Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 215 The Plan Begins

Chapter 215 The Plan Begins

Yang Wei was still thinking about packing up the equipment for refining medicine, but was stopped by Li Zhipeng, who waved his hand,
"You go, you don't need to take care of these, I will clean up."

Yang Wei nodded, opened the door and left.

As soon as Yang Wei left, Li Zhipeng couldn't wait to call his teacher Lin Jianan,

"Teacher, are you busy now? Are you free to come and see the next miracle? Teacher, I witnessed a major event that shocked the entire pharmacist world."

Lin Jian'an no longer gives lectures to students, but every year, he selects a few talented students and guides them for a period of time.
As the director of the Pharmacy Department of Xinghui College, he is in charge of the management of the entire department. He is usually not busy. The school has its own perfect rules and regulations. He still mainly guides students.
Hearing the newsletter from Li Zhipeng, I'm not busy replying right away, I'll be there in a while,
Hearing what he said was so evil, Lin Jianan became interested, did Li Zhipeng discover something good?The whole person was so elated that he was almost dancing.

After more than half a year, these old fellows compiled the rice-cooking method of refining medicine created by Meng Yan, compiled a good textbook, and promoted it in various intermediate classes around the world this year, and now there are good news from everywhere.

Li Zhipeng made another discovery. What did he discover?It is also a new method of refining medicine, it is impossible, the method of refining medicine is not Chinese cabbage, it can be found everywhere.

Lin Jianan pushed open the door of the refining room and saw Li Zhipeng fiddling with the refining equipment on the table, and kept pointing, as if he was learning what to do.

"Dong dong dong" Lin Jianan knocked on the door, Li Zhipeng turned around and saw the teacher coming, and immediately said excitedly:
"Teacher, you are here, take a look, what is this?"

As he spoke, he handed over the jade bottle in his hand.

Lin Jianan wondered what his student was doing, closed the door behind him, took the jade bottle, looked at Li Zhipeng helplessly,
"What do you want me to see, just a bottle?"

"Teacher, look at the medicine in the bottle. It has just been refined, and it is still warm."

Lin Jianan looked at the jade bottle in his hand in doubt, opened the lid, and found several pills inside, what are these, a new product from the hospital, wrong! !This is the taste of elixirs refined into potions.

My heart skipped a beat, and I thought of Li Zhipeng saying that he just poured out a pill, took out his pocket knife, scraped off a little foam, put it in his mouth, and tasted it carefully.
Li Zhipeng eagerly watched the teacher feel the properties of the medicine,
Lin Jianan opened his eyes, looked eagerly at the pill in his hand, his face was full of surprise,

"Zhipeng, did you refine this?"

Li Zhipeng shook his head, "Teacher, what skills do I have? You also know that I am busy teaching students every day, so what do I have time to study? This was made by one of my students just now.

After the rice-cooking formula was made public, he insisted on refining a solid potion. He studied it for more than two months, but the school did not allow him to waste the public panacea.
Let me stop him, forbid him to use the share of classmates to continue to abuse, I will talk to him today,

The child begged me tearfully, give him another chance to refine the medicine, if he doesn't succeed, he will give up. Seeing his attitude is very persistent, I agreed and brought him here to refine the medicine. "

Li Zhipeng then explained Yang Wei's process of refining medicine in detail.
Lin Jianan pondered for a while, then said suddenly: "Let's go, let's call out the surveillance camera and take a look. I have to watch carefully what he does. I don't understand some things just from what you say."

"Yes yes yes, look at my excitement, forget that there will be video recordings in every room."

Every refining room is monitored, so that if an accident occurs, it can be found and dealt with in time, and the cause of the accident can also be checked. Generally, only the individuals who use the room have the right to retrieve the surveillance video of their own refining.

The two left in a hurry and ran to the monitoring room to search for the video of refining medicine.

The school's security department was in charge of monitoring. After the two found the person in charge, they explained that they wanted to retrieve a video of refining medicine and send it to the students.

After checking, the person in charge found that the user of the room was definitely Li Zhipeng, and asked him to copy the video.

Li Zhipeng also pointed out that he does not want the video of his refining medicine to be seen by others, and hopes that the security department can delete it.

The person in charge of the security department doesn't care, the video of people making medicine by themselves may have some secrets, and they definitely don't want to make it public.
"Ms. Li, it's already done. The videos of the period when you used the refining room have been captured. You can check it yourself."

Li Zhipeng glanced at it, nodded and said, "That's right, it can be deleted."

The staff reconfirmed the timing and length, and pressed the delete button, perfectly deleting the video content of Yang Wei refining medicine.

Li Zhipeng and Lin Jianan left in a down-to-earth manner, otherwise the leak of such a confidential video would have serious consequences.

The person in charge of the security department muttered to himself, "What precious potion are you refining? Even the head of the department came to ask for a video, so what the heck! They all meet the regulations, as long as I don't make any mistakes in my work."

Li Zhipeng and Lin Jianan returned to the office, immediately put the video on the optical brain, and carefully watched every step of Yang Wei's refining medicine.

"Zhipeng, why does he want to purify two spirit herbs together?"

"Maybe because there is more water in this way, it can evaporate slower,"

"Hey, what is he doing?..."

"Teacher, I think it should be..."

The two discussed while watching the video, until they watched the video three times, remembering every step of Yang Wei's refining medicine,
Lin Jianan got up immediately, "Come on, let's try it too."

The medicine contained in the jade bottle in Li Zhipeng's hands has improved several times. For those who have suffered serious internal injuries, an ordinary rejuvenation potion originally needs to be taken three times, but this pill can directly restore the injury to the original state. It is conceivable that if What kind of sensation can the pill come out?

Such an effect, how to prevent the two of them from going crazy, once Mengyuexing mastered the technology of refining pills, it would not be a simple matter, but a major event that would shock the entire empire.
So they hurried back to the refining room, impatiently trying to refine it,

It is easy to watch other people refine it, but it is very difficult to do it yourself, and you cannot succeed at all without mastering certain skills.

Li Zhipeng and Lin Jianan failed to refine it ten times each. They didn't believe that they were inferior to a student.
It's a pity that every time it is refined, it will become coke at the end, and it is too late to form a pill.

Li Zhipeng said disheartenedly: "Teacher, let's give up. That child Yang Wei worked hard for several months before he succeeded once. No matter how good we are at refining medicine, we can't learn it just by watching it a few times.
There must be skills that cannot be seen on the surface, let's go back and think about it, and watch Yang Wei carefully and refine it again tomorrow. "

Lin Jianan nodded, "Okay, we are old and have no enterprising spirit. The same two young people have innovated the way of refining medicine. The waves of the Yangtze River push forward the waves. The young people of this generation should not be underestimated."

Li Zhipeng asked: "Teacher, do you want to inform others to watch Yang Wei make medicine together tomorrow?"

"Several old folks have informed that the pharmacist industry cannot be self-cherishing. With new technological methods, we must spread them to benefit more people."

Li Zhipeng disagreed with the teacher's approach. There is a saying that teaches apprentices to starve to death of the master. Besides, Yang Wei's original technology, how can he just go up and learn it with a cheeky face? It is a personal patent.

"Teacher, is this not good? Pills are not as simple and convenient as Meng Hao's cooking-style medicine refining. That child Meng Hao doesn't care, so we promote it.
The solid pill is the result of Yang Wei's painstaking research for several months, and we should let him disclose it, isn't it appropriate? "

(End of this chapter)

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