Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 207 Refining Class

Chapter 207 Refining Class

Yang Dayong really told her clearly that there are many tricks in doing business. If customers don't pay attention, they will be cheated, shoddy, and deceitful, which is very common.

Su Qing listened very carefully. Many experiences were impossible to learn in school. Everyone has their own strengths.
Zhao Mei is also a quick worker, so she quickly chopped the vegetables and sat in the pot to wait for the water to boil. Seeing that Meng Yan had finished rolling the noodles,
She also drove him out of the kitchen. Zhao Mei just boiled the water and cooked the noodles. The vegetables, meat sauce and tomato marinade were all ready.

After a while, she shouted to the living room that it was time to eat, and started serving noodles for a few people. Su Qing and Meng Hao stepped forward to help with great insight.

Yang Xue went downstairs to call her grandparents. The old man of the Yang family used to stay in the warehouse on the first floor during the day. Don't throw things away.

Everyone sat down to eat, only Yang Wei stayed downstairs to watch the shop,

The Yang family likes to eat rice and rarely eats noodles. It is also the first time they eat hand-rolled noodles. They are used to eating machine-pressed noodles sold in supermarkets. Zhao Mei has no time to roll noodles by herself.

Unexpectedly, the hand-rolled noodles made by Meng Hao and Su Qing were delicious, and the members of the Yang family were full of praise.

After dinner, Meng Hao helped Zhao Mei clean up the kitchen, Su Qing excused that school was about to start and there were still many things to be busy, so she bid farewell to the Yang family.

Yang Dayong asked Yang Wei to send the two back to school safely,

After the two left, Zhao Mei didn't let Yang Dayong go upstairs, but grabbed him and asked in a low voice:

"You asked them, how does the bacon taste that way? If we know the recipe, we can make our own jerky and sell it in supermarkets. There must be a market."

"I asked, first marinated with seasoning, and then burned and smoked with fruit branches with a unique smell. The unique taste is the smell of smoke. If we want to make it, we need to find a remote and uninhabited place and build a small factory."

"That's fine, we can try it first, maybe we can earn more money, Yang Xue is about to start the intermediate class, there are plenty of places to spend money,"

Yang Dayong nodded and said: "I know, don't worry, those two children are our lucky stars, whether it is yam or bacon, they will make us a small fortune."

Zhao Mei remembered again, "By the way, we can also make that sausage. The exotic animal casings are not easy to clean. We can find someone to produce a synthetic casing to reduce costs. There are plenty of pork sources."

"Okay, I know, hey! It's just that we used it, someone else's secret recipe, do you want to give Qingqing a sum of money, or I will never bear it in my heart."

Zhao Mei gave him a blank look, "For things that are out of the question, you just think about giving them money first, and then wait until the factory is built and the money is earned.
We also invested a lot in the early stage, and now the liquidity in our hands is tight. Besides, the cooking skills passed down from ancestors in their mountain villages are known to everyone. Do we need to pay?Returning the secret recipe, you are really serious. "

Yang Dayong said sternly: "How can that be done? The child didn't say anything, and told me carefully how to do it. We can't bully the child who is young and ignorant. He took other people's secret recipe for nothing and refused to give any money. Sister-in-law Zhu knows, what face do you want me to face her."

Zhao Mei had a different idea, but she didn't want to quarrel with her husband, so she said:
"Then let's make jerky and see how the market is. If the business is good, let's take a sum of money from them. Maybe the two children don't take it seriously at all, so you can be serious."

Yang Dayong couldn't say no to his wife, so he hurried upstairs to plan the possibility of building a factory.

When Su Qing and Meng Hao returned to school, they didn't plan to run around, and concentrated on reading textbooks for a day, preparing for the start of school.

The weather in February was bright and sunny. Su Qingmengxiao, who had been promoted to a second-year student, started their first lesson of refining weapons together with the whole class.
They followed Mr. Tian, ​​who was in charge of the class, to the refining floor. The whole floor was full of refining places, with various tools on the shelves and boxes full of raw materials.

More than half of the entire floor area is divided into small rooms with supporting refining equipment.

The first intermediate class is full of pride. All the equipment and materials for the class are fully prepared for the students. Everyone can choose the tools and materials at hand, carry out refining, and create an item by themselves.

Teacher Tian first gave a demonstration to everyone, choosing a silver ore with a low melting point, putting it into the refining furnace, and turning on the maximum firepower for calcination.

Soon the ore turns into a liquid, removes impurities, shapes, and makes a very beautiful silver jewelry.

Mr. Tian continued to use the tool, after a little processing, put it on a velvet cloth, and all the students watched intently. Everyone didn't want to get enough credits for the refining course, and they all observed very carefully.

Teacher Tian asked everyone to stand still, and he began to give lectures.
"Students, you have learned the art of refining for a long time in the primary and intermediate classes, from the history of refining to the knowledge of various materials. Today we will start the first practical class of refining, starting from making the simplest tools item starts,
In the primitive society, humans used animal bones, stones, and grinding tools to develop until now. There have been earth-shaking changes, and two branches have been formed. One is based on industry and modern machines, and the other is the personal refining of supernatural powers. crafting-based alchemy,
If you want to become a craftsman, you must first be a supernatural master. Only a supernatural master can refine high-end weapons and various types of magic weapons.

Industrial manufacturing and craftsman, these two branches have their own advantages, which can be seen everywhere in our lives, no matter who is high or who is low, they are both indispensable to maintain our life and the normal functioning of society,
Alright, now choose the refining room according to the student number, and each person chooses the appropriate materials to make an item. As long as it is useful, I will give appropriate credits. "

Su Qing is really not interested in refining weapons, but under the strict guidance of her ancestors, she also learned a lot of knowledge. She made clothes with animal skins and weapons with animal bones. A bit of refining talent,

Meng Hao is very interested in the art of refining, but unfortunately his talent is not high.

For the first time refining, all the students unanimously chose simple materials. Even if some people practiced at home, and some people activated their abilities, they would not earn this breath when there was no class division.

Still follow the tutorial, there are no fools who can come to school here, even if they are naive, they have been told by their parents.

Su Qing thought for a long time, just make a Qiankun bag, she has been practicing refining Qiankun bag recently,
If you have the opportunity to use the free animal skin provided by the school, you must choose a high-grade animal skin that you can’t afford. The jade pendant space is full of rabbit skin, sheepskin, etc. The quality is not good, and the formation is broken if it is not complete. The materials left behind are top quality, and she cannot be allowed to spoil them at will.

Su Qing went to the shelf of the exotic animal fur, and chose a piece of consonance leather. This leather was tanned very well, without any peculiar smell, lake blue, very beautiful, very suitable for making a leather bag, and went to the ore area to choose a piece of gold ore , for accessories.

After choosing the materials, Su Qing walked into her refining room. The room was fully equipped, including refining furnaces, filtering, cutting, grinding, molds, and filled with various tools.
Every student has mastered how to use these tools in the last semester. It is not the first time for them to come here to take classes. They used to learn how to use tools, but this time they directly refine items.

Students can directly start refining without the guidance of the teacher.

When refining, I am most afraid of being distracted, everyone will close the door,
Mr. Tian, ​​who studies crafts, sits outside and observes the students' operations inside through monitoring. Only when students encounter problems that cannot be solved, will they call him to guide them.

(End of this chapter)

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