Chapter 979
"As you all know, this is a special environment and ecology, and there are many wild Pokémon inhabited naturally, attracting many tourists for us."

The old man turned his gaze towards the low ground of the sloping platform and sighed.

"Everything was fine originally, but I don't know what happened recently. As long as tourists enter the cabin room inside, they will always encounter supernatural events such as ghosts hitting the wall, or even facing ghosts."

From the outside, here is a sloping platform.

But in fact, the interior of this offshore energy mining platform is also a huge space.

Inside, there are corridors, rooms and control rooms, which are intricate.

Plus it's been submerged for years, with potholes and tangled seagrass
Some rooms still retain their original appearance, while others form pools, and even the entire room is filled with sea water.

Like opening a blind box, the area below is like the corridor of the interior of the luxury yacht, which is the most attractive place for tourists.

"I don't know if the wild ghost Pokémon from outside is mixed in, and they are making trouble inside."

The old man's tone was serious, this ghost is not just a prank.

"Those tourists who are attacked by ghosts, although their lives are safe, will basically fall on the spot. When they are found and rescued, their whole body will fall into a state of extreme weakness, as if the whole body's qi and blood have been sucked away. ."

Hearing this, the three of Xiao Zhi couldn't help shivering.

Is this the ferocious ghost of Fangyuan?
Xiaolan took out the illustrated book and transferred the Pokémon in the Fangyuan area to classify them according to ghost attributes.

"Speaking of which, is this ghost on here?"

she motioned to ask.

The number of ghost Pokémon in the Fangyuan area is much higher than that in the Kanto City area.

"Uh, I can't say for sure. According to witnesses, it was all a cloud of purple-black air."

The old man pointed to the resentful shadow doll, but there seemed to be something wrong.

And above the platform they are on is the safe zone, and the troublesome ghost will not come out here.

"Then wrap it on me!"

However, Xiao Zhi triggered the courage feature on the spot, patted his chest and agreed.

"Taking advantage of the weather, this ghost must be dozing off now, and it's the best time to arrest it!"

It's a pity that his Geng ghost is not here, otherwise if it is a female ghost, he will be suppressed and arrested on the spot.

If it is male. It should work too.

Xiaogang Xiaolan: "?"

The two looked at the dim sky around them.

Now that the yin is in full swing, it should be the moment when Ghost Pokémon can exert its strongest fighting power, right? !
"Come on Xiaozhi, I want to help cook."

So Xiaogang smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped into the small room next to him on the spot.

Don't be a ghost today.

"Come on Xiaozhi, I want to help with cooking too~"

Xiaolan also followed Xiaogang.

In place, only Xiao Zhi and the old man looked at each other.

The old man's dim eyes wrinkled, why did he feel that the three people in front of him didn't seem to be able to do it?


Noticing the latter's gaze, Xiao Zhi naturally blushed and stood up abruptly.

"Then leave it to me!"

Saying that, he picked up Pikachu who was dozing beside him, and Ash ran towards the inside of the platform cabin.

Even the remuneration forgot to negotiate first.
Come to the edge where the platform is almost submerged.

Da da!

Following the handrail stairs next to him, Xiao Zhi slowly descended to the area inside the platform.

This is a long and narrow corridor. Although it has been abandoned for many years, there is not much dust around, and even the feet are neatly red carpets.

Of course, these are decorations that were replaced later.

Around, there are several room doors separated by a few meters.


Just as soon as Xiao Zhicai landed, a sense of oppression of fascination was already blowing.

The end of the corridor, which can't be seen at a glance, is pitch-black, giving people a hairy feeling.

"Come out everyone!!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi tossed his palm and threw several Poke Balls at the same time.

There are many people and great power, and Pokémon are all around, so there is nothing to be afraid of.


It's just that one of the pink Poké Balls fell back to Xiao Zhi's hand lightly after shaking, and did not open it.

Latias is a super power-type Pokémon, and this kind of supernatural place should be sure next time.

As soon as Emperor Yan appeared, he jumped out of the inner corridor and returned to the platform without walking with Xiao Zhi.

The fire captain or something is not appropriate.


Moreover, Emperor Yan had a strange feeling in the dark, which made him want to find out.

The source of induction is not below the platform, but at the highest point of the offshore platform.

With quick footsteps, Emperor Yan disappeared from Xiao Zhi's field of vision in less than a while.


Seeing that the two legendary Pokémon were unreliable and the ghost-type Dark Lugia was still sleeping, Ash turned his gaze to the four in front of him.

Of course, Pikachu was still on his shoulders.

"So strong chicken, forest lizard, lobster soldier, proud swallow, let's go on an adventure together!!"

Xiaozhi shouted loudly, trying to boost morale.


It's just that this is the first time that Lizhuang Chicken has met the evolved forest lizard. Seeing that the latter's height has suddenly become completely equal to his own, Lizhuang Chicken frowned.

But still acceptable.

According to the description in the illustrated book, the height of the two is the same, and so is the reality. "Cut it!"

However, at this time, the forest lizard glanced at it disdainfully.

The palm didn't move, but the slender leaves on its head slowly floated until it finally stood up straight.

The forest lizard's height has doubled.

Strong Chicken: "!?"

"Cut it!"

Not only that, the forest lizard turned around slightly, revealing the infiltrating scar on his chest.

With his cold and arrogant appearance and temperament, he looks extremely rough and handsome.

This is the mark left by the man after the battle!

Strong Chicken: "?!"

Li Zhuang chicken was angry, and immediately looked around, grabbed the rusty blade in the aisle, and slashed his chest with a gesture.

"Wait a moment!!"

Xiao Zhi interrupted quickly.

It's outrageous, this tetanus knife goes down, not to mention the scar. It can directly ascend to the sky.

"Anyway, put everything aside for now, let's go to exorcism first!"

Ash tries to change his mind. "Cut it~"

However, the forest lizard is holding its head in both hands, leaning against the wall of the corridor, and does not intend to follow along.

It stayed to take the wind.


The Aogu Yan next to him had the same look, standing side by side with the forest lizard.

"Qiapa, Qiapa~! (Could it be that you are afraid of ghosts?)"

Li Zhuangji immediately noticed something was wrong between the two, and just planned to lean over, intending to make a good mockery of the two.

"Hey hey hey!!"

It's just that the lobster soldier next to him, like a stimulant, couldn't hold back his interest in exploring for a long time, and his two big pincers were waving back and forth.

In the end, it was one on the side, dragging Xiaozhi and the strong chicken, and sprinting towards the depths of the corridor for a hundred meters.
(End of this chapter)

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