Chapter 900
Waist-length brown hair, curving to the sides in front of the forehead, revealing a smooth forehead.

The facial features are delicate, the skin is like snow, and there are a pair of bright and sly eyes.

The waist is slim, and the upper body wears off-shoulder short sleeves with blue and white patterns, exposing the belly.

The lower body is surrounded by a fiery red long skirt with exotic patterns painted on it, like a piece of red cloth, which is worn as a skirt just by tying it tightly at the side waist.

On his head, he also wears a wide white red-striped beach sun hat.

Bi Lan appeared in front of everyone for the first time in a complete posture!
If it weren't for Chi's reminder, she would not have thought too much with her heart full of joy, and she would have come out shirtless.

When she was stopped on the spot, Bilan's first reaction was that she remembered the tropical dress she was wearing when she was still traveling in the Alola area, and she changed it.



For a while, the Pokémon such as Yandi Shirabi and other Pokémon were dizzy.

Has it really changed a living person?
This is a bit beyond the worldview of their legendary Pokémon.

"Sister Bilan~!!"

Seeing that the latter was transformed and stood in place, Xiao Lan immediately exclaimed with joy and slammed on it.

Bi Lan naturally happily reached out to catch it, hugged the latter's figure, and turned around in place for several times.

"Hee hee~ Xiao Lan, I can finally touch you like this~"

Bi Lan stretched out her hands and kneaded Xiao Lan's bun face again and again, very touching.

Feeling that she can control her body and limbs freely and smoothly at this moment, which is no different from ordinary people, Bi Lan felt a great joy in her heart.

All are back!

Two women who look alike hug each other, whirling and shouting
"Tsk tsk, it really looks like it.?!"

Beside him, Xiao Zhi was looking at the two of them secretly.

It can be said that Bilan is completely the mature version of Xiaolan, and the facial features of the two are almost reflected in a mirror.

But Bi Lan, who is officially an adult at the age of 18, is obviously more mature.

Tall and well-proportioned, about 1 meters tall, a head taller than Xiaolan.

With one hand on his waist, he stood there like a big star.

"So after a few years, will Xiaolan look like this?"

Xiao Zhi touched his chin, feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

Suddenly, he felt as if there was a familiar little blue.

But the breath Bilan gave him was completely different from his childhood sweetheart.

The air of a royal sister and queen that naturally exudes is difficult to deal with, but Xiaolan is different, she is a pure and natural, full of soft and cute girl.

So even if Xiaolan inherits all of Bilan's craftsmanship, he still cannot become the second Bilan.

"Well, this guy may stab you at any time, don't get too familiar with her."

In his mind, Chi also swallowed and reminded in a low voice.

Blue is not a good person.

It's all based on one's own preferences. One second he was a righteous trainer, and the next second he was able to shake hands with Team Rocket's boss Sakagi.

Of course, in the next second, Boss Sakagi may be drained.
In short, it is best not to get involved with this woman.

After communicating with Xiaolan, Bilan came to Xiaozhi with a swaying figure of a willow.

She lowered her body slightly, the corners of her mouth came to Xiao Zhi's ear, and she smiled charmingly.

"Thank you for your help~ Xiaozhi-san~!"

The two were so close that Xiao Zhi could even feel the heat of his breath coming from his ears, and there was a special scent in his nose.

Variety can also bring its own perfume effect? !


Seeing that "Big and Small Blue" seemed to want to kiss himself, Xiao Zhi hurriedly swept to the back and hurriedly avoided the blow.

Too dangerous!

"Hey, that's very rude, Ash-san~!"

Bi Lan was angry, her big eyes were fixed, and her beautiful brows were furrowed.

Immediately, his expression changed again, and he licked his lips, like a charming woman, about to come up again.

Teasing this little guy gave her a wonderful feeling of flirting with Chi.

"Sister Bilan!!"

In the back, Xiao Lan quickly grabbed the former's arm, which made Bi Lan give up.

Taking a deep breath, she regained her dignity and elegance.

Well, now that she is an adult, she can't fight like this with the younger generation.

The quickness of his face change made Xiao Zhi surprised again.

Just after obtaining this body, Bi Lan even tried to move her faith, and her body began to wriggle again, turning into a mass of pink ooze.

puff puff!

In less than a while, Bi Lan's body has become exactly the same as the little blue next to him.

Whether it is height, face, or that cute temperament, it is completely symmetrical like a mirror.

The body embryo is the crystal of a variety of monsters, which naturally gives Bilan the ability to change his body shape at will, instead of relying on an additional variety of monsters to assist in deformation as before.

Of course, the ability to imitate in appearance is derived from this special body.

In terms of temperament, that is Bilan's true ability.

Whether it's eyes, demeanor, or even metaphysical temperament, Bi Lan can imitate it perfectly.

She can completely backstab Boss Sakagi now, and directly replace him the next day, commanding the entire Rockets.

At that time, Ah Yin came, and he couldn't recognize that his father had changed sex.

"So handsome, Sister Bilan~~"


Xiaolan and her 6v monster looked at this free operation with envy.

"So now the big blue boss, is it an ever-changing monster?"

Ash's voice somewhat spoiled the atmosphere.

Although rounded up, it's true.

So Bi Lan snorted coldly, and her figure changed again.

This time, she directly transformed into a teenager wearing a red and white hat, a jacket, and denim trousers.

The cheeks are also engraved with two "Z" patterns.

She wants to change into Xiao Zhi's appearance and play tricks.
It's just that the transformation into Ash has not lasted long.

Puff puff.!!
Her body suddenly trembled inexplicably again, and it was difficult to control for a while.

Blue: "???"

First, Xiao Zhi's clothes on the surface completely melted and disappeared, revealing the skin of the red fruit inside.

Xiaozhi: "!"


Before he could stop Bi Lan's operation, Xiao Lan next to her had already covered her eyes and screamed loudly.

But the pictures that are not suitable for children did not appear.

Although this "Xiao Zhi" is completely shirtless at this moment, in the sensitive parts, it is in a "mosaic" state, and it is completely impossible to see anything.

The things in the clothes, Bi Lan did not portray so exquisitely.

Xiaozhi: "."

After a while, Bi Lan's entire body shrunk and deformed like this, completely turning into a mass of pink ooze.

In the end, she turned into a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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