He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 915 Rockets vs Thief Sisters

Chapter 915 Rockets vs Thief Sisters
"Hey, it's so bright."

At this moment, my sister Liane noticed Latios, who was wrapped in spider silk, and suddenly raised her head.

The position of the eyes also burst out with a strange blue light.

She thought it was going to attack them.

"Hmph, be honest. Go, Pylast!"

Sana just pointed it casually, and said it with disdain.

Pylast, who was beside him, immediately waved his big pliers and approached with a bad look.

One strike slashed diagonally, and slashed straight at Latios.

Knife back cut! !
Then he raised two large tongs, opened them completely, and sprayed a cloud of gray-green air forward.

Mushroom spores! !
The two great skills made this Latios, who was already a candle in the wind, enter the limit state of the last drop of blood on the spot, and fainted.

And the shared vision on Xiaozhi's side was also interrupted and disappeared.


Seeing his brother being attacked like this, Latias immediately panicked and looked at Ash helplessly.

"It's alright, leave it to me next."

Xiaozhi reached out and rubbed the latter's head.

Hmph, these two hateful thieves, old and new grudges must be forgotten together! !

Looking at Ash's firm face, Latias' eyes gradually became firmer.
What Ash and Latias didn't know was that it was only a few minutes after the visual sharing ended.

Two figures suddenly stood in front of Liane and Sana.

One is a man with short blue hair, and the other is a woman with long red hair.

Musashi, Kojiro.

At this moment, the two of them have changed into the uniforms of the Rockets, and posed a handsome posture back to back.


Lianne's face tightened and she blurted out.

"Humph, I really want to hear someone asking. Who?"

This sentence, as if touching an organ, made Kojiro open his palm in front of his ear, making a listening gesture.

"Since you asked the question sincerely!!"

"Then we will tell you mercifully!!"

Having said that, Musashi and Kojiro are about to come up with a set of classic opening remarks.

I don't know when the lines were last spoken, and my mouth was a little unfamiliar for a while.

But the muscle memory is there, and it's still very smooth to say.

"To prevent the world from being destroyed!!"

"To protect the world."

"Alidos, use the poison needle!!"

Before the words were finished, Li Ann chose to attack directly.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The big colorful spider in the back opened its mouth and shot out countless purple poisonous needles at the two of them.

This made Musashi and Kojiro shivered immediately, and hurriedly dodged to the side, only to dodge in embarrassment.

After getting up, Musashi cursed loudly:
"Hey!! You two stinky girls, do you know the rules of the industry!?"

Kojiro added:

"When others read the opening remarks, listen to them honestly!!"

However, the two thieves sisters just akimbo, completely indifferent:
"Where is the rule, we just ignore it."

"Alidos, use the signal beam!!"

Saying that, a terrifying mass of energy condensed from the mouth of that dangerous big spider, and it was about to blow the two of them up.

However, at this time, a Poké Ball on Musashi's waist actually bounced off.

A red light flashed, and this was a blue jelly-like upright Pokémon that appeared in front of Team Rocket.

"Sona sizzle~!"

Sure enough, Weng raised his palm in a salute and lengthened his cry.

"Oh~ Did Weng really want to contribute to the Rockets today?"

Musashi's eyes lit up.

Whoosh! !
The next moment, the signal beam was already coming straight, and the power was not bad.

"Sure enough, weng, then you can go!!"

However, Musashi did not issue any move orders, only a riddle.

"Sona sizzle~!"

Sure enough, Weng let out a long cry again, and a colorful energy shield suddenly appeared on the surface of the blue body.

puff puff! !
The signal beam bombarded Guen Weng's body. After a metaphysical operation, this dark green laser beam was actually reflected back from Guen Weng's body.

reflection of mirror! !
Not only that, but this is a reflection of twice the power, both the power and the speed have skyrocketed a lot.

Whoosh! !

The signal beam hit Alidos directly, causing a violent explosion.

"What the hell?!"

It was the first time Liane and Sana knew of a Pokémon like Weng, and they were taken aback.

"In that case, Pylast, use cross scissors!!"

Seeing that the long-range moves were useless, Sana chose a melee attack this time.

I saw Pylast move quickly on the ground, and finally jumped high, the two tongs made a cross in front of him, and finally slashed heavily on Guen Weng's body.

"Continue on, sure enough, Weng!!"

Musashi continued to lead the way from behind.

She is the trainer of the automatic flow, and is only responsible for the beginning and end of the battle. As for the process, watch the Pokémon play by itself.

"Sona sizzle~!"

However, this time, as expected, a dark red energy shield lit up on Weng's body, and his body became much stronger.

Boom! !
The cross slashed all over the shield.

The next moment, as expected, an extremely terrifying force erupted from Weng's body again, spreading out as much as possible.

Boom! !
It directly blew up the nearest Pylast, and the whole body was instantly blown away, with great power!

Double refund! !

Specular Reflection reflects ranged special moves, while Double Reward reflects melee physical moves.

With the advantage of being able to gain the upper hand in World War I and World War II, Musashi immediately smiled and encouraged him afterward:

"As expected, weng, if you want to do it, you can do it~!"

"Sona sizzle~!"

Sure enough, Weng turned his head and showed a strong movement towards Musashi.

The posture is about to step forward and completely rebound the opponent's attack.

But as expected, Weng is a patient Pokémon, and he doesn't have any active attack moves. He can only wait for the latter's attack, and then wait for an opportunity to fight back.

"Damn. In that case, Alidos, use spinning!!"

However, Lianne quickly came up with an idea and hurriedly instructed.

Sure enough, she hadn't seen Weng, but she had seen the two moves, mirror reflection and double-bong.

Both of them only have the ability to bounce back and have a damage effect.

But if it's a move that doesn't hurt.
Whoosh whoosh! !


The whistling whistling made Weng feel at a loss for a while, not knowing whether to choose double return or mirror reflection.


The next moment, Weng was shot in the face, and his body fell.

The entangled spider silk completely wrapped it into a large white sandbag, unable to move.

"Sure enough!"

The expressions of Musashi and Kojiro in the back suddenly changed greatly.

Contrary to them, Liane and Sana were elated as if they had won a battle.



The dangerous Paraste and Alydos leaned on them even more, with bad eyes.

Although Weng's moves are indeed powerful, it is not enough to win or lose with one move.
 Thanks to the 100-coin reward from the mechanic, Goddess!
(End of this chapter)

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