He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 967 Wild mouth baby

Chapter 967 Wild mouth baby
The cave of stone, the ground floor.

In the cave, the surrounding light has become dim, and it is not as spacious as the cave at the top when you first entered.

Irregularly protruding or folded stone pillars made the forward movement of the three of Xiaozhi not too fast.

According to the introduction of the illustrated book, if you count the first floor of the surface of the cave of stone, there are four floors in total.

Between each floor, there are natural stepped stone platforms connected.


At this moment, Pikachu maintained a flashing move with stable power, illuminating the surroundings like a yellow light bulb, allowing the three of them to clearly see the scene in a radius of five or six meters.

This cave is not a dead hole, and there are many wild Pokémon inhabiting it.

For example, a small purple beast appeared not far in front of Xiao Zhi, with an upright body and sharp claws, like a little devil, and his eyes were a pair of blue jewel eyes.


Seeing a human being approaching, this ecstasy immediately ran away, looking very timid.

"Is it a Pokémon from the Fangyuan area? This is the first time I've seen it."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but sighed and said that he didn't have time to take out the picture book, so he could only widen his eyes and look around curiously.


Not long after advancing, a Pokémon that looked like a little fat human, had a pale yellow body, narrowed eyes, and slapped with blue-black fists.

It seems to be practicing boxing.

"Under the Curtain. Is this the previous stage of the Iron Palm?"

Xiaozhi was secretly amazed, it seems that Mr. Teng Shu's Iron Palm might be captured here.

Of course, the most Pokémon in the cave is undoubtedly the supersonic bat.

Whether it is in the Kanto region or Fangyuan region, the caves are filled with many wild supersonic bats, hanging upside down on the ceiling of the rock wall and taking a nap.

"Wu doesn't seem to have a big mouth baby on this floor."

After strolling around the basement floor, Xiao Lan used Pikachu's light source to look at the picture book in her hand, and she couldn't help frowning her beautiful eyebrows.

Her illustrated book was also upgraded by Dr. Damu, and a new feature unique to the Fangyuan area was added to the illustrated book.

Query the distribution function of wild Pokémon.

Enter #query big mouth baby.

That is, when the owner of the illustrated book arrives at the habitat of the target Pokémon, he can display the specific hiding location of the individual Big Mouth doll.

Of course, the hints given are only the largest possible hiding spots, not 100%. The database data comes from the black technology research of Devon.

"It seems that Pokémon like Big Mouth Baby are not common even in this habitat."

Xiaogang sighed, his eyes also looking around.

At this moment, the shining Coco Dora walked in front of him, but until now, he has not seen any wild kind, but has seen a lot of small fist stones.

"By the way, Mr. Dawu, is it really in such a place?"

Xiao Zhi scratched his head, puzzled.

Compared with Dazuiwa, he still cares more about Dawu's position
It's just that this cave of stone doesn't seem to be anything special. A former league champion, what's the purpose of coming here?

When the previous few people first arrived in Wudou Town, they had already heard it from the locals. A few days ago, they had seen the champion Dawu enter the cave and never came out.

Now, it should still be deep in the cave.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up, he regained his energy, and dragged the two of them towards the position of the stone platform on the second basement floor.
"Dip! Found the big mouth baby!"

Before walking far, Xiaolan's picture book suddenly made a sound.

The three of them shook their heads, quickly stuck their heads out, and looked around at the corners of the surrounding rock walls.


Pikachu even increased his flash power, and immediately illuminated all the positions of more than ten meters in a radius.

At this moment, Pikachu's body is so bright and dazzling that Mu Shougong next to him dare not look directly.

It is light.

However, everyone's attention is now on the corner of a cave not far ahead, and no one pays attention to Pikachu.

At this moment, a short upright Pokémon was lying on the side of a stone pillar, carefully looking at everyone.

The yellow head body is like a little human girl, and the lower body is a yellow wrinkled skin that looks like a hakama.

The limbs and the top of the head are black, with black bangs similar to watermelon heads on the head, and black strips that fall to the sides.

This hairstyle is somewhat similar to Xiaoyao.


It grasped the rock pillar with its palm, and carefully stuck out its head. If you just looked at it like this, ignoring the big mouth with black sharp teeth extending backwards from the back of the head, it would definitely be a very cute Pokémon.

"DiDi. Big-mouthed baby, deceiving Pokémon, Gang-type and Fairy-type, will use cute and weak appearance to disguise himself, when the target is taken lightly, bite with the huge mouth behind him, strong jaw, even steel Can bite easily."

The hints in the picture book made Ash a little bit at ease, it seems that it is not a simple Pokémon.

"Ahhh!! So cute!!"

But the little blue on the other side screamed with love at first sight.

Obviously so cute, Xiao Zhi's picture book must be embarrassing the black big mouth baby!


This wild big-mouthed baby is not as timid as the previous soul-eating eye, and is still looking at a few people in doubt, and did not run away directly.

In the dark cave, the sudden appearance of such a soft and weak Pokémon made people feel a desire for protection.


Even the always ruthless Mu Shougong couldn't help walking up curiously.

Such a weak-looking person can't be its opponent at all.

Mu Shougong is so active at the forefront to explore the way, but it wants to find a strong opponent to fight and upgrade and evolve as soon as possible.

The idea of ​​protecting Dazuiwa never appeared at all. Mu Shougong was just thinking about how much experience points he could gain by killing the latter.
The old hot hand destroyed the flower.

However, just when Mu Shougong took a few steps forward.
Whoosh! !
A slender black figure suddenly came out from the dark corner.


The open mouth of the blood basin is aimed at the throat of Mu Shougong, and bites fiercely!


Mu Shougong was extremely alert, and immediately turned a back and forth, which was able to evade the attack.

Wait until everyone looks at it.

It wasn't the giant jaw behind this big-mouthed baby who attacked.


Even the big mouth baby was stunned.

It was still waiting for the stupid lizard to continue to take a few steps forward, directly biting the whole wooden Shougong in its mouth, and then turned around and ran away.

As a result, it seems that someone has been cut off?

At this moment, in front of Mu Shougong, there was already a large purple-black snake, and its slender and curved body was covered with golden patterns.

Funny red bloody eyes and slender red fangs at the corners of the mouth, and the end of the tail is a sharp poisonous tail like a dagger.

(End of this chapter)

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