Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 187 The jade pendant space opens

Chapter 187 The jade pendant space opens

A large amount of spiritual energy made Su Qing's flesh and blood meridians start to feel swollen and tingling. If he couldn't break through that barrier, the meridians would be injured.

After a week of running, the charge was launched again, the aura turned into a flood peak, and roared in. The strong impact made the realm loose a bit, and once again, it was like a dam bursting, and the aura finally broke through the barrier and rushed in, opening up a new world. wide world.

Secretly Luo Zilan finally breathed a sigh of relief, Qingqing established the foundation, it is really amazing, her future achievements will not be worse than hers, but unfortunately born in this era, many resources are not suitable for monks to use, her previous experience is outdated, and children need to slowly explore ,

Su Qing was immersed in cultivation, closed the five senses, and did not feel any external objects, but practiced exercises over and over again, attracting more aura into the body and storing it in the dantian.

At dusk, the rooster in the village started crowing. Su Qing slowly opened her eyes, feeling indescribably comfortable and light, her whole body was clear, and her spiritual consciousness expanded countless times. In this way, the foundation was established, and it was not difficult at all. what!

The body has a sour smell, which is full of toxins discharged from the body.
Before the age of three, this body was malnourished and ate a lot of genetically modified foods. Many toxins had penetrated into the bone marrow. She broke through the realm in one fell swoop and excreted a lot of toxins.
Su Qing threw out a dust-cleaning technique, and her whole body was immediately fresh and clean, spotless. Only when she entered the Foundation Establishment could she really step into the door of practice, shed her mortal body and became a monk, and her lifespan was 200 years old.
She stood up and found that she had grown taller again, and she will work harder to practice in the future, striving to enter the golden core stage before the age of 20,

Standing in front of the full-length mirror and looking at herself, she has grown taller, her hair is black, her skin is white and snowy, her eyes are like water, she blinked, and she is also a little beauty, haha, how can a woman not love beauty!

Pull out the jade pendant around the neck, because it is constantly nourished by Su Qing's aura, the jade pendant is already verdant, completely different from the original appearance.

"Old Ancestor, I have established the foundation, can I open the jade pendant?"

"Well," the light flashed, Luo Zilan appeared in front of her eyes,
"Qingqing, you are great, you can build a foundation at a young age, and you are unique in the entire cultivation world.

After this, you have to practice slowly, and you must not rush to practice any more. You must be steady and steady, and lay a solid foundation.

Cultivation is not accomplished overnight, don't look at me always urging you, I didn't expect that you can really advance, unless you meet a very powerful opponent in the future, you already have the power to protect yourself in the world, like Bai Lu, fight It's not a problem to get up.

Many new spells can also be learned. The most important thing is that you can use the jade pendant space. The training resources I prepared are finally available.

You first imprint Yuanshen on the jade pendant, as long as you don't lose your soul, the jade pendant only belongs to you, and no one else can open up the space. "

Su Qing: "Old Ancestor, what if the jade pendant is lost, I don't know much about this rope."

Su Qing pulled the rope tied with the jade pendant.

Luo Zilan gritted her teeth angrily, this girl's years of cultivation knowledge are for nothing,
"You won't put it in the dantian to be warmed up, the jade pendant has already developed spiritual wisdom, since you recognize the owner, you can't throw it away.

Well, let me go in and have a look, you are the owner of the jade pendant, you can go in as long as you think about it, let's go! "

Su Qing wanted to enter the jade pendant space in his heart according to what the ancestor said, but suddenly the space changed, and his eyes changed drastically.

The jade pendant has a large space, and the inside is as bright as day, like a glowing magic weapon hanging from a high place. Unlike sunlight, it has no warm feeling, and the ground is also normal soil. I don’t know if it can be used for farming, but no grass grows anyway.

There are countless jade boxes, wooden boxes, large and small, piled up in front of him, and there are also scattered piles of them. Many unknown things are just standing in a corner of the space.

Luo Zilan floated beside her and said:

"The space of the sapphire pendant can only hold things. Living things can stay for a day at most, and they will suffocate due to lack of air. Back then, I planted exotic flowers and plants in the open space, and used spirit stones to arrange formations. a self-circulating space

It's a pity that all failed, not even a single grass grew, it really is a waste space thrown away by the gods, it can only be used as a storage tool, "

"If fresh elixir is put in, it can survive for a year or so, and the aura will not be lost. It's a pity that all my cherished elixir have withered. It's been too long.

Fortunately, there should be no problem with the protection of the formation in the jade box. You can grow more elixir in the space in the future, and the space will be better if you have enough spiritual energy. As long as you use it up within the shelf life. "

Su Qingyun used the floating technique to make a quick turn around the space. The area here is not small, it is estimated to be more than 100 square kilometers, and it will take 30 minutes to complete a turn at her speed.

The space is not small, so it doesn't matter if it can be planted or not, and it doesn't matter if it can't hold living things, as long as it can hold things, she won't need to borrow the space of the flames in the future, which is inconvenient after all.

She originally planned that if the jade pendant couldn't be opened, she would save money to buy a storage device, but she didn't expect that after building the foundation, the space of the jade pendant could be opened.
The storage device that can be bought in Mengyuexing is not as big as the jade pendant. A storage device with a space of one square meter is already sky-high. Su Qing has to save interstellar coins for at least three years to afford it. For the expense, that's great.

Su Qing began to check, the various resources prepared by the ancestor, many items have been stored in the space for countless years, if not for the protection of the space, they would have turned into fly ash.

Even so, some of the unprotected ones lost more than half of their aura, the ones in the jade box were fine, and many in the wooden box were about to lose their effectiveness, but they would recover slowly with new aura replenishment.

There are many low-level refining tools, the materials for drawing symbols are piled up like a mountain, various minerals, monster fur, jade, various fabrics, there are too many things, Su Qing will not have time to organize them for a while, and the ancestor has no talent for organizing and storing. , everything is very messy.

And those big wooden boxes piled up one by one, can't they be placed neatly?
Su Qing opened it curiously, what's inside?

The first box contains all kinds of robes and accessories, all of which are used by women. Su Qing thought to himself, the ancestor left it for the descendants, so why must it be a woman?If a man gets the jade pendant space and sees a box of dresses, all of which are high-level cassocks, what kind of psychology will he feel if he can't wear them?
The second box is full of various spirit talismans, the entire box, most of which seem to have dim auras, are about to expire, and need to be supplemented with aura.

The third box is full of various magic tools, spiritual tools, magic weapons, spirit treasures, jade charms, etc., which can be restored through spiritual nourishment.

The fourth box is full of fairy swords, treasured swords, and various weapons, eh!You can choose a weapon as a gift for Meng Yan. Even the weapon looks very extraordinary, and it will definitely sell for a sky-high price if you take it outside.

The fifth box is all kinds of high-level formation materials and array disks. There are nearly a hundred array disks alone. The ancestor is really rich, so he can't complain so much, saying that the resources prepared are enough to support her cultivation to become a god. Expect.

The sixth box is all kinds of high-grade precious ores used in refining equipment, and there is no comparison with ordinary minerals piled up in mountains outside.Luo Zilan kept introducing the treasures in the box, explaining how precious they are in the world of self-cultivation, and every piece would cause a fight.

As soon as the seventh box was opened, Su Qing's eyes lit up. Inside were alchemy furnaces of various sizes and materials. Great, these are finally ready to try alchemy.

Eighth box. . . . .

It took about ten minutes just to check these boxes, but I still didn't look at them carefully and just opened them for a glance. There were too many of them. The ancestor was indeed the great master of alchemy back then, with countless resources in his hands.

"Okay, I won't look at the old ancestor. I have a chance to tidy up slowly. I have to go out. Otherwise, grandma will be anxious if she doesn't see me when she gets up."

(End of this chapter)

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