He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 990 Mascot of the Oceanographic Museum

Chapter 990 Mascot of the Oceanographic Museum

But then, Chi Yansong did not continue to push anything.

After a while, Miss Junsha and the others will also come to the Lava Team and still care for the corporate image, so as not to have any disputes with the police in front of countless reporters and media.

"Then Curator Kusnogi, we will discuss the detailed cooperation matters later."

Before leaving, Chi Yansong sneered, not forgetting to remind.

Believe it or not, Marine Corps, let's throw these words out first.

After speaking, Chi Yansong left the Oceanographic Museum with a kind of soldier.


Huo Yan swept Xiao Lan in the crowd, and finally hugged the back of his head, bored, and left here with his own leader.

"Damn, Chi Yansong!"

Curator Kusnogi was in a hurry and wanted to punch Chi Yansong's arrogant face.

A hooligan is a hooligan, what glasses do you wear to pretend to be intellectuals!

By the time the ladies from Junsha arrived, the museum had returned to its usual calm, but after the lava team made such a fuss, the atmosphere of the Qixi Festival completely disappeared.

Many tourists just felt dull and rushed towards the door.

"We must hurry up."

The Lava Team made this move, but Curator Kusnogi finally made up his mind.

That's right, neither the Lava Team nor the Ocean Team, but the Devon Corporation!

After all, Devon Corporation was the winner of the last conglomerate collision, and there is no negative news.

Thinking of this, Curator Kusnogy walked to the side of the museum, took out his mobile phone, and called President Zvoch directly.

In fact, he had been thinking about it before, and now the competition between the Ocean team and the Lava team, he regarded himself as the Kaizi in the middle, forcing him to forcibly stand in the team.


Soon, the phone was dialed, and the two big bosses began to discuss.

Dewen Company is naturally happy to be able to acquire the big hands in the shipbuilding industry and the maritime transportation industry in the Fangyuan area.

"President Zfuqi, do you have any king-level thugs in your Dewen company? You can borrow them to help us fill the scene."

Soon, Curator Kusnogi got to the point.

No need to sit here all the time, just show up occasionally as the mascot of their maritime museum.

"Well, our Dewen company is not a security company, and it is not so easy to drive a trainer at the level of the king."

President Zvitch showed a look of embarrassment.

They are also lucky, they just got a league championship.
"By the way, are you in Kaina City now?"

At this time, President Zvqi suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

"If I'm just looking for a strong mascot, I've got a good candidate."

"Tell me in detail.!"

Hearing that, Curator Kusnogi's eyes lit up and he hurriedly urged.

"It's like this, I know a trainer from the Kanto region. Regardless of his age, he has already won the honor of the Heavenly King trainer there. I contacted him yesterday, and he should still be in Kaina City. "

"He is characterized by wearing a red and black hat, and on his shoulders there is an electric mouse that is rare in the Fangyuan area."

"But it's up to him whether he agrees or not."

After finishing speaking, President Zvqi hung up the phone.

For detailed business cooperation, we should wait until the two actually meet.

Just when the curator of Kusnogi was full of joy and felt that he would find a rescuer soon, he was planning to search for the trace of Xiaozhi all over the city.

At this time, a pair of teenagers happened to pass by him, and it seemed that they were about to leave the museum.

11, 12 years old, red and black hat, rare electric mouse in the field
"Wait a minute, that boy!"

Curator Kusnogi quickly chased after him.


As soon as they reached the gate, Xiaozhi and Xiaolan turned their heads in confusion.

The cauldron senbei in his hand also hovered over his mouth.
To be held accountable afterwards, wouldn't it be a problem to eat senbei and watch a movie?

"Excuse me, are you Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town, the trainer of the Heavenly King?!"

When he came to the front, Curator Kusnogi looked straight to the point.

The number of general heavenly king trainers is much smaller than that of the general alliance heavenly king.

After all, very few people can choose to give up their position when facing the high-ranking position of king.

And after the resignation of an alliance king, or his position was seized by others, the certificate issued is not a king trainer. It is a certificate of honor for a retired king.

These are two concepts.

"Uh, are you my fan?"

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, he always thought that his title as a Heavenly King Trainer was fake, and today someone who knew him finally appeared again.

"Oh, I heard it from President Zvitch."

Curator Kusnogi replied, but he didn't make up much.

Flattery, it's a trick between adults, and it's better for 11- and 12-year-olds.

"So I want to ask you to be the mascot of our oceanographic museum no, thug, eh."

Curator Kusnogi thought for a while, and finally came up with a suitable word.

"Become the leader of our Oceanographic Museum!"

Xiao Zhi was stunned again after hearing this, but he was more curious about the mascot and thug in front of him.

It doesn't seem like a good adjective.
After some explanation, Xiao Zhi knew the whole story.

Yes, yes, but he doesn't have time to stay in Kena City all the time.
"You don't need to stay here all the time, just in the future, if our aquarium encounters a door-to-door provocation from the Lava Team or the Ocean Team, you can come out and show your powerful trainer ability."

Curator Kusnogy explained.

They can even contact media reporters in advance, take the initiative to challenge, and the loser will meet and go directly to detour.

According to his information, whether it is the Lava Team or the Ocean Team, it seems that only their leaders have reached the level of the Alliance Heavenly King. If Ash's Heavenly King trainer is not hydrated, it is more than enough to deal with them.

The Fangyuan area is such a big place, and there is still a face to face between the various forces.

"As for the reward, we often find some inaccessible islands in the Oceanographic Museum. On these islands, there are sometimes rare props, Pokemon, and even legendary Pokemon!"

Curator Kusnogi didn't mention money and rewards. Since he is a powerful trainer, these things should be more attractive.

"If we find any clues, we can tell you as soon as possible, and even take you to these islands for free."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi immediately patted his chest and agreed.

"Since that's the case, then this mascot, the person who sits in town, I really agree with Xiao Zhi from Xinzhen!"

Obviously, the reward for the director of the aquarium hit Ash's weakness.

(End of this chapter)

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