He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 926 Xiaozhi vs Yushu!

Chapter 926 Xiaozhi vs Yushu!
"Huo Chi, I will give you good advice next time."

Ash took out an empty Poké Ball and stretched it towards the newly hatched turkey chick.


The latter chick pecking rice clicked on the button of the pokeball, and was sucked into it instantly, and did not resist.

After a while, the shaking stopped.

"Okay, my first Pokémon in the Fangyuan area was successfully captured!!"

Ash's expression was overjoyed, and he held the Poke Ball tightly in his hand.

He also has his own royal family in the Fangyuan area!

But at this time, Yushu came up and took the initiative to say:

"How about it, Ash from Zhenxin Town, would you like to be my first opponent after becoming a trainer?"

These words made everyone turn their attention to Yushu.

The smashed rock from the water jumping fish just now doesn't look like a rookie trainer.

"No, today is the first day I fought with the water leaping fish."

Yuuki saw everyone's doubts and explained.

I just got the water jumping fish a month ago and put it back into the computer. Today is indeed the first day.

But it was already noon now, and Yuuki had been training with his water jumping fish for a while in the morning.

"If that's the case, of course I won't admit defeat!"

Just got a new Pokémon, Xiao Zhi naturally won't give in, and agreed on the spot.

So the group walked out of the research institute in a hustle and bustle.

Weibai Town, the modern scale of this small town is much higher than that of Zhenxin Town, but the Odamaki Research Institute is on the edge of the town, and there is an empty space behind it.


The only remaining wooden Shougong seemed to have heard some keywords. Using the suction cups on his limbs, he secretly climbed up to the roof of the institute and observed secretly.

The open space behind the institute.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi and Yushu were separated by a few meters, standing in opposite positions.

"This person is a bit weird, um, let's test this guy first."

Xiao Zhi looked at Yushu and thought about it in his heart.

Unlike Xiaoyao's pure rookie, this one named Yushu obviously has something, more like a "game boss".

But again, this time Chi still didn't notice anything.

It is a normal person and one soul, and there is no extra grandfather parasitic.

It's just that he knows that he has completed the Heavenly King Challenge, and he still chooses to challenge himself either because he is extremely arrogant or extremely confident.

This calm guy is more like the latter.

"Then the rules of the game are 1v1, and if one side loses its fighting ability, the winner will be decided."

Xiaogang stood in the middle and acted as a referee.

However, Yuuki waved his hand and suggested:
"It's still 2v2 today."

Hearing that, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were stunned for a moment, and secretly asked if he had a second Pokémon.


Xiaozhi agreed, and without thinking much, he threw his Pokeball with his backhand.

The next moment, the newly hatched fire chick appeared in front of Xiao Zhi again.

Generally, newly hatched Pokémon need to go through the baby stage for at least a week before they can start training or fighting.


But the young turkey in front of him was clearly fighting spirit. Although he did not stretch out his strong arms and legs like a strong chicken, he could only flap his tender wings, but he was still full of fighting spirit.

"Then my first Pokémon, Water Leap, is ready for battle!"

Youshu raised his hand and pointed, and the simple and honest water jumping fish beside him jumped onto the battlefield.

In terms of attributes, turkeys are at an absolute disadvantage.

But if they are all novice Pokémon, this attribute restraint effect will be much weaker.

The battle begins!
"Fire chick, use sparks!!"

Ash took the lead in attacking.

I saw the turkey chick shaking its neck, the flat yellow beak trembled for a while, and suddenly spewed out a few balls of flame.

"The power is much stronger than ordinary fireworks."

Seeing this, Ash nodded secretly, although the power and the jet flame can't be compared, but it's enough.

It seems that Master Ajin has given him enough material!
Yushu said calmly:
"Water Leaping Fish, use the wave of water!"

Xiaozhi: "?!"

Looking at the mouth of the Pokémon in front of him, a blue water energy bullet had begun to condense, and Xiao Zhi's face changed.

Wait a minute, isn't this the level 5 hydroponics I just received? !

Boom! !

When the blue water bombs hit, they easily extinguished a few strands of flames and continued to whistle.

"Get out of the way!!"

Feeling a great threat, this fire chick could only hurriedly dodge to one side.

After being hit by such a shot, it is estimated that it will not be possible to fight on the spot.

However, the fire chick's movements are quite flexible, but it completely avoids the fluctuation of the water.


Not only that, but then, a burst of red light appeared directly on Huo Chi.

This makes the latter's body movements more agile.

"This is.?"

It was the first time Xiao Zhi saw such a scene, and he didn't realize it.

However, the picture book on the waist automatically reminded.

"DiDi, turkey chicken feature: acceleration, as the battle time goes on, its own speed will gradually increase."

Hearing that, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and it seemed that he was a turkey with hidden characteristics.

Similar to the blue crocodile before him, the characteristic is not the regular torrent of the Royal Three Pokémon, but the forced characteristic.

Acceleration and increasing speed during battle can be said to be a powerful feature specially designed for battle!

"Water Leaping Fish, continue to use the wave of water!!"

On the other side, Yuki launched the attack again.

Speeding up the flame chicken, no, it's still speeding up the flame chicken, he naturally knew it, but he didn't expect Xiao Zhi to have such luck.

Boom! !
Boom! !
Several water bombs came in a row, and this time the turkey moved its chicken feet again, constantly changing positions to dodge, but it was much easier to see the movements than before.

Every time the water fluctuations are avoided, the speed of the fire chick is increased again, which in turn makes the dodging action more swift.


After several shots in a row, Yuuki finally frowned.

It's not that he doesn't use other moves, but his water leaping fish, which currently only has four moves: impact, water gun, water fluctuation and rock breaking.

The latter two were naturally learned using the CD-ROM move recorder that was picked up.

But this world is not a game world, there is no such thing as a one-time use, and even if there is a CD, it takes time to learn.

Looking at the speeding fire chick now, even if the water jumping fish is one step ahead, it is at a disadvantage.


Water Leaping Fish looked at the figure of the turkey chick jumping left and right, and his heart was in chaos.

No matter what happened to Yuuki, it was the first time that the water jumping fish had fought and he was inexperienced.

On the other hand, the Fire Chick on the other end showed the bloody fighting spirit of Fire-type Pokémon, and his momentum continued to rise.

"In that case, use the water gun to sweep!!"

Yuuki quickly changed his mind.

If it is a sweep, the dodge of the left and right lateral jumps will also lose its effect.

Youshu's calm voice made Shui Yueyu calm down.

puff puff! !
The mouth opened, and the blue water column spurted out. With the movement of the head, the water gun also swept away, blocking the movement trajectory of the turkey chick.

(End of this chapter)

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