He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 921 Departure, Fangyuan District!

Chapter 921 Departure, Fangyuan District! (New chapter, please subscribe!)
early morning.

Rumble.! !
Xiao Zhi was tidying up in his room for a while, and the entire second floor of the small house trembled slightly.

Today is the day he officially went to the Fangyuan area.

"Prop, Poké Ball."

Whatever he collected along the way, regardless of whether it was useful or not, Xiaozhi stuffed it into his backpack.


Pikachu just fell on the head of the bed and looked at his trainer unknowingly.

However, today's Pikachu is quite happy to be able to venture to a new place soon.

"Bah, ah, ah~!"

At the door, the sucker puppet was already knocking on the door, and Xiao Zhi put the entire backpack on his back and hurriedly walked downstairs with Pikachu.

Seems to be late again.

This time, their starting point was still Kuye City, and they took a long-distance cruise ship to the Fangyuan area.

But downstairs, Hanako was already waiting for Ash at the stairway.

In his hands, he also held a new set of clothes and hats.

"Xiaozhi, since we're going to a new place for adventure, I can't continue wearing this outfit~"

Hanako said with a smile.


Before Ash's words were finished, Hanako had already shoved the coat and hat into Ash's hands and pushed him into a room with her backhand.

"Hurry up and change your clothes, don't make Xiao Lanjiang wait too long!"

Hanako reminded loudly outside the door.

Xiao Zhi just changed his clothes for a while, and then looked at himself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror next to him.

The upper body is a blue hooded sleeveless top, revealing the short sleeves of the black bottoming shirt underneath.

The lower body is a pair of blue-gray trousers, and also put on a pair of blue-black sneakers.

The original red and white peaked cap was replaced by a red and black cap this time.

Overall, it seems that he has grown a few years older and has become more mature.


Pikachu didn't even recognize Ash's new look.

"Then keep going, and win another trophy~!"

Seeing her son come out, Hanako smiled and encouraged.

Xiao Zhi, who originally wanted to say something, finally got a condensed expression, and said in a deep voice:

"I'll keep working hard, Mom!!"

In the end, Ash just put on his luggage, took Pikachu, and left the house.

At the door, Xiao Lan has been waiting for a long time.

At this moment, the latter has also changed into new clothes.

Wearing a red sleeveless top with a cute pattern and a pair of light blue denim shorts, showing a pair of white thighs, she is youthful and beautiful.

On his head, he still wears the white Poké Ball sun hat.

The long brown hair, this time, was tied into two twisted braids by Xiao Lan, and fell down in front of the shoulders.

This is a new type of clothes that Bilan specially bought for Xiaolan in the water capital. It is said that the entire Fangyuan area has a large proportion of ocean area, which is suitable for such a tropical dress.

On his shoulders, there is also a strange and varied monster with thick eyebrows and big eyes.


Looking at Xiao Zhi in the new look, Xiao Lan couldn't help blushing.

But he quickly looked away and threw a Pokeball with his backhand.

"We're going to be late, Ash!"

The flame bird that appeared on the stage, with two claws like catching two steamed buns, caught Xiaozhi and Xiaolan and spread their wings, flying towards the north of Zhenxin Town.

The current flame bird has been completely regarded as a flying vehicle by Xiaolan.

And the two of them came all the way to Vibrant Forest. Here, Xiaogang has been waiting for a long time.

The latter did not change any clothes.
For a man with Gang Yi's rock will, his appearance and clothes are not important, what matters is a strong heart.

"Come out, Shirabi!!"

Then Ash chanted loudly towards the empty forest.

The current Shirabi is also completely regarded by Xiaozhi as a teleportation tool at the door of the house.

After a while, with a strong green light flashing, Shirabi, like a elf in the forest, appeared in front of everyone.


It rubbed its little hands and licked its lips, as if expecting something.

"Shi Rabi, hurry up and take us to Dry Leaf City. We're going to be late. Roast duck or something, next time."

With a backhand, Ash drew a big pie for Shirabi.


In the rather unhappy expression, in the end, the rabbi still waved his little finger and sent the three people in front of him away together.

I hope Xiaozhi remembers that he still owes himself a roast duck next time.
after an hour.

After some setbacks, Xiao Zhi and his party had already boarded a long-distance cruise ship.

From the deck at the stern, I looked at the city of Dead Leaves, which gradually disappeared behind me.

New regions await their adventures!
"By the way, Xiaozhi, how many Pokémon did you bring this time?"

On the deck, Xiaogang couldn't help but ask.

It was strange that he only had the shiny cocodola and a tree on him.

This time, Xiaogang intends to subdue a few support-type Pokémon.

"My Pokémon?"

Ash tilted his head.

If you don't count Brother Chi's Pokémon, the Pokémon on him now
Pikachu on his shoulders, Dark Lugia in silver feathers, and Entei, Latias.

Xiaogang & Xiaolan: "."


"Oh, and this guy."

Xiao Zhi thought of something and took out an elf egg from his backpack.

This is the egg of the flame chicken that Ye Yue gave him at the Silver Conference.

Well, it should be called a turkey's egg.

After Ah Jin's full power and consecration, this will be the most perfect turkey!


At this moment, the elf egg was shaking from time to time, and even if it was not against the eggshell, a faint heartbeat could be heard.

This means that this little guy is expected to hatch in the next few days.

"Start my journey with the three families in the Fangyuan area."

Xiaozhi carefully put it back into his backpack, and looked towards the unknown ocean, his eyes seemed extremely fiery.

Now he has a level of combat power comparable to that of the King of Heaven.
The next goal is to become the strongest king, or even the champion!

"I hope to see more powerful opponents in the Fangyuan area!"

The cruise ship will take about three days to sail, but at this moment, Xiao Zhi can't wait.

"Oh, by the way, Xiaozhi, this is for you."

At this time, Xiaolan also remembered something, and returned the water droplet from the heart that Bilan had cut off earlier to Xiaozhi.

"Water droplets of the heart? Why are you here?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows.

After listening to Xiaolan's description, his face turned even darker.

As expected of the blue-blue boss, his actions are completely unpredictable.

However, the water droplets of the heart are not in a hurry to send them back to the water capital.

After all, there are still two years left in the agreement with him. During this period of time, Latios should still be in the stage of challenging others of his kind with joy.

It is estimated that it will take a few days before you will start to be bored and tired, and then you will be done by sending it back by yourself.

Bring it to your Latias first.

(End of this chapter)

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