He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 908 The air is full of awkward atmosphere

Chapter 908 The air is full of awkward atmosphere
Water City, Pokémon Center.

After dinner, around a local open-air round table, Xiao Zhi and the others gathered together again.

In the distance, you can still vaguely see the sea water on the edge.

On the table, each has half a large iced watermelon.

With the cool sea breeze that can be felt from time to time, the elements of the seaside in summer are directly full.

Several people were chatting casually, sharing their experiences during the day.

"Today's seaside, the sea is really big and white, and the sand is soft and round"

This is Xiaogang's knowledge, and it has no value.


To Xiaozhi's surprise, there was a small blue Pokémon floating on Xiaoxia's shoulder at this moment.

The body is large and its wings are open like a small flying saucer.

The back is dark blue, while the abdomen is light blue, and a pair of short tentacles grows on the head.

Xiao Zhi subconsciously took out the picture book.

"Di Di. Small ball flying fish, water-type and flying-type Pokémon, with a docile and lively personality, often mixed with iron gun fish, and has the ability to carry people to sea for long distances."

Taking back the picture book, Xiao Zhi raised his eyebrows.

The size of this small flying fish is extremely petite, and it should be nearly half the size of a human being described in the illustration, so it is possible to carry a manned voyage.

But the one in front of me is just the size of a small pillow, it looks more like a newborn baby?
The little wings swayed slowly, flying above Xiaoxia's head, resting on her shoulders from time to time, looking very cute.

"Did you take this during the day?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but ask.

Xiaoxia shook her head.

This is naturally the Pokémon hatched from the Pokémon egg that was opened by Master Ah Jin's golden finger.

I don't know if it's because of the climate. In the Chengdu area, the elf eggs of giant-finned flying fish hatch, and they are generally giant-finned flying fish.

But after Ah Jin touched it with the palm of his hand, what hatched this time turned into a more juvenile flying fish.

"By the way, Xiaogang, did your elf egg hatch from before? What kind of Pokémon is it?"

Xiaoxia thought of something, turned her head and asked curiously.

"Uh, an ordinary rock Pokémon"

Xiaogang didn't reveal his flashy Coco Dora.


Master Ajin gave himself a flashing Pokémon, and gave Xiaoxia a mediocre childhood Pokémon. The difference is a bit big.

After some conversation, Xiao Zhi learned that Xiao Xia and Xiao Lan had also gone to the largest museum in the Odomare Center today, and learned a lot about the city's obscure history.

These things are not written on the publicity notices of foreign travel.

"Legend, in a very early time, there was a major disaster in this water capital."

"And this city has powerful weapons that can resist catastrophe. It is said that the key location is the museum."

Xiaoxia stretched her tone, as if she was telling a ghost story, the two of Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were taken aback for a while.

powerful weapon?
"Well, we saw a very domineering thing in the museum~!"

Xiaolan blinked her big eyes and vowed.

She was there and saw a huge old gold metal stand with a console or something
It doesn't look like an artifact, more like a console of some kind of machine?
"And the energy in it is the patron saint of the legendary water city. And a prop called the water droplet of the heart."

"Water droplets of the heart?"

Xiao Zhi read it again in confusion.

And it's outrageous, how come you two have been shopping for a day, it seems that you have stolen the bottom of this city!
"It's said to be an amazing prop, it's hidden somewhere in this city, but no one knows where"

After listening to the silence for a while, everyone looked again at this dim city that had become pitch-black in the night, all with a peculiar feeling.

This is a classical city, and there is no neon dance at night.
After dinner, it gradually became dark and silent.

Seeing that everyone had finished reporting, Xiao Zhi felt that he also needed to say something.

"By the way, in the afternoon, I saw the patron saint of Shuidu in the back field garden, and I even had a fight with him."

Xiao Zhi said in a calm tone.

Pikachu, who had put his whole head in the watermelon on the table, also raised his head.

"Pickup, pickup!"

It means that if the plane hadn't run fast, Pikachu would have slaughtered one more god today.

Three people: "?!"

Why are the things you encounter always so explosive? !

The legendary Pokémon, can you come across easily? !
"Xiaozhi, you must not be dazzled, there are many Pokémon in the Fangyuan area that you have never seen before~?"

Little Blue reminded.

Xiao Zhi was not happy with what he said, and immediately took out the picture book and called up the picture book data of Latios.

On the upper left, the words "Have Met" were marked.

The Pokédex not only has records of "receiving", but also records of "meeting".

This is the best evidence.

Everyone's face changed again.

"Hey!! I knew I was going on an adventure with you in the afternoon, and I also want to meet the legendary patron saint!!"

Xiaolan complained, and the few people next to her also looked quite envious.

Legendary Pokémon are not so easy to see.
At this time, at a table next to Xiao Zhi, two people suddenly came over.

These are two tourist-like women, one with blond ponytail and one with short silver hair, with pretty faces and exquisite dress.

Look at the age of about 17, 18 years old, wearing a casual long dress for tropical tourism.

Even at night, he still wears sunglasses, which looks a little weird.

"Hello, we are tourists visiting the Capital of Water."

"The two of us are also very interested in the legend of the patron saint of the Water City. I wonder if you can talk about what you just said."

The two elder sisters came up with a smile, looking quite friendly and gentle.


This appearance made Xiaogang's body tremble, and he was about to jump up.


However, just when Xiao Zhi was about to say something, the picture book on his waist made a mechanical announcement sound to himself.

"DiDi. The target has been identified. Name: Sanna, Li'an Occupation: Thief. Self-proclaimed number one thief in the world. He likes to steal all kinds of precious treasures. He is currently wanted by the police in the whole region. The reward is."

Sana and Liane: "?!"

The faces of the two men instantly froze in place.

Xiaozhi and others: "."

There was an awkward atmosphere in the air.

Moreover, this feeling gave Xiao Zhi a strong sense of sight. He always felt that Zeng Jin seemed to be somewhere, and this happened?

(End of this chapter)

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