He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 961 Conquer, lobster soldier!

Chapter 961 Conquer, lobster soldier!
The lobster soldier, who was kicked away, finally struggled to get up.

This kind of Pokémon is extremely tenacious, even in muddy swamps or polluted waters, it can live tenaciously without a single KO.

Only the head was kicked dizzy.


But soon, the lobster soldier's eyes narrowed, and he started to raise countless dust again, and sprinted quickly on the sand.

Humans are not easy to mess with, then kill those two dwarf Pokémon first!
This time, the lobster soldier set his sights on the turkey chicken and Mu Shougong who were still fighting with each other.

The attention of these two guys has always been on each other, not paying attention to the changes in the outside world at all.

Chu Chu Chu! !

The two didn't react until the lobster soldier rolled up countless dust and rushed to the front with an unusually fierce ferocity.


Mu Shougong looked annoyed, and he sprayed the seed machine gun with a single blow in his backhand.

Where did the red shell lobster come from? !

"Hey hey hey!!"

It's just that it was a machine gun with attribute restraint, and the dense and rapid green light bullets shot away, but they were all blocked by the lobster soldier while waving the shrimp pliers on the left.

On the surface of the other shrimp tongs, a layer of water energy has already lingered.

In the end, he jumped up and hit the crab claw hammer with great force.

Mu Shougong was also shocked by the violent momentum of the latter, so he could only protect his hands in front of him and forcibly blocked it.

Whoosh! !
Although the effect was mediocre, the strong force of the Crab Claw Hammer still knocked Mu Shougong out a few meters.


This scene made the turkey beside him laugh again and again, mocking him without hesitation.


Mu Shougong wasn't angry yet, the wild lobster soldier was annoyed first, and immediately turned the gun and aimed directly at the chicken next to him.

Seeing the enemy rushing in again, the turkey chicken quickly raised its chicken feet, ready to use the kick to attack the lobster soldier's lower plate.

Wow wow wow.!
Unexpectedly, at this time, the surface of the red shell of the lobster soldier was suddenly covered with a layer of water flow energy.

At this moment, the whole body turned into a bunch of sharp and straight water arrows, which rushed up with a "whoosh" sound.

Water jet! !
This is a preemptive move, and the speed is terrifying. Just one step ahead of the fire chick, it is hitting the latter's chest.

The effect is outstanding! !
Coupled with the fierce strength, it also knocked the turkey several meters away, rolling back and forth on the sand.


The successful lobster soldier, wielding two big pincers, showed off his power like a champion.

"This lobster soldier is amazing"

After breaking free from Latias' shackles, Ash got up and couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

Previously, Latias pressed his entire body against his face, almost suffocating.

However, this wild lobster soldier was able to gain the upper hand even with a pair of two, and Xiao Zhi immediately wanted to subdue it.

It just so happened that at this moment, the fire attribute grass attribute was all in the team, and there was only one water attribute general.



But on the other end, Mu Shougong and the turkey chickens, who had climbed up from the sand, all showed angry expressions.

Was humiliated by a red-shelled lobster today?

The two looked at each other and temporarily gave up the civil war once again.

The fire chick opened its mouth and tried to shoot out sparks to attack the latter.

Boom! !

It's just that when the fireworks exit, they are actually connected together, and the scale instantly expands several times, turning into a flaming beam of light that twists and turns away.

Flame vortex! !
Flying out, the flame vortex instantly surrounded the lobster corps, burning hot.


It's just that the lobster soldier in the flames swayed his body, swayed two big tongs, and even sang songs in the fire. He was not affected by the raging flames at all, and he was very proud.


Just the next moment, the lobster soldier suddenly noticed that the sand under him suddenly began to tremble.

Taking a closer look, Mu Shougong did not know when it had come under him, and the green body was actually completely integrated with the surrounding gray-brown sand.

When the lobster soldier reacted, Mu Shougong slammed his arm on the ground.

Swoosh! !
With one kick, it hit the lobster soldier's chin hard, and the whole shrimp was directly lifted into the air.

The turkey chick on the other end was already ready to go, jumped up, and even got on top of the lobster soldier's head.

Whoosh! !
Immediately afterwards, the chicken claws were suddenly stretched out, and in a swooping stance, they stomped heavily on the face of the lobster soldier.

bounce! !
The latter's figure suddenly lifted off like a ball and landed heavily.


Mu Shougong didn't even forget to make up for the last move, pulling out the wooden thorn at the corner of his mouth, and the seed machine gun shot again and again towards the position where the lobster soldier was backward.

On the island, a powerful explosion was finally provoked, stirring up countless sand and dust.

After doing all this, Mu Shougong simply took the thorn back into his mouth neatly.

The turkey chicken on the side was jumping proudly in place.

"So cruel."

The smoke cleared, and Xiao Zhi couldn't help smacking his tongue when he looked at the lobster soldier with his legs turned upside down and whining in the sand.

These two guys don't look at the ferocity of internal fighting. External warfare is even more ruthless!


Seeing the lobster soldier who fell to the ground and couldn't fight, Ash reacted and hurriedly threw an empty Pokeball.

"It's up to you!!"

The Poké Ball was thrown and hit the Lobster Minion.

The red light flashed, sucked it into it, and after shaking it three times back and forth, there was no struggle at all.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was overjoyed, the strength of this lobster soldier is not bad, especially the rush of fire, which is quite suitable for Xiaozhi's appetite.

Going forward to pick up the Poké Ball, Xiao Zhi hurriedly released it.


At the moment, the lobster soldier is still in a state of confusion.

On the red shrimp shell and the big oval white eyes, there are only small black pupils like beans.

Looking at the head of the lobster soldier up close, there is actually a feeling of dementia.

"How about Lobster Soldier, would you like to be my Pokémon and go on a trip together?"

Ash squatted down and rubbed the hard shell of the lobster soldier.

Get on the bus first, then make up the ticket.

The latter was confused for a while, and then nodded dizzily.

The lobster soldier is free to do whatever he wants. Since he was subdued, he didn't think about struggling, so he just lay down.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi was overjoyed again, holding the lobster soldier's body and spinning in place.

Now his new lineup in the Fangyuan area has taken shape.

The classic Pikachu formation, the basic three attributes of water, fire and grass, plus a house bird and a Pokémon, six are complete.

"Xiao Zhi, it's time for dinner~!"

In the distance, there was Xiaogang's voice. They didn't know that they had encountered the bandit lobster soldier just now.
(End of this chapter)

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