He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 953 Dewen Company

Chapter 953 Dewen Company
"These two guys"

Seeing that Huo Zhiji and Mu Shou Gong were about to fight, Xiao Zhi hurriedly took them back together.

Originally, I was thinking of using the Kanaz Gym as a pedal to see if I could evolve one of the two and gain new powers.

It's just that Mu Shougong and Huo Chi actually overcame their own shortcomings and forcibly completed the battle.

"Then this is the spoils of the game."

On the other end, Du Juan also retracted his defeated nose towards the north and walked slowly.

It seems that the knowledge in books is still far from enough.

After today's battle, Du Juan also saw that the young man in front of him was by no means a simple novice trainer.

"Tsk tsk, it's just why this year is so strange.?"

Du Juan thought to himself.

A few days ago, she was defeated by a trainer named Yuuki with an overwhelming advantage.

The Swamp Leaping Fish controlled by the latter, don't look at it's appearance.

But whether it is the destructive power of water flow or her own physical fighting power, it is not her north-facing nose that can touch porcelain.

The next day, before she could recover, another cute brown-haired girl appeared to challenge her, and she seemed to be a novice trainer.

It's just that the opponent's Pokémon level is not high, but not long after the battle started, Du Juan was completely brought into his own rhythm by the opponent, and he was easily defeated again.


Thinking of this, Du Juan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the past two weeks, Ash is actually the fourth challenger.

The third challenger before this was a green-haired boy who looked rather delicate and thin.

However, this novice trainer gave Du Juan a lot of confidence, and the magnetic force of the north-facing nose completely confused the latter.

"Is this the rock badge.?"

Xiaozhi didn't know what Du Juan was thinking, he just looked at the small badge that the latter handed over.

The ancient golden badge is square as a whole, but it is divided into two parts from the middle, and there is a circular metal in the center connecting the squares on both sides. The shape is quite strange.

More like a cracked rock.

Ash quickly and carefully put it into his badge box.

When he signed up for the Fangyuan Regional Alliance Competition in Chenghua City before, Miss Joy gave him this prop.

"Then let's walk slowly, everyone."

After completing the mission of the master of the gymnasium, Du Juan nodded solemnly to everyone, and then went back to greet his students.

Damn, I lost all three battles, I'm a little embarrassed today
It seems that we should focus more on actual combat in the future!

Well, there is also the event that the north-facing nose gets the egg that the Pokédex said earlier.

After all, what he said was still a little short, and he had to act in case of trouble. Du Juan planned to subdue a north-facing nose to experiment.

"Miss Rhododendron, it's our turn to go deeper."

Seeing that Xiaozhi's affairs came to an end, Xiaogang had already put on a pink filter and flashed in front of Du Juan.

"Haha. I'm sorry, I still have a large group of students to take care of today."

Du Juan just politely and euphemistically declined Xiaogang's invitation.

This black man looks like he is not very serious.

After saying that, he took a group of students and left in a hurry, leaving Xiaogang imprisoned in place like a petrification.

"It's okay, teacher, you still have us."

Xiaolan patted the latter's shoulder and comforted.

"Yes, next we are going to Devon Company. I heard that the boss there is a rock-savvy brother. You can have an in-depth exchange with him."

Xiao Zhi also added.

In his hand, he is weighing the rare stone that he obtained on Route 104 before, and he can trouble Dewen Company to help identify it later.

Leaving the gym, everyone walked towards the west side of the city.

The headquarters building of Devon Corporation is located on the west side of Kanaz City, just in a symmetrical arrangement with Kanaz Gym on the east side.

As for the Kalu Tunnel in the east of Kanaz City, it was temporarily banned.

It was a dead end to go, so everyone planned to turn back to the Chenghua Forest later, find the old man Hachi on the side of the forest entrance, and take a boat to the next city.

Soon, the three came to a magnificent five or six-story high-rise building, which was the headquarters of Devon Corporation.

Most of the buildings in Kanaz City are 2 or 3 low-rise buildings, which seem to stand out from the crowd.

Just from the outside, it looks more like a super-large mansion villa than an office building, which looks quite luxurious.

Devon is an old company, many years ago, it started by mining iron ore and refining steel.

It is also known as the two largest private companies in the Fangyuan area with Da Zijin Company, which was focused on the energy field at that time.

Only a few decades ago, due to unknown reasons, Da Zijin Company declared bankruptcy and disappeared.

Since then, Devon has also joined the development of new energy fields.

Next, the rising stars of the Lava Team and the Ocean Team will compete with the Devon Company.

In the Kanto region, the largest private company, Silver Corporation, was even easily occupied by a subsidiary organization of the Rockets, the Rainbow Group.

However, in the Fangyuan area, Dewen Company did not advise the latter at all.

Now the son of the president of Devon Corp. Zvqi is the most powerful league champion.

Although the ex.

This alone, at least on the bright side, the Lava Team and the Ocean Team, who started out with the underworld, dare not touch the Ci Dewen Company.

In terms of the strongest combat power, they can't beat Daigo either.

Of course, private hackers will still come out.
The three looked at each other and pushed open the door to enter.

"Three benefactors, you are finally here~!!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the door, a researcher man with a body like a telephone pole ran towards him.

It was the researcher that Xiao Zhi and the three met in the Orange Forest before.

He had known for a long time that the three had arrived in Kanaz City, and had been waiting for the three at the gate.

"Then let me introduce myself formally. I am a fossil research expert from Dewen Company. My name is Hikawa Sashou."

He bowed formally to the three.

Hearing this name, Xiao Zhi was slightly taken aback, he seemed to have heard this surname before.

Seems to be related to fossils too?
"Humph, our Dewen company has the world's top fossil resurrection technology. Even with a broken fossil that was thousands of years old, a new Pokémon can be born!"

Speaking of this, Hikawa Sashou's tone was very proud.

huh huh!
At this time, he sniffed his nose, as if he had smelled something.

Finally, he turned his eyes to Xiaogang among the three, who was as bright as a cat smelling fishy.

"This little brother from the Hezhong area, you seem to be carrying a fossil on your body~?"

It was an emergency in Chenghua Forest before, but he didn't use his keen sense of smell for fossils.

Xiaogang: "."

Damn, I'm a pure-blooded Kanto!

There are also dark people in the Kanto region!
(End of this chapter)

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