Chapter 259
The old village head left, leaving only his family members, Su Feng asked Su Qing when he would report to the school,

When I heard that Su Qing said that he was going to leave after the New Year, and that it would take more than a month or two months to sail in the interstellar space, he panicked all of a sudden.

Not to mention spaceships, the Su family has never been on an aircraft. They have no concept of interstellar navigation.
Su Qing didn't want to talk too much about it, but after a while she wanted to tell her grandma alone, so she asked what the two uncles were doing and why they didn't see each other.

In the past few years, Su Ping and Su An have been married one after another, and both of their children are running around.

Su Feng built a new yard for them, and they all lived alone. The two of them lived a good life as a small family. The newly built yard was next to the Su family's new courtyard.

Today, the two couples brought their children back to their natal homes, and Su Feng and his wife didn't say anything. After all, it's useless to tell Qingqing a child about many things. Every family has their own unsatisfactory things.

Zhu Xiuyun suddenly asked: "Qingqing, you are leaving after the new year, or are you coming back at the end of the year?"

Su Qing shook her head. Seeing that grandma had asked, sooner or later she would let her know, so she said:

"Grandma, we will not come back until we graduate this time. The journey time is too long, and there is not enough time for the round trip during the holidays. Also, the fare of the interstellar spaceship is very expensive."

Zhu Xiuyun was dumbfounded when she heard that, "Ah, then you won't be able to go home for six years."

Su Qing: "Well, so, grandma, you can go with me. I have saved a sum of money, which is enough for us to live outside. After I settle down, I can still earn money."

Knowing that her granddaughter would not be able to go home for six years, Zhu Xiuyun felt very sad. She had just adjusted to the fact that her child would go home once a year, but now she would not be able to see her granddaughter for six years. What would she do?
Hearing that Su Qing asked her to go to an alien planet together, she immediately shook her head and said:
"I'm not going. It's so far away. I don't know the place where I'm familiar. Maybe I'll talk and eat differently. I'm an old woman, so I can't make trouble for you."

Wang Sanmei said from the side: "Sister-in-law, you can think about it, Qingqing is now a supernatural master,

I heard that supernatural teachers can make a lot of money, you can still take care of Qingqing and let her concentrate on her studies, otherwise you won't be able to see your child for six years."

Su Feng glared at his wife, and blamed:

"Don't talk nonsense, misleading sister-in-law, do you know where the medium galaxy is? It's all out of our original galaxy,
You haven't even been to Mingyue City, what will happen to Qingqing and sister-in-law? If we are at home, we can still take care of it. The village is full of folks who have been there for decades, so everything is convenient. My child, my sister-in-law can't help you when you encounter difficult things, so it's better to wait for the child to come back in the village. "

The implication of Su Feng's words was that he didn't want Zhu Xiuyun to leave. It's not easy for the two children to be outside, so please don't make trouble for them.

Zhu Xiuyun waved her hand, "Okay, let's not talk about this for now, let me think about it, Qingqing will go back to the room for a rest when Qingqing comes back, and your aunt and I will cook something delicious for you."

"Hmm!!" Su Qing nodded, knowing that it was difficult for her grandma to accept this for a while, and her heart would be shaken for a long time.

She said this directly, because the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, so that grandma will be mentally prepared early, no matter whether grandma leaves or not, two months is enough for her to think clearly.

Su Qing hoped that grandma would go with her, so that she would not have to go back to Mengyuexing in the future. After all, the empire is too big, and the civil transportation is very slow. It takes nearly half a year to go back and forth, and she has to spend it on the spaceship. Definitely not a good feeling,
Su Qing went back to her room, sorted out her things,
There are three bookshelves in the room, on which are all the textbooks she used to go to school. Su Qing brought them back. She thinks that even if she doesn't read them, she can let the children in the village have the opportunity to study, and in case they can produce talents.

It's a pity that so far, there has not been a child in the village who loves learning like her. The parents know the importance of learning, but their children are not up to date.

As soon as Huo Miao and Jiaojiao came back, they went into the mountains. Although as cats, they like to sleep with their heads covered at home, and running happily in the mountains is also their favorite, not to mention their friends in the mountains.

Sometimes the two cats would not come back outside for several days, Su Qing was also very relieved, there was no beast in the mountains that could beat the two siblings.

After having dinner together, Su Feng and his wife went back and brought back a lot of gifts for their family. Su Qing took care of everyone, not even the two little cousins.

It was getting dark at this time, Zhu Xiuyun smiled and watched the gifts that her granddaughter gave her, including clothes, shoes, and hats.

This child buys clothes for her every year, with such good quality, she, an old lady who spends her days in the world, has no chance to wear them.

"Grandma, this communicator is for you to use, you can't say no, I bought a new one, look pretty."

Su Qing gave Zhu Xiuyun the communicator she used before, and installed a new communication number long ago, and paid the monthly rent for ten years.

"I don't want it, and it costs so much money every month."

"Grandma, don't worry about using it. I have paid the monthly rent for the next ten years, and Meng Yu's communicator will also be kept at home. It will be convenient for us to contact you in the future. Just take it and use it. In case you decide to leave Mengyue Star, it can also be used to contact Grandma Meng."

"Qingqing, I didn't promise to leave home, I just said to think about it, okay, okay, give me the communicator, you are such a waste, how can you pay the monthly rent for ten years all at once."

As soon as Zhu Xiuyun heard that she was about to leave, she felt a headache, so she quickly took the communicator and put it in her hand, and asked Su Qing to teach her how to use it. This is very simple, and you can learn it once you learn it.
Su Qing was amused. Grandma probably felt very embarrassed, reluctant to bear herself, and didn't want to leave the place where she had lived for half her life. She understood her feelings very well.
An old lady from a mountain village in her tens of years, the farthest place she has ever been to is Mingyue City. The thought of taking a spaceship for two months, drifting among the stars, and going to a distant and strange place is unacceptable in her heart.

If she had been in her previous life, she might have thought the same way, but she lived a new life and returned to her youth. How could she live up to her good years? She must go out and have a look.

Whether grandma should go with her depends on how she thinks about it during this period of time. If the two of them really don't see each other for six years, Su Qing will miss her very much.

Su Qing and Zhu Xiuyun's grandfather and grandson were talking quietly, and the Meng family was about to fall into chaos.

Meng Hao has had enough of showing off, the villagers scattered to go home, Meng Hao didn't organize his things, and took Meng Shuo to play around in the village,
He was finally free, unable to stop like a runaway wild horse, energetically took his younger brother around to find his friends, and wanted to play the game he played when he was a child again.

Not to mention that there were quite a few people who responded, a group of boys left noisy figures all over the mountains and rivers, and ran home after hearing the shouts of their parents, and agreed to go hunting in the mountains tomorrow.
Who made Meng Hao brag and describe himself as a peerless master, all the friends wanted to see the scene of him fighting with strange beasts.

Meng Hao is not as careful as Su Qing, and he would never think of telling his parents about not being able to go home for six years. He thinks it's nothing, and it will pass in a flash. He is a man, so what are you afraid of?

Throwing the communicator directly to his father, he also showed off his new communicator, accidentally talking bald.

Showing off that the new communicator cost more than two million interstellar coins, Wang Qian almost fainted from fright.
Immediately, the whole family began to interrogate Meng Rong collectively. Meng Rong finally couldn't stand it anymore and honestly explained what happened over the years.

The whole family was dumbfounded after hearing this. What, Meng Yu has been raised by Qingqing all these years, and owes a huge amount of debt. Even the communicator was bought by Qingqing for Meng Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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