Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 104 The Land Is Different

Chapter 104 The land is different

Su Qing turned her head and glanced at Meng Hao, she knew that he would not be obedient and was secretly watching entertainment news, forget it, just let him combine work and rest,
After all, he is still a child, just at the age of playing. It would be good if he can follow his own arrangement and study hard every day.

"Meng Hao, it's time for us to go back, and we have to set up a stall to sell vegetables in the afternoon."

Meng Hao was so frightened that he quickly closed the current interface, secretly guessing in his heart, Qingqing didn't see it, did he?
"Going to sell vegetables? Didn't they all sell out yesterday?"

"It must have grown again today. The cabbage has been pulled out, and a new crop will be planted."

Meng Hao looked skeptical, how big the vegetables could grow in one night, even if there were some ripe ones, at most it would be enough for the two of them to eat.

It was almost 12:[-] and it was time to go back. They turned off the optical brain, left the library and went back to the dormitory.

I met many students on the road. Although it was a holiday, there were still many people in the school.

Half of the students in their school come from all over the world, and the remaining half are locals of Mingyue City. Local students generally do not live in school.

They are freshmen, few people know each other in school, Meng Yan is doing well in the class.

He has a cheerful personality, can talk to anyone, and is popular,

Su Qing can't do it anymore, she doesn't like to talk, she knows how to read and study wherever she sits every day, and everyone calls her pedantic sister in private.

The two returned to the dormitory and asked Jiabao to cook. Meng Yan could cook a pot of noodles. His cooking skills were getting better and better after Su Qing's guidance.

Soon a pot of delicious tomato and egg noodles was ready, and with the food in the school cafeteria, it was enough for two people to eat.

Su Qing put down the bowl and chopsticks, wiped the corners of her mouth,
"The food in the school cafeteria is not as delicious as yours. When we have money, we won't eat the school's free meals."

Meng Yu nodded, anyway, whatever Qingqing said, he just agreed with it, no matter how big or small a woman is, she gets angry when she doesn't like it, and she likes to let you guess,
Li Jun, his deskmate, said that his father is at home, and his mother can say anything. Once he raised an objection that time, he would be bombarded indiscriminately.

"Let's go, let's pick vegetables, Garbo, and get some big cardboard boxes"

Meng Hao put the bowls and chopsticks into the dishwasher, and tried to persuade:
"Qingqing, it's impossible for vegetables to grow so fast. It's only been a day. If you don't believe it, it would be nice if we continued to surf the Internet in the afternoon."

Su Qing didn't want to talk to the nagging Meng Hao, so she pushed open the door of Changtian and walked in.

"I'm right, ahhh..."

Meng Hao screamed several times, God, what did he see?
Yesterday it was still a row of small cabbages, but now it has become a row of Chinese cabbages. Fortunately, Qingqing pulled out half of the cabbages at intervals yesterday, otherwise they would all be crowded together.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggplants were all picked yesterday, and the rest are immature, and now they are all covered with branches and leaves.
"Meng Hao, why are you still staring blankly? Hurry up and get to work. You go to cut the cabbage, but we didn't have time to tie it up, and the cabbage is not even clumped together."

"Oh, come, come, it's amazing, Qingqing, the land in Mingyue City is really different from that in our village, and it has only matured for a long time."

"That's for sure. The equipment here is advanced, the energy is also sufficient, the soil is rich in nutrients, and the planting fields are well sealed. Can it not grow fast?"

"What you said is true? I'll ask Teacher Next Zhou tomorrow."

Meng Hao was dubious. The vegetables they planted looked abnormal, right?

"What are you asking, Teacher Zhou is so busy, how can I have time to answer your simple questions, you can check it online next time."

Meng Yu nodded, "That's right, don't say that I'm really a little afraid of Mr. Zhou, it's scary to keep a straight face every day."

He chopped the cabbage with a knife, raised his head abruptly, and was dumbfounded again.
The tree I just planted yesterday seems to have grown a lot taller, which is too exaggerated!
Is the air in Mingyue City full of supernatural energy?Forget about such a complicated question, why do you want him, as long as he listens to Qingqing, he will be right.

Whenever Meng Hao thinks about the problems discussed in the Lingzhixue class, he gets a headache, so he might as well hurry up and work.

Vegetables grow fast, but he is not secretly happy, and sell more money, so that he can earn enough for his tuition and living expenses. He is eager to grow fast.

When the two of them finished picking all the vegetables, they were dumbfounded, there were too many, Jiabao could not transport them all at once,
Su Qing didn't expect it to be a good time to pick, so he forgot about the transportation problem. Tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, and eggplants were piled up in piles. At least five large cardboard boxes were needed. The cabbage had large leaves and occupied more space.

"Meng Hao, you go to the business district, rent an electric car and come back. We will take it to the testing room and then to the stall. One hour is enough. Hurry up and pack the boxes. We will eat the bad ones in the refrigerator and eat the rest. take them all away,"

Meng Hao replied: "Okay! You and Jiabao at home, sort out the vegetables, and I will rent a car in the business district."

Su Qing nodded, thinking that she has become more energetic, and next time she should pay attention to it evenly. A part of it matures every day. They set up stalls in the market. Too many vegetables are not easy to sell. Even if someone wants them, the price will not go up.

Setting up a stall in the market can't delay her studies. She herself is fine, but Meng Hao can't. He has a goldfish brain. If you don't let him do the questions a hundred and eighty times, he can't memorize them deeply at all, and they will automatically delete them.

She asked Jiabao to pick out the green vegetables, and put the unsightly ones in bags and put them in the refrigerator. As soon as he finished tidying up, Meng Hao came back. He drove an electric car with a bucket and parked at the door.

People in Mingyue City seldom have electric vehicles as their means of transportation. The main reason is that they are not fast enough. However, they are still very convenient for picking up goods on campus. There are special rental shops in the commercial area, which charge by the hour, and quite a lot of people use them.

"Qingqing, let me move out, put the cardboard box first, and then put the cabbage on top, so as not to crush it."

The cabbage grew too big to fit in the cardboard box. Jiabao found a big garbage bag and packed two big bags.

"Well, Jia Bao and you, Meng Xiao, move out together, put it lightly,"

All the dishes were moved to the electric car, and Meng Hao greeted,
"Qingqing, let's go, Jiabao, can you keep up with my driving speed?"

"No problem, it's just that my energy stone will increase energy consumption, and the energy is exhausted. Don't forget to replace the energy stone for me."

"Ah, we still need to buy energy stones, what should Qingqing do?"

"Go sell the vegetables first. We still have a lot of credits. If it's really not good, let Jiabao rest for a while. It's not like the two of us can't cook and tidy up the room."

Jiabao's main job is to clean the room, cook and wash clothes. Without Jiabao, they can do it by themselves. There is a washing machine for washing clothes. They are not those young masters and ladies, and they cannot live without robots.

It didn't matter to Meng Hao, anyway, even with Jiabao, he still had to work hard.
He drove the electric car and walked in front, Qingqing sat on Jiabao, followed without slowing down,

On campus, Su Qing couldn't use spells to walk, and in broad daylight she could shrink the ground into an inch, which could scare people to death, so she had to sit on Jiabao. Fortunately, she was not heavy.

Driving an electric car out of the inspection room, they found a place to set up a stall and brought all the vegetables down, Su Qing put them all out,
Meng Hao was busy returning the scooter, but if the time was over, there was still a charge.

As soon as Su Qing arranged all kinds of dishes, someone came to ask,
"Little sister, how do you sell your vegetables? The quality is really good."

Su Qing said without raising her head:
"A cabbage costs 50 star coins, a tomato costs 10 star coins, eggplant costs 30 star coins,,,,"

Su Qing quoted the price again, and she didn't quote randomly. When passing by the supermarket, she went in and glanced at the prices of various dishes. She said that the prices were only low, not high, not to mention the quality of the dishes was the best. .

The middle-aged man who asked the price looked honest and honest, and his body smelled of oily smoke. He must be a cook who often cooks.

He pushed a flat-bed two-wheeled cart and parked in front of the booth, like the owner of the restaurant in the business district, out to make purchases.

(End of this chapter)

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