Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 102 Eating Dumplings

Chapter 102 Eating Dumplings

Meng Hao is where Su Qing points out to hit, as long as she speaks, he will act immediately, because it has been proved that listening to Su Qing's words is all correct.

Listening to Su Qing's instructions after a long time became Meng Rong's conditioned reflex, making it easy to do what,
Meng Hao took all the flower pots to the planting field, and the two began to get busy.
Su Qing carefully dug out the elixir from the cultivation pot and put it in a suitable flower pot. Meng Yu mixed the fertilizer given by the seniors with soil and filled it in. Jiabao was responsible for watering and moved it to a suitable place for placement.

Planting trees is more troublesome. You need to dig a tree hole first, and then plant the tree in. It is difficult for Meng Hao to dig a tree hole. He digs a few in threes and twos, and arranges them at the outermost part of the planting field.

The trees will grow taller and cover the sun, so Su Qing bought peach trees, plum trees and pomegranate trees,
After the work was done, Jiabao was responsible for tidying up the messy tools and cleaning the planting field, so there was nothing for the two of them to do.

Su Qing thought about cooking something delicious during the holiday today. Looking at the row of cabbages, he used to pull out one by one at intervals, and pulled out a basket of cabbages. They sold all the other vegetables, so he had nothing to eat for the time being, so he had to eat first Cabbage is gone.

"Let's go, Meng Hao, let's go back to cook, Jiabao is done, come back to help,"

"Understood, classmate Su Qing,"

Garbo's program can't remember the steps of cooking, and she needs to be ordered to do what she wants, which is not bad, as long as you say it, the robot can do it accurately.

Walking into the kitchen, Su Qing said to Meng Hao:

"You wash the cabbage first, remember to wash the root of each leaf, where there is a lot of mud."

"I see, I can't do this little thing well."

Meng Hao curled his lips, women, no matter how big or small they are, they are long-winded.

A cold light flashed in Su Qing's eyes, you, a careless person, dare to despise her for being long-winded, let's see how she uses her homework to fix the mess at night.

Find a basin, scoop out three bowls of flour, it feels almost enough for two people, start kneading the noodles,
I haven't eaten dumplings for a long time. Let's make dumplings stuffed with cabbage. There is still pork bought by grandma in the refrigerator. It will be delicious if it is chopped and mixed with cabbage.

Although the prices in Mingyue City are high, it’s good not to eat genetically modified food, but the price is too expensive.
When she sells the spiritual plants she planted, they will have money, and she has even thought about the buyer, so go find Yang Wei,

He is from the Department of Pharmacy, and his classmates must all need Lingzhi to refine medicine. It shouldn't be a problem for him to help find a buyer, right?

It's better to have acquaintances to help them than to go to a store outside to sell them by themselves. What if they see them as children and take them by force?
Su Qing thinks that people in Mingyue City can afford energy food and live comfortably, which is very one-sided.

She didn't understand that the poor at the bottom of Mingyue City also worked hard and ate nutrient solution made from genetically modified grains every day. Otherwise, there would be so many sales for the large amount of grain grown by people.

The poor in the city are not as good as the villagers in Shanquan Village. Although the batter is unpalatable, they can be eaten with energy vegetables. Although the taste is not good, the energy can still be guaranteed. animal meat.

Su Qing only came into contact with the sunniest side of Mingyue City.

Su Qing mixed the dough, sealed the dough with plastic wrap, saw that Meng Hao had washed the cabbage, and asked him to chop it up.
He told Jiabao who just came back, "Jiabao, sit on the pot and boil a pot of water."

Su Qing can't do it himself, try not to do it, because he is short and inconvenient to do anything,

It will take at least three years for her to be able to do all kinds of things at will, and it is too troublesome for her to be too young, especially for a child who has an adult soul in her body, and the hardware cannot keep up with what she wants to do, which makes her very distressed.

Boil the water in the pot, put the chopped cabbage into the blanching water, remove it and put it in cold water, squeeze out the water, chop the cabbage, add the meat stuffing, and then you can make dumplings.

Meng Hao knows how to make dumplings. People in Shanquan Village seldom eat expensive food. They make it as simple as possible. People in the city can make nutrient solution, and people in the village add some vegetables and grind it into batter, which is easier to swallow. go down.

"First do this to form an area, press it flat, use a rolling pin to roll it into a circle, put the stuffing in the middle, wrap it up two times three times, and a dumpling is complete, will it be?"

"Jiabao learned it," and immediately wrapped one for Su Qing to see. The robot is amazing, and it can be made accurately after just one look, even with the same number of folds.

But Meng Hao was clumsy, he didn't wrap a single dumpling for a long time, and no matter how he did it, the stuffing was still exposed.

"Meng Hao, you put too much stuffing, okay, don't wrap it too much, you help me flatten the area, I will roll the skin, let Jiabao wrap it, and work together to make it more efficient."

Meng Hao was a little bit unwilling, he was not allowed to practice his hands, how could he wrap it well, forget it, let's listen to Qingqing!Otherwise, I won't be able to eat.

Su Qing rolled out the wrappers, made Jiabao bags, and soon filled the table with white and fat dumplings. The meat filling was used up, and there was still some noodles left, which could be put in the refrigerator and eaten in the morning.

"Okay, Jiabao sits in a pot to boil water and cook dumplings, and Meng Hao wants you to taste my Great China's delicacies,"

Meng Hao looked puzzled and said: "What big China, dumplings must be delicious, noodles, meat and vegetables are energy food, we are really extravagant, my grandma can have a meal anytime."

Since he came to Mingyue City, he has been eating and drinking. Are his parents and grandma still working hard?They have never had such good food.

"Meng Hao, don't worry, as long as we study hard, one day, your whole family will be able to eat better food."

After a while, the water boiled, and Su Qing started to make dumplings. She was worried that Jiabao and Meng Hao would not put them well, so she stood on the stool and threw them in little by little. .

"Meng Hao, Jiabao, the trick to cooking dumplings is to put some salt in the water and put the dumplings in, put them in little by little, then cover the pot, when the water boils, lift the lid to cook the dumplings, add some cold water in after a while, usually Put it in the pot, usually pour cold water three times, and the dumplings will be cooked in about ten minutes."

Meng Yu nodded, and Jiabao nodded accordingly. In fact, Jiabao's system automatically deleted these records at night, and she still couldn't remember them.

Not long after the dumplings were cooked, Su Qing asked Jiabao to fish them out. After all, Jiabao is good at work and she is still young.

There are four large plates of dumplings on the dining table, steaming hot and delicious.

Su Qing put some vinegar in her bowl, picked up the dumplings and ate them. The long-lost taste made her squint her eyes happily. It smelled so good that she finally ate dumplings. The last time she ate dumplings was in her previous life! !
After eating Meng Hao, who never falls behind, he moved faster than Su Qing, and he ate it long ago. The dumplings were so delicious that they exploded, so he couldn't care less about burning his mouth, and couldn't stop one after another.

A total of 100 dumplings were made, usually enough for four people, but two children killed them all.
Meng Hao covered his stomach and sighed: "Qingqing, you are amazing, the dumplings are so delicious, I will be satisfied if I can eat dumplings every day in my life."

"Look at your prospects, you will be satisfied after eating dumplings. You should say that you are eating panacea every day, stepping on a spaceship, sitting on three thousand beauties, becoming famous in the universe, and surrendering to everyone in the world."

Meng Hao looked up at the sky, "Qingqing, you are daydreaming again, and you are still submitting to the world, and now I am surrendering to Dumpling."

After dinner, Jiabao did the housework and cleaned up, and Su Qing went upstairs to study, so they couldn't miss their homework.

Su Qing is fine, her comprehension and memory are superb, Meng Xun's martial arts talent is extremely high, and her homework is so-so,
In order to deepen his memory, Su Qing used a stupid method, often asking him to recite the knowledge in the textbook whenever he had time.
In the process of talking and walking, from time to time, he asked a question for Meng Yan to answer, which subtly deepened his memory.
 I may be getting older and find that my memory is getting worse, especially when it comes to numbers, I can’t wait to snap my fingers before ten, and I often can’t respond.

  So first write a system article, the most troublesome thing is the level, what is the exchange value, I can't figure it out, and my mind is muddled.I can only abandon the pit. .

  I remember that when I was young, I did well in math class, and I got 100 points in the elementary school graduation exam. Now it must be because of too much brain cell consumption.

  So, dear ones, if those numbers are written wrong and confused, hehe, please bear with me, I often count the age of the heroine by counting my fingers now,
(End of this chapter)

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