He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 912 Yandi = Lucky Egg

Chapter 912 Yandi = Lucky Egg

"Damn, it's this trick again!"

Ash and Pikachu, who had been attacked by the Sunflower Monster, coughed on the spot with sullen faces.

But the enemies are gone.

"And just now"

Ash frowned, if he read it right just now, that Alydos spider silk should be bound by Latios, right?
In the end what happened?

At this time, the woods next to him made a slight noise, and Xiao Zhi subconsciously turned his head to look.

When I caught my eye, it was the mysterious red-haired maid again.

Only then did Xiaozhi realize that the two angled red hair on the latter's head were somewhat similar to the horns on Latios's head.


It's just that at this moment, the smile on the latter's face is not the smile he had when he was in the museum before, but he looks very panicked.

The timid and agile eyes seemed to be about to fall into tears, and looked at himself quite helplessly.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Just as he was about to walk over, the red-haired maid cautiously slipped back into the woods and disappeared.

In the end, Xiao Zhi could only walk towards his three little friends in confusion.

At this moment, the three of Xiaogang fell to the ground limply and fell asleep.

"Blue Crocodile, it's up to you, use the water gun!!"

Xiao Zhi first released his blue crocodile, intending to flush out the spore powder on the three of them with water.

Pfft.! !
The blue crocodile exerted a little force, and the blue water sprayed out of his mouth covered the three of them. On a hot day, he gave the three of them a bath on the spot.

It's just that Xiaogang and the others still haven't woken up.

Mushroom spores are not sleeping powder, and this level of water flow cannot be removed.

But a little harder, it will hurt the three.

The best way, of course, is to send them to the Pokémon Center, where Miss Joy should have a special medicine for mushroom spores.

"Come back, blue crocodile."

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi could only take back the blue crocodile, and raised his hand to exchange for another Pokémon.

With that Latios in mind, and the mysterious red-haired maid Ash, there is no time to send the three to the Pokémon Center.

Rescue on the spot!


The next moment, a dark brown beast-shaped Pokémon with a majestic lion head appeared in front of Ash.

He is tall and tall, with gray-white volcanic clouds rolling over his back.

"Emperor Yan, use holy flame!!"

Xiao Zhi raised his hand and pointed directly to the ultimate move.


Noticing the state of the three in front of him, Emperor Yan understood, let out a low roar, and began to accumulate strength.

Then he opened his mouth and spit out a bunch of golden-white flames, all of which fell on the three of them.

To outsiders, there is no doubt that Xiao Zhi and Emperor Yan are doing something cruel to make money and kill others, as if they want to burn other people alive.
呲呲呲.! !
It's just that this golden-white flame has a strong healing power, and it doesn't hurt at all.

Not only did the blue crocodile's water flow dry and evaporate, but even in an instant, the mushroom spores left by Paraste were burnt out.

Among them, I don't know how many levels, and the mushroom spores can't touch the sacred flame.

"It's so comfortable!!"

"This feeling is so cool!!"

Even the three of Xiaogang, who woke up leisurely, stretched out in place and let out a happy moan.

As if doing a top-level health care, the skeletal muscles of the whole body have been perfectly cared for.

When the flames dissipated, Xiaoxia and Xiaolan's faces became watery, and their skins were abnormally Q-bombable.

The skin on Xiaogang's face turned directly into silky chocolate that could reflect sunlight.


Just suddenly appearing in front of them, the majestic and meticulous Yan Emperor, shocked the three of them.

The three haven't reacted yet, this is Ash's Pokémon.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhicai smiled in satisfaction and patted Emperor Yan's back.

Carrying Emperor Yan is equivalent to carrying an auspicious egg with you, so that you can perform treatment anytime and anywhere in the future.

Emperor Yan: "."

"Xiaozhi, those two thieves took Latios away!"

Thinking back for a while, the three of Xiaogang reacted to what happened just now and shouted anxiously.

Looking at the battle just now, these two guys are not simple characters.

"Is it really Latios?"

Wen Yan Xiaozhi frowned again.

But now that he knows, he doesn't know what to do next.
Release all the Pokémon first and find the traces of the two thieves?
Da da!

At this time, two figures came running in the direction of the grove, looking rather flustered.

One of them was an old man in work clothes, with a round figure and a big white beard on his face.

Xiao Zhi and several others have the impression that this person seems to be the owner of the central museum.

The second person was a small red-haired girl with a similar age, wearing a short-sleeved skirt and a small white painter's hat on her head.

The red-haired maid? !
This was Ash's first reaction, but he shook his head quickly.

The facial features and hair color are indeed somewhat similar, but the mysterious red-haired maid is taller and has a slightly more mature face.

Moreover, there is no pair of small pointed corners on the hair.

The most important thing is that the red-haired girl in front of him did not give Xiao Zhi a mysterious and ethereal atmosphere.
One old and one young approached a few people.

Just as he was about to say something, standing beside Xiao Zhi, the majestic and huge brown lion beast startled them both.

"Wait a moment?!"

"Emperor Yan.?!"

The two blurted out in surprise.

How did the legendary Pokémon Yandi appear here? !
It looks like it's still a Pokémon from this group of people? !


At this time, the red-haired girl suddenly reminded, and the old man in the museum came back to his senses, passed the crowd, and hurried to a pond not far away.

At the bottom of the pond, a mysterious gully slate is depicted, but at the center, there is a circular hollowed-out gap.

As if something originally on it had been dug up.

"The water droplets of the heart really disappeared?!"

Seeing this, the chubby bearded old man suddenly turned black and sat down on the ground.

Xiao Zhi and his party hurriedly stepped forward and helped him up.

"Canon, the water droplets of the heart, really disappeared"

The red-haired girl named "Canon" also panicked when she heard the words.

"Water droplets of the heart.?"

"Didn't Latios get caught by those people?"

As for the four of them, they were murmuring to each other, and they were still completely confused at the moment.

He thought that the two were coming for Latios, but it turned out to be related to the legendary big treasure, the water drop of the heart.

"Wait, Latios was caught too?!"

Unexpectedly, hearing the key words in Xiaozhi's mouth, the faces of the grandfather and grandson changed again.

This time, even the granddaughter Cannon sat down on the ground, her face extremely gloomy.
(End of this chapter)

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