.

It's just that after being resurrected by Feng Wang, he was sterilized and picked his eggs.

Ever since he was reminded by Xiaozhi's illustrated book last time, Emperor Yan reacted.

Even the fluctuations of the water can't extinguish the flame, and the golden-white color entangled in it.
This is the sacred flame of King Feng! !

Emperor Yan was furious and wanted to ask King Feng for an explanation on the spot.
They are the envoys of King Feng, and they can actually communicate with them on their own initiative.

But Feng Wang didn't bother to reply, and didn't even bother to talk to the three of them.

So the three of Emperor Yan traveled to every corner of the Chengdu area, just to find the trace of King Feng.

I don't know how many dealers' lawns have been trampled and damaged along the way.
Finally, at the edge of the Chengdu area, their immediate boss was cut off on the spot!


From behind, Suicune Yaleiko also let out a threatening roar.

The two of them are actually fine, and their hatred for King Feng is not too great.

Although he burned them to death, he also resurrected them and gave them even more powerful powers.

But for the sake of his younger brother, the other two beasts could only bite the bullet and face Feng Wang head-on.
"Feng Wang, give me an explanation!!"

Emperor Yan's eyes glowed with fire, and he let out a thunderous roar for the third time.

And the Phoenix King above the sky, his wings fluttered, and the colorful light turned into a shining rainbow light, falling down the entire land.


Finally, Feng Wang uttered a sharp cry, and the heavy voice rolled.

At the same time, whether it was the Three Holy Beasts or Xiaozhi and Xiaolan who was watching the play not far away, a voice echoed in their minds at the same time.

"I, I don't need to give any explanation!!"

Feng Wang's voice was so majestic and sacred that it made the world tremble.

God's Will!

Different from spiritual communication, God's will is the exclusive ability of the ancient gods.

Through the sound, the creatures within a certain range can forcibly sense their will!

For beings of their kind, they disdain to communicate with low-level beings and use equal hearts to communicate.

Not only that, the Phoenix King even opened his golden beak, and spit out an extremely thick dark flame, shooting towards the three holy beasts.

Boom boom boom! !

The flames were like magma, and even the air was ignited along the way, and white smoke rose.

Emperor Yan's actions undoubtedly enraged Feng Wang thoroughly.

How dare you be so rude to the great him! !
The Phoenix King can give power to the three people and make them become the three holy beasts representing themselves
Naturally, other Yandi Suicuns can also become such existences.

The extremely proud Phoenix King had already raised the idea of ​​turning these three holy beasts into flames and ashes again.

Boom boom! !

The flame hit, and as the eldest brother, Shui Jun dared not be careless, and quickly spit out a column of thick blue water, trying to counteract the flames of the Phoenix King from the side.

High pressure pumps! !
呲呲呲.! !
It's just that there is not a small difference in power between the two. The water with restrained attributes is continuously evaporating into mist in the blazing flames.

Attribute restraint, under the level gap, became a pure joke.

Just when the flames completely dispersed the water flow, Emperor Yan jumped up vigorously and rushed towards the flames.

Boom puff puff.!
In mid-air, jet flames exploded on Emperor Yan's body, splitting into countless streaks of fire and scattering in all directions.

For a moment, the entire sky seemed to be covered with a red filter, and sparks flew.


When Emperor Yan landed again, his gray-brown body was glowing red like ultra-high temperature metal.

The characteristic of Entei is the sense of oppression that most of the legendary Pokémon have.

But cold knowledge, before Emperor Yan became a holy beast, his characteristics were actually the same as that of Huo Yibu.
They are all pyrophoric!
He inherited this trait!
Just when everyone's eyes were on Huo Huo and Emperor Yan.


A yellow-black figure turned into a yellow lightning bolt, and it appeared directly below Feng Wang.

Lei Gong's speed is the fastest among the three holy beasts.


Lei Gong raised his head and let out a beast roar.

Boom! ! !

The next moment, a yellow lightning strike crashed down from the clouds in the sky, and the attack in the blink of an eye made it impossible for Feng Wang in the air to dodge.

The terrible thunder turned into a thick beam of lightning, which completely exploded on Feng Wang's body! !
The effect is outstanding! !
The three holy beasts have been partners for hundreds of years, and they cooperated with each other in cover operations, as if they had a tacit understanding of one person.

(End of this chapter)

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