987 Gorgeous Contest
Although Bi Lan left in a hurry.

However, before leaving, the three of Ash still got the important props that Bilan left them - the room card of the presidential suite.

Year-round kind.

The ghost knows how Bilan became a VIP customer of the biggest hotel chain here.

"Then rest here for three days and then hit the road!"

Xiao Zhi didn't disappoint, and said immediately.

This is a tourist city and is the best place to relax.

"It's just a pity that there is no gym here, otherwise it would be perfect"

He couldn't help but sigh.

The next gym is located in the north of Kaina City, a place called Zijin City, which they have heard of before.

"If it's electric, my Aogu Yan can also be ready to play."

On the way to the hotel, Ash was still secretly planning his Pokémon and couldn't wait.

Now that both of their twin stars have evolved, they already have initial combat power. So the next one is naturally Aoguyan.

To know its invisible Qi waist feature, it will show a stronger will when facing electric attribute moves, and the probability of triggering near-death survival will be higher.

Xiao Zhi always felt that his arrogant Yan, maybe he could master one or two electric-type moves?

Soon, the three stepped into the highest luxury hotel in Kaina City.

Under the incredible gaze of the lady at the front desk, Xiao Lan took out the room card that Bi Lan had left for them.
It is also the membership card of the top VIP here.

"Three esteemed guests~"

Even the manager of the hotel ran out in a frenzy, and the three of them enjoyed the life of a rich man.

"Sure enough, Big Blue is still reliable!"


Xiao Zhi sighed that although this sentence did not mean anything against Sang and scolded Huai, it still made Chi send out three dots.

"Our city of Kaina is a perfect tourist city, with a maritime museum, a central open-air market, and the largest beach~"

The manager is still trying his best to introduce the city.

"By the way, if you have time, we will hold a gorgeous contest in Kaina three days later, and you can watch and play at that time~"

"Gorgeous contest?"

The three of them turned their heads in unison, and it was the first time they heard this term.

The manager vaguely guessed that the three of them should be outsiders. If they were locals, it would be impossible to ask such a question.

"The Gorgeous Contest is a kind of competition unique to our Fangyuan region. Well, although other regions have also held a lot of them, it is a competition to show the charm of Pokemon, and the skills of Pokemon will be involved in the process. Combat, cooperation with trainers"


After such a long speech, Xiao Zhi heard only one of the key words.

Is it three days? Just when we leave Kaina City, you can stop by and have a look.

Seeing a few people became interested, the manager suggested:

"This time the gorgeous contest is at an ordinary level, and anyone can participate. The registration deadline should be tomorrow. If you are interested, you can participate in it yourself and experience the charm of the gorgeous contest~"

After speaking, the manager took everyone to the front of the presidential suite, and the manager carefully left.

"Is there a match where you can fight? It's kind of interesting!"

Xiao Zhi is sure in his heart, and intends to participate in and experience it himself.

What's the point of being a spectator, just as a warm-up match to challenge the Violet Gym.

"Gorgeous contest? Sounds fancy."

Xiaogang and Xiaolan didn't make the calculations for the competition right away, let's take a look.

The next three people scattered.

Xiaogang is naturally the first to go to the central open-air market in Kaina City. Not only is there a complete range of goods, but it is said that there will occasionally be super rare items here.

Xiao Lan also became interested, and thiefly followed.

As for Xiaozhi
"Dear guests, our hotel provides a well-equipped fitness venue, whether it is a trainer or a Pokémon, you can get a full workout here~!"

Without saying a word, Xiao Zhi immediately went to the indoor gym on a certain floor of the hotel.

Close for three days.

Rest is reserved for failed trainers.

Da da da.!

In the huge gym, after some operations, Xiao Zhi has already tied a lot of props such as power braces to the forest lizard and the strong chicken.

What these two Pokémon have to do now is to get acquainted with their new body, and it is possible to exert all the abilities of this body.


The forest lizard and the strong chicken looked at each other, and began to exercise without admitting defeat.

However, during the process, the forest lizard kept raising the slender leaves on its forehead high, and even the tip of the leaf pointed in a certain direction from time to time, making quite provocative movements.

"Just, just right!!"

Seeing this, the strong chicken was furious, and quickly accelerated the movements in his hands, trying to evolve again one day earlier.

"As for the lobster soldiers, just hop on the spot, don't ruin the facilities here."

Ash doesn't ask for lobster minions.

This red-shelled lobster is like a stimulant every day, and it is always excited.

Perhaps sitting quietly is the special training for lobster soldiers?

"Finally, Aogu Yan."

Xiaozhi looked at the black and white swallow in front of him, who also showed sharp eyes, staring at Xiaozhi.

This is Bidiao's eyes.

"Anyway, the first step is to master the trick of parrot learning from Pidiao! Now face the wall over there and use parrot learning [-] volts!!"

Xiao Zhi commanded.

He had already had Pikachu cast a hundred thousand volts next to him.

Since his own arrogant swallow may have something to do with electrical properties.
Then using parrot to copy the [-] volts in advance is undoubtedly a shortcut to master the electric attribute moves.


Hearing that, Aoguyan tensed her whole body, screamed loudly, and tried to release the current.

It's just that the scene is like a special effect blockbuster without special effects, which is a bit embarrassing
The next morning, Ash didn't go anywhere and returned to the indoor gym again.

The scale here is almost the size of Mr. Teng Shu's martial arts gym.

And Xiaogang just went to the open-air market one day, and the next day, he slipped to the beach next to him.

According to him, there is the most beautiful scenery in the whole city of Kaina.

As for the blue
"Hey~! It seems to be the Qixi Festival today, and Sister Bilan just gave me two tickets to the Oceanographic Museum. Let's go shopping there today. It seems to be very romantic~!"

In the gym, Xiao Lan waved two tickets in his hand and suggested with Xiao Zhi's arm.

Qixi Festival is a festival in a special area.

“What’s so romantic in the Maritime Museum.”

However, Xiao Zhi just threw a heavy punch in place, a few drops of sweat fell from his forehead from time to time, and he concentrated.

"Because exercise is the greatest romance for men!"



The strong chicken and forest lizard next to them were also sweating like rain, and seemed to agree with Ash's words.


This scene made him look a little silent.

In the gym, there are many fitness passers-by next to him, and even the urge to beat Xiao Zhi is raised.
 Thanks for the 2000 coin reward of Firefox Fat Intestine Roll! !

  Thank you Shuiyue Qingmei for the 1500 coin reward! !

  Thanks to the mechanic for the 200 coin reward! !

(End of this chapter)

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