Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 283 Classmates in a dormitory

Chapter 283 A classmate in a dormitory
This is the dormitory area of ​​the Lingzhi Department, and it must be fully equipped. Seeing this, Su Qing smiled and it is very in line with her wishes. Although the accommodation fee is a bit more expensive, it is too worthwhile.

Huomiao and Jiaojiao have been running around in and out for a long time, leaving their own scents everywhere, indicating that this is their territory, and other wild cats are not allowed to come again.
Su Qing picked up a few dust-cleaning techniques, condensed into a ball of dust and threw it into the trash basket, and began to tidy up the bedroom

The school prepared bedding for the students, all of which were new. Su Qing cleaned up the bedding without worrying about it, then spread it on the bed, opened her suitcase, put the clothes in the closet, and then she could move in directly.

Su Qing looked around, this house is where she will live for the next six years, eh!to her great satisfaction,

"Let's go, Meng Hao, let's go to your dormitory right now. Is it really okay for you to live in a four-person room? If the conditions are not good, let's switch."

Meng Yan shook his head vigorously, "Don't change it for me, I just like crowded people, what's the point of living alone, Qinglan College's accommodation conditions will definitely not be bad."

"Alright then, as you wish."

Su Qing didn't force it either, she knew Meng Hao's personality, and she liked crowds more lively, and it's been very hard for him to study hard all these years, so let him be more casual.

Before leaving, Meng Hao looked at the refrigerator in the kitchen, it was empty, he turned on the power first, and said to Su Qing:

"Let's cook and eat in your dormitory today. I can still come in while there is no restriction during this period of time. When the school starts, the social management will supervise every day. If there is nothing to do, no one will come in at will. If we want to meet again, we will have to go to the campus. ,"

Su Qing nodded, "Okay, take out some of the rice noodles and vegetables you brought."

They brought food and vegetables from home, and it happened that lunch and dinner were ready today.

Meng Hao took out everything. His storage container was not big, only about one cubic meter in size. It contained some rice noodles, vegetables, and fruits, and the meat of exotic animals was in the flames.

There are pots and pans for cooking in the kitchen, but there are no condiments, and they need to go out to buy.

They checked the campus guide and found that they could purchase it on Xingwang. The courier robot could deliver it to the door of the dormitory, or they could go to the commercial area of ​​the campus to purchase it by themselves.

The two of them were going to walk around the school, so they just went out and bought it.

Tidy things up a bit, put vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator, turn on the water heater in the bathroom, and turn on some household tools, such as vacuum cleaners, air purifiers, and automatic temperature control systems, but these are smart home appliances that are fully automatically controlled , as long as the energy is sufficient,
Su Qing told Huo Miao and Jiaojiao to take care of the house, and she accompanied Meng Yan to the dormitory to settle down first, and then went to buy various daily necessities.

The two cats have just arrived in a new place and are occupying land everywhere, so they readily agreed to take care of the house, and they didn't rush to go out to play.

Su Qing specifically told them that they hadn't registered yet, so they should bring a new name tag, don't run around, and be careful of being caught.

Meng Hao pulled up his suitcase, Su Qing locked the courtyard door, as long as there was a flame to watch the house, besides, the school was very safe,

They followed the school's guide for freshmen and walked towards the boys' dormitory area. After walking for a quarter of an hour, they entered the scope of the boys' dormitory.
Following the signs, he found the dormitory area of ​​the Martial Arts Department, walked past the houses, and finally saw the house number of Meng Yan's dormitory.

All the facilities of Tsinglan College are very advanced. The student dormitories are all townhouses. Don’t look at the four-person room that Meng Xiao chose. Each dormitory is a large house of several hundred square meters. The appearance is very elegant and the interior decoration is also good. Even better than the average resident family.

The house is not as exquisite as the single-person luxury area, and there is no yard between each house, they are all next to each other, and they are connected together.

There is a large open space in front of the house, probably for a student to practice.

Meng Hao opened the door of the dormitory, and the two walked in. It was quiet inside. There were four bedrooms, the layout of which was similar to that of all student dormitories. There were four bedrooms, a common living room, and a kitchen.

Meng Hao opened his bedroom, which was a suite with a bedroom, a study room, and a separate bathroom. The conditions were not bad, and Meng Hao felt very satisfied.
He also smiled and discussed with Su Qing that when they have money, it would be great to buy an optical computer for each of them, and it would be great to have a star network cabin, so that they can experience the feeling of holographic Internet access.

But that kind of star network warehouse is very expensive, and it is impossible to achieve it at this stage. We can only use the public ones of the school and charge by the hour.

Su Qing helped to clean up, found out the quilt, put on the quilt cover, spread the bed sheet,

Meng Hao is a big boy, not as particular as Su Qing, and he has to change into the quilt and bed sheet he brought,
The bedding prepared by the school was brand new, so it was good enough. He opened the suitcase, stuffed the clothes in the closet casually, put the suitcase in the corner, and the work was done.

"Qingqing, let's go, go shopping for daily necessities, and take a look around, the campus is too big."

Su Qing nodded, and the two of them opened the door and came out, just in time to meet a family of three who had just entered and were tidying up the room, and the three of them were talking about something.

It's a middle-aged couple with a big boy. It seems that a classmate who lives in the same dormitory has arrived.

However, judging by the clothes and temperament of the three members of the family, they are not from ordinary families. The three of them are full of extravagance, and the clothes and accessories are all high-end goods.

The woman stood in the room, looked around critically, and said with disgust:

"Son, this house is too small. We'd better live in a deluxe room. It doesn't have much money."

The big boy shook his head, "Mom, I just like to be lively. It's so lonely to live alone, and it's great to play and fight with classmates. I also need friends."

The gentlemanly man next to him said: "Okay, Jingyi, Hongfei likes it, so I just live here, and it's time for him to experience the life of ordinary people. Boys, don't be too spoiled."

Although the woman was dissatisfied, she stopped talking. She opened his son's bedroom and was picky about the lack of quality of the bedding and the lack of high-end equipment in the room. She turned around and shouted:
"We'll go out later and replace everything we use. These cheap products are of poor quality."

This time the man didn't object. Their family was born rich and wealthy, and their son was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child. He has the best food and clothing. Living in a four-person room is hard enough. The standard bedding prepared by the school is indeed not good. He doesn't want to wrong the child anymore.

The woman hung the clothes in the suitcase on the closet while nagging, and she also disliked the school's many rules, why can't one more person come in, and she needs to do it herself, she is obviously a wealthy wife who doesn't touch the sun, and has a servant Not yet.

But even so, the woman didn't let her husband and children do it, she opened the two large suitcases she brought, and packed all the clothes and accessories neatly in the closet.

The boy was sitting in the living room talking to his father. Su Qing and Meng Jian opened the door and saw their father and son.

When the two sides met each other, they were both taken aback, and immediately realized that they were classmates in a dormitory.

Since they lived under the same roof for six years, Meng Yan felt that he should establish a good relationship, so he said with a smile on his face:

"Hello classmate, my name is Meng Yan and I'm from the martial arts department. We will live in the same house for six years in the future. Please take care of each other."

The boy stood up immediately, smiled and said:
"Hello, hello, my name is Chen Hongfei, nice to meet you, this is my dad, the one in the bedroom is my mom,"

Meng Fang: "Chen Hongfei, I am also very glad to meet you. Hello, uncle and aunt. Let me introduce you. This is my sister Su Qing, a new student in the Lingzhi Department."

The Chen family couple and Meng Xiang casually nodded their heads, agreed, and began to look at their son's classmates, and they could see his roots in a few glances, an alien with muddy legs.

Chen Hongfei saw the fair and delicate little girl behind Meng Yan, his eyes lit up,
"Wow, your sister is so pretty, she looks like a jade baby."

(End of this chapter)

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