He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 906 vs Stealth UFO!

Chapter 906 vs Stealth UFO!

The back field of Odo Mare Island.

Xiaozhi pushed aside a hidden branch and rattan, and there was a circle of thorns on the edge of the fence, as if to guard against outsiders entering.

Most of the tourists are concentrated on the beach ahead or wandering in the classical city.
And this place, almost no one came.

Such thorns naturally can't stop Xiao Zhi's adventurous blood, and he can easily jump over when he turns over.

Inside, this is a vast grassland of flowerbeds. Obviously no one can be seen, but the gardens or green plants here are quite neatly groomed, as if someone is managing it regularly and deliberately.

"Private garden?"

But Xiao Zhi remembered what was written on the map, it was clearly a public wild grassland.

If you look around, you can also see many wild Pokémon that live here.

For example, on the edge of the flowerbed in full bloom, a hand like a green Pokémon holding a two-color rose is gently shaking its figure.

A few pink-and-yellow kittens with squinting eyes were chasing after their big tails and spinning in place.

In the sky, from time to time, a few sky blue birds passed by, their bodies were as chubby as spheres, and their wings were as white and soft as cotton candy.

These are all Pokémon that Xiao Zhi has never seen before, his face suddenly showed surprise, he took out the picture book in his hand and glanced at it.

"DiDi. Poison Rose Meows to the Tail. Green Cotton Bird."

The picture book is too much trouble, and slowly introduces it one by one.

The illustrated book that was upgraded by Dr. Damu for the second time has also changed a lot in appearance at this moment.

The front is a spacious full-screen screen, which looks more new and advanced.

But at the top position, there is a black mark on the bangs, which somewhat destroys the overall beauty.

Well, this time, Dr. Damu still did not provide Xiaozhi with a suitable charger.

"So these are all Pokémon from the Fangyuan area?"


Ash and Pikachu looked around in amazement.

The appearance and appearance of these Pokémon are quite different from the Pokémon in the Kanto City area.

Just as Xiao Zhi was about to take out his own blank Poke Balls, he took a few of them.

But after taking another look at the peaceful and peaceful scene around him, he finally put away his palm.

Well, the new Pokémon should be kept in the Fangyuan area before they can be captured.

This trip, take a good vacation
So Ash and Pikachu looked at each other, looked around, and continued to go deeper into the adventure.


As he walked, Pikachu suddenly raised his ears and said vigilantly.

Xiaozhi's face also froze, and he turned around.

He also felt that something seemed to pass quickly from behind him.

The existence of this body can't be seen at all, and it is still moving quickly over this field.



During the flight, it will also emit a blasting sound similar to the roar of an engine, and the airflow roars, making it extremely vigorous and powerful.

Although he couldn't see his figure, Xiao Zhi could see the fallen leaves and branches that were stirred up by the strong air currents along the way.

Faintly, a vague outline can still be seen

There was another burst of engine roaring. This time, the unknown creature rushed directly to Pikachu's position!

"Pikachu, use the iron tail!!"

Xiao Zhi did not dare to be careless, and quickly gave instructions.

Naturally, Pikachu's small eyes narrowed, without the slightest fear, his limbs ran on the ground for a while, and even rushed forward to face the attack.

Although you can't see the specific body shape, you can still hear it with your ears.


Feeling that the target has arrived, Pikachu jumped up and swept the iron tail, and bombarded the body of the target! !
However, the next moment, Pikachu's powerful iron tail shot just pierced straight through in mid-air, and the attack failed.



Before Pikachu could react, there was another blast of air in his ears.

Then, the chest area seemed to be pushed by something.

Boom! !
Pikachu's entire body was thrown out violently, hitting the ground heavily.

"Is it a ghost?"

Ash frowned secretly, this kind of penetrating body looks like a ghost Pokémon.

But Ash quickly shook his head.

It seems that it is more like an illusory afterimage left by some kind of super-high-speed movement. His Bidiao can also complete such a swallowing movement.

Whoosh! !
Whoosh! !
The unknown Pokémon in front of him was still flying back and forth, making bursts of airflow.

This scene also aroused Xiao Zhi's interest, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, and his eyes gradually became hot.

It seems that this Pokémon is going to take the initiative to fight with itself.
So, vacation or something, put it aside for the time being!
"Pikachu, find the opponent's position and use the grid!!"

This time, it was Ash's turn to take the initiative to attack.

Pikachu understood, watching the movement of the airflow with his eyes, matching the sound he heard in his ears

The next moment, Pikachu's eyes lit up, apparently capturing the other party's trajectory.

The figure jumped high and spun, and the tail twirled sharply in the air.


A large net of thunder and lightning has spread to the maximum, covering the target!

But this time, the other party didn't even plan to dodge.

Whoosh! !
A piercing, sharp scratching sound appeared.

I saw that in the process of advancing the thunder and lightning network, a few slanting cyan claw marks appeared out of thin air, and with an extremely tyrannical attitude, the power grid was completely torn and shattered!
Dragon Claw! !
"Good power"

This scene made Xiao Zhi have to blurt out admiration.

Obviously, this invisible UFO has extremely powerful power.
"If that's the case, let him see our power Pikachu and use the speed!!"

Xiao Zhi resolutely attacked the road again, and at this moment, he was really moving.

Hearing that, Pikachu also showed a confident smile. Once he used it with great speed, he didn't think that this guy could continue to touch himself.

I saw Pikachu's hind legs kicked back, and his body suddenly jumped out, moving lightly.

call out.!

The next moment, Pikachu's figure had completely disappeared in place, and only a faint blue light remained in the surrounding air.

To a certain extent, the current Pikachu has also entered the invisible ghost state.


At this time, Xiao Zhi finally heard the cry of the target, a rather majestic and low voice.

The vague outline trembled in place, and it seemed that he was also amazed by Pikachu's speed.

However, after a while, the latter had already made a move.

Puff puff.!!
The ice and snow in the sky were sandwiched by the air and the breeze, which suddenly spewed out and spread to the audience.

Frozen Wind!

This is a field-wide AOE move, and the damage is harmless. The key is the follow-up effect of this move.


I saw that Pikachu, who was completely invisible just now, had temporarily withdrawn from the speed state under the ice fog.
Pikachu's speed decreased.

Now Pikachu has only just mastered the speed move, and the speed has only reached the threshold of speed.

Once it is slowed down, it is natural that it will not be able to perform super speed tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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