Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 252 Selling Medicine Pills

Chapter 252 Selling Medicine Pills

They bought a lot of things, most of which were gifts for their families, and they were going to school in an alien system, so each of them added a few good clothes, don't go to school, let the students look down on the earthworms from the original star,
But no matter how orderly they are, they are also children of ordinary families, and they don't have the noble aura cultivated by wealthy families, so they can be seen as civilians.

When Su Qing was shopping, he did not forget to tell Meng Yan that as long as they were well-dressed and clean, they did not need to compare themselves with others. The children of rich families depended on the shadow of their parents, while the two of them relied on themselves. People from wealthy families are even more powerful,

Su Qingzhen raised Meng Yan as his grandson, and wanted to teach him from time to time, fearing that he would be raised in a wrong way, and usually instilled a positive attitude in him,
Su Qing felt very relieved to cultivate Meng Hao into a good young man with correct three views, enthusiasm and kindness, but not so pedantic, with the heart of a virgin who sacrifices himself and others. One of my sons has grown up.

I hope that Meng Hao can really achieve his own career in the future. I have carefully educated him for so many years, and I have taught him so much historical experience through storytelling.

Su Qing just waited for him to grow into a big tree in the future, so that he could come under the big tree to enjoy the shade. Boys are required to start a career and make achievements. She just needs to be a good elder in the future, and wait for Meng Xiang to provide for her.

what!Something seemed wrong, Su Qing stared at Meng Rong, his eyes flickered suddenly,

I am no longer that old lady who is dozens of years old. She is only 12 years old this year, and she is still a little girl. I don’t need Meng Yan to provide for her. Haha, fortunately, these are just thinking about it in my head.

Meng Hao didn't know what was going on in Qingqing's mind all day long.

I just think Qingqing looks at him so strangely, his grandma, his mother often looks at him like this, and suddenly the hairs stand on end, no way, what does Qingqing mean?

Meng Hao would never have thought that Su Qing would treat him as a grandson from the very beginning when he saw him, otherwise how could he have worked so hard all these years to educate him, help him, and turn a rotten tree into a talent.

"Qingqing, what's the matter, there's nothing on my face, what do you look at, it's creepy."

"It's nothing, just sigh, the little fat man back then has grown up!"

Meng Hao rolled his eyes and looked at his height of 1.8 meters. Qingqing was only 1.6 meters. He should have said this to Qingqing himself. The little milk baby back then had grown up, and he felt sorry for his elder brother!

The two continued to shop, let Huo Miao and Jiaojiao wait for them in the speeding car when there were many people, and hugged them out and squatted on Meng Xiao's shoulders when there were few people, with two cats on the left and one on the right, attracting passers-by to turn their heads frequently.

They weren't afraid to buy too many things, anyway, Huo Miao had room, so they rented a speeding car and wandered around Mingyue City.

Most of the time, Su Qing and Meng Hao were shopping and having fun, wanting to take a good look at Mingyue City again, as for shopping, it was almost enough.

No matter how well-prepared you are, you still need to buy something when you go to school in a new place. As long as you have money, you can do anything.

In the past few days, the two of them played all kinds of amusement projects in the various parks of Mingyue City.

Later, Su Qing said that she didn't want to go out, and playing for a few days was enough.

Let Meng Hao get together with some of his friends, and give him a large amount of interstellar coins as pocket money.

Meng Hao happily went to have fun with his good friends. Some big boys like to play, and little girls like Qingqing are definitely not interested.

Su Qing sent Meng Hao away because he wanted to sell the elixir as soon as possible.

The two pills have been refined, and there are 200 pills in total. The Xisui Pill is 20 million for 2000 interstellar coins per pill, and Dingyan Dan is more expensive for 50 interstellar coins per pill, which can be sold for 5000 million. This is just the market. price,

The selling price may be even higher. Su Qing estimates that it is no problem to sell more than [-] million interstellar coins. Just sell this time. The money for two people to go to school should be enough. The door to money.

She has earned a lot of interstellar coins these years, and if she asks Yang Wei to sell a batch of potions for her in the future, she will save a lot of money.

I went to the school to report that the spaceship tickets cost 100 million interstellar coins each. This is the quotation for the best room. They choose a medium price of 50 to 80. Two people can book a room. I don’t know what the future holds. If you can save, you can save a little, and it’s still a good deal to include board and lodging on the spacecraft.

Venus is too far away, otherwise it would cost so much money. The routes between the original galaxies only cost tens of thousands of interstellar coins. To the Venus of the medium-sized galaxies, there is no direct route, and you have to go to a planet in the original galaxies. transfer.

Because Venus is the closest planet to the central galaxy, can it not be far away?Tickets are definitely expensive.

After Su Qing waited for Meng Hao to go out, she was left alone in the dormitory. She found a set of Meng Hao's clothes to change into, took a Yi Rong pill, changed her height, shape and appearance, and turned into a very unremarkable man. , the kind that makes people forget after seeing it.

Huo Miao and Jiaojiao looked so dizzy that the cat's eyes were dizzy, why did the owner change gender, and meowed around Su Qing three times, um, the taste was still the same.

Su Qing looked at the two cats amusedly, "Okay, I'm going out to do some errands, you guys stay at home and don't run around."

Su Qing took an invisibility talisman on himself, flew out of the window directly, performed cloud stepping steps, flew directly in the air, left the campus as fast as lightning, landed in a dense forest to show his figure, rented a speeding car, and drove Go to Canxing Big Market.

Su Qing has been to Canxing Market many times to buy elixir seeds and seedlings, and sometimes to buy some refining materials for Meng Hao to practice his hands.

Otherwise, with the little time Meng Xiang spent in class and practice, how could he learn how to forge well? Without some hard training, how could he succeed so easily.

The flying car stopped at the gate of the market, Su Qing got off the car and walked in with the crowd.
Her purpose was very clear. She went directly to the largest shops selling medicines in the market and asked who could eat all the medicines.

The first shop Su Qing asked was the largest, but unfortunately the clerk looked down on people and didn't like to talk to Su Qing at all. Instead, he warmly entertained those gorgeously dressed guests
Su Qing didn't say much, and turned around to leave. A shop can know what kind of person the boss is from the attitude of the clerk.

The clerk in the second shop was quite enthusiastic, but I heard that Su Qing had Xisui Pill and Dingyan Pill for sale, and the price he gave was too low.

Su Qing could see that she was just a professional enthusiasm, she didn't believe that she had medicine in her hands, and treated her like a liar,

Su Qing also left with a slight smile, hoping that the clerk will not regret it to death in the future.

Su Qing changed to another shop. Su Qing had bought elixir seeds from this shop before.
The boss is an old pharmacist in his sixties. It is said that his qualifications are not very good. He only passed the one-star pharmacist exam and then he will never pass the exam. Later, he opened this shop in Canxing Market.

It mainly deals in various medicines, mainly low-level medicines. He can’t get the high-level medicines. Even if he does, the price is very high and there is not much profit. Some spiritual plants have a decent business. The Canxing market has a lot of traffic, and those who can open a shop here are considered to be wealthy.

Su Qing didn't choose his shop at the beginning because she was afraid that he would not be able to afford such funds, but she had no choice. She disliked the bad attitude of the first two shops.

As soon as Su Qing entered the store, he shouted loudly: "Is the boss there?"

This store is not small, about [-] square meters, and there are warehouses and lounges at the back.
Seeing Su Qing coming in, a clerk came up to receive him immediately, "Sir, what do you need, I will introduce it to you, our boss is behind."

Su Qing deliberately pretended to be arrogant, and said sharply:

"Go, call your boss out, you are not qualified to receive me, just say that I have a big deal to talk to him."

(End of this chapter)

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