He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 902 Mobai Town, Youshu

Chapter 902 Mobai Town, Youshu
Fangyuan area, Mobai Town.

In the early morning, in an exquisite small house on the second floor.

A boy of about 11 or 12 years old shoved the sandwich on the dining table into his mouth, and then sat on the sofa in the living room bored.

This is a short-haired boy with dark brown hair. Unlike most people, the tips of his hair are frizzy, but his hair is soft and sticky.

He looks handsome and handsome, and exudes an elegant and easy-going temperament.

Wearing a red and black short-sleeved top and black shorts, she looks quite sporty.

This boy's name is Yushu, and in a week, he will officially reach the 11-year-old grade.

At that time, you will be able to officially receive your initial Pokémon and become a trainer to travel.

The age threshold for trainers in the Fangyuan area is 10 years older than that in the Kanto area, which is a full year older.

Beside him, there was a brown and beige little beast covered with spiky fur.


Suddenly a puppy jumped around on the sofa.

Snake bear.

This is the little Rada in the Fangyuan area.


Having nothing to do, Yushu casually turned on the TV in the living room.

After that, there was a series of channel changes and then channel changes. I changed dozens of channels along the way, but I didn't see anything worth seeing.

Until I switched to the TV station in the city next door.

The picture on the screen immediately aroused Yushu's interest.

"Oh, kind of interesting."

He touched his chin, raised the corner of his mouth, and looked at it curiously.

At this moment, the upper right corner of the screen displays a line of large characters.

"Urban League, Heavenly King Challenge, live broadcast of facts in the whole region!"

And below the text, it is a very exciting and exciting battle.

On one side is an elegant woman who controls Yue Yibu, and on the other side is a young and warm-blooded boy who controls an electric mouse.

"It looks like I'm the same age as me, can this be the same as the King of Heaven?"

"The electric mouse can still play like this, but this kid has some brains?"

The wonderful battle between Pikachu and Ibrahimovic made Yuuki comment on and off across the TV screen.

It's just that Yuuki, who has not yet become a trainer, doesn't show much respect or high regard for the battle of the king level in front of him.

On the contrary, it is completely from the perspective of a superior, like commenting on a newcomer, commenting on this battle?

In the end, the outcome was decided, and Pikachu defeated Yueyibu.

Xiao Zhi's last operation made Yushu's eyes light up, and he couldn't help nodding his head.

"It's okay, with such fighting power at this age, it is estimated that this kid is almost the most powerful genius in the world."

Yuuki secretly wrote down Ash's appearance.

Just the second fight to come.

Following Xiao Zhi on the screen, he touched the silver feather on his neck, and a dark black red-eyed Pokémon flew out.

That strange and powerful aura, even across the screen, is incomparably strong and strong.

This made Yuuki stand up abruptly, his pupils shrinking suddenly.

"Dark Lugia?!"

He blurted out, slightly shocked.

Wait a minute, is this an ultra-special exception?
Or is this world different from what he imagined, and everyone takes an ancient god out of the house?

Looking at the battle between Dark Lugia and Heluga on the screen, Yuuki's expression was a little messy.

He is not a native of this world.

Actually, he comes from a video game world.

There, Yuuki became the strongest being that surpassed the champion.
Then I woke up and came here.

This world is completely different from the electronic world he is in. It is more free to do whatever he wants, unlike the former, which makes Yuuki feel that no matter what he does, it seems to be arranged in advance.

As for the original soul of this body. When Yuuki reacted, the latter had disappeared.

In this body, only his soul exists.

The name is also consistent with him in the game.

And age is a few years younger than being the strongest self in the game.

"In a whole new world, reborn?"

Yushu looked at his palm, and with a big heart, he quickly accepted this setting.

He could feel that all his shackles and restrictions in the electronic world had completely disappeared at this moment.
Long.! !
At this time, there was a lot of noise from the stairs, and Yushu turned his head subconsciously.

A middle-aged man with a rather fat body was coming down with a large bag of luggage.

Wearing a researcher's white lab coat, the lower body is brown outdoor shorts and slippers, quite a mix and match of uninhibited style.

He has short brown hair, a brown moustache around his chin, a Chinese character face, and his face looks simple, honest and mature.

This is a doctor from the Hoen area, Dr. Oda Maki.

"Dad, are you going out?"

Yuuki asked curiously.

Since his father in the electronic world was also the latter, when he called out at this moment, he could just switch seamlessly.

"Oh, Yushu, you're going to stay home by yourself this month. I'm going to Yinyu City now."

Dr. Oda Maki was busy carrying luggage and was in a hurry.

I knew earlier that the relocation company would send a few heroics to help.

At this moment, he naturally responded to the call of the plan to bring the ancient god Groudon home. As an expert, he went to the Weather Research Institute next to Yinyu City to work together.

Time was in a hurry, and Oda Maki was also in a hurry to prepare.

"Is that the lost Groudon?"

Yuuki thought secretly.

This world is different from his electronic world. The legendary Pokémon of the ancient god level has a huge power gap with ordinary Pokémon, and has the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

Instead of playing like a game, it can be easily defeated even with normal Pokémon.

At this moment, as the only ancient god exposed to the public eye, Groudon, the god of volcanoes, naturally attracted a lot of attention.

God of volcanoes, this is actually what other regions call Groudon, not professional.
They are more willing to call him the god of the earth, which is more noble.

Of course, this year, Groudon's sublime force.is also declining
"Wait a minute, Dad, my departure ceremony after that week"

Yuuki suddenly remembered something and said.

Although he had already experienced it once in that world, since he started anew, he naturally had to formally and completely experience the novice process.

A week later, it's the day he officially receives the initial Pokémon from the Doctor and sets off on a trip!
Yuki has moderate obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"Eh. Although I also really want to cheer you on, the God of the Earth is more important now."

Dr. Odakimaki said helplessly.

Don't think that Groudon has been stupid all the time, it seems like a joke.
This is in the legend, the god who created the land, has the ability to change the area's climate and magnetic field.
A year of walking around on the sea, Groudon has disrupted the normal climate in many areas.

Especially in the Fangyuan area as hometown, the influence is the most eye-catching.

Now Groudon must be re-directed back as soon as possible, which is the ultimate goal of their plan!
(End of this chapter)

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