He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 941 Team Rocket Forced into Despair

Chapter 941 Team Rocket Forced into Despair
Leaving Route 104, Xiao Zhi and his party officially entered the Orange Forest.

It's not as closed as the tung forests in the Joto area, but it's not as open as the Joban forests in the Kanto area.

There are obvious narrow entrances and exits all around, and most of the trees in the forest are also squat old rattan trees, obscuring the sky.

The three of Ash walked among the jungle.

"Bah~!" "Qiabo~!"

He even released the newly conquered Aogu Yan and the turkey chicken to accompany him.

Naturally, the most Pokémon in the forest are insect-type and grass-type, which were defeated by two people.

Moreover, there are still many young insect-catchers in the Chenghua Forest, which is just the right time to take the opportunity to practice the level.

"Yo-Polo, Use Foam Rays!!"

Xiaolan took a fancy to a kind of Pokémon called Doi Ninja, and dispatched the water spider he had just captured, intending to capture it. "Wait a minute, that Pokémon is"

Xiaogang saw a lazy brown sloth Pokémon lying on the edge of the jungle.

The two of them were in full swing, so Xiaozhi could only grit his teeth, forcibly ignore it, and concentrate on the trainers Aoguyan and Huozhiji.

I can't get enough of chewing, and now the top priority is to increase the power of these two Pokémon as soon as possible.

Xiaozhi intends to let them play next, the first gym in Kanaz City!

Compared to Xiao Zhi and his party, they are full of energy.

The words are divided into two parts, and the Rockets trio have encountered a major crisis in their lives.

At this moment, Musashi Kojiro Meow, has successfully arrived in the Fangyuan area, and also came to the Orange Flower Forest.

This forest is not small, and it is exactly opposite to Ash and his party.

But at this moment, in front of the three of them, there was another big black python.

His eyes were blood red, and a pair of red slender fangs grew outward from the corners of his mouth.

The black snake belt has golden patterns, and at the end is a sharp tail that looks like a long knife and dagger.


The tongue letter spit out, blocking the way of the three, and made a threatening voice.

"I remember this kind of Pokémon called Rice Spoon Snake."

Kojiro had already pulled out an illustrated book note and quickly identified it.

With Miaomiao present, the three of them could naturally understand the meaning of this wild rice spoon snake blocking the road.

"He said to hand over all your food and submit to him, so that he will accept us as little brothers today."

Before Miaomiao's translation was finished, Musashi was the first to disagree, and immediately scolded:
"It's just a little snake, do you want us to surrender too!?"

"Yes, we are the great Rockets, only you can surrender to us!"

Kojiro also stood up.


Hearing this, this wild rice spoon snake was provoked, its originally funny and curved eyes narrowed, and its figure was close to the ground and quickly walked through.

When he came to him, he swept his body out violently.

The end of the dagger-shaped tail has already condensed a penetrating purple light.

Poison tail! !
"Damn, go, Abel monster!"

"Double bomb gas, kill it!!"

Musashi Kojiro hurriedly touched his Poké Ball, but only after the two of them made a move did he realize that his proud trump card was not on him at the moment.

Team Rocket actually has a Pokémon gold-plated training program every year.

As long as the Pokémon of Team Rocket members are in the organization, they can apply for participation after one year of registration.

When they came to the Fangyuan area this time, the two temporarily sent their Arbo monster and double-bomb gas to the headquarters to study gold plating.

At this time they were carrying it.
The Poké Ball on Musashi's waist bounced off automatically, and sure enough, Ong suddenly appeared in front of Musashi.

Two people, with only one of them.


As soon as the result came out, a mighty poisonous tail slapped at it, so frightened that Weng shuddered.

On the surface of the body, the muscle memory lit up with a burst of red light, turning into an energy film.

The next moment, the poisonous tail of the rice spoon snake swept in!

Without any resistance in front of them, Kojiro and Miaomiao were beaten by this poisonous tail on the spot, and they were slammed into the air and fell to the unknown section of Chenghua Forest.

On the other hand, Musashi hurriedly hid behind Guen Weng, and only escaped the catastrophe.

Bang Bang! !
The poisonous tail slashed hard at Guen Weng's face, but it was just stuck there.


Sure enough, after Weng Gao snorted, a terrifying red light energy burst out in an instant.

Double refund! !

Boom! !
The body of the Rice Spoon Snake was blasted out like this.

"Haha, as expected of a real man~! Always so trustworthy!!"

Seeing this, Musashi jumped out immediately, akimbo and laughed.

But this blow did not make the rice spoon snake lose its fighting ability.


After getting up, Rice Spoon Snake curled up even more, becoming extremely cautious, sly eyes staring at Guen Weng tightly.

Obviously, this rice spoon snake is not only of high rank, but also very outstanding in wisdom.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The next moment, the Snake Rice Spoon suddenly opened its mouth, and countless purple spikes flew out.

Poison needle!

But sure enough, Weng's action was one step faster, and mirror reflection had already been turned on one step ahead.

Da da da.!!
After suffering this blow, after a crisp collision sound, Weng also spurted out countless poisonous needles, and the power doubled.

Snapped! !

However, with just a sweep of its tail, the rice spoon snake completely smashed countless poisonous needles into pieces.

Poison needles are very low in power, even if they are doubled, they are not high.

It was only when Suren Weng and the enemy looked at each other again, but the eyes of the rice spoon snake lit up with an extremely dangerous light, which made Suren Weng feel as if he was locked, and it was difficult to move for a while.

The sound of electric current sounded, and sure enough, arcs lit up on Weng's body.

The big snake glared, causing Weng to enter a state of paralysis.

"Hey, this is a foul, you have to attack directly!!"

The auto-flow trainer Musashi immediately scolded loudly, the non-damaging skill of Orochi's glaring, sure enough, Weng was completely useless.

Puff chi chi.!!
However, the action of the rice spoon snake was not over yet, and when it opened its mouth, it spit out a thick cloud of dark fog, which surrounded Guen Ong and Musashi together.


The surrounding field of vision was reduced to a minimum, which made Weng in a mess for a while.

The red light that was tit-for-tat, and the colorful light reflected from the mirror, switched repeatedly, even if Weng did not know what attack the enemy would launch.

He didn't even know the location, and was completely played by the other party in applause.

puff! !

The next moment, the Rice Spoon Snake broke out of the ground at Guen Weng's feet, and instantly brought the distance to a minimum.

Whoosh! !
With a blow to the poisonous tail, it smashed hard on Guen Weng's back.

The sneak attack was extremely violent, and this time, Weng hadn't reacted yet and responded with a tit-for-tat block, and the strong impact smashed it out on the spot.

Wait until the smoke clears.

At this moment, this wild rice spoon snake had already wrapped around Musashi's body, and in several laps, the latter's limbs were completely locked and tightened.


His head was twisted upwards, his tongue twitched, passing over Musashi's face from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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