Chapter 285
The ancestor once said that the staple food of monks is to surround the planting field with formations, keep the spiritual energy strong, and often use the spring rain formula to water the spiritual field, and grow spiritual rice, spiritual noodles and spiritual vegetables. Venus is very suitable for planting Reiki crops.

Since people in the medium galaxy have no restrictions on food, it means that they are not allergic to aura. As for whether anyone in Qixing eats synthetic food, Su Qing is new here, so I really don't know.

The two had a simple meal, cleaned up the kitchen, and then went upstairs to farm, striving to eat fresh vegetables tomorrow.
Digging, digging, planting, burying, and watering were done in one go. Su Qing didn't use magic, and it was all done by the physical strength of the two of them.
Su Qing didn't want to always rely on spells for everything, fearing that she would get used to it and let it out if she didn't pay attention outside, so she tried to do the work by herself.

Venus star is different from Mengyue star. People in Mengyue star have little knowledge and many things are not clear. Venus star is close to the central galaxy. People are well-informed. If they find out the clues, it will be over. Be careful in everything.

Su Qing's plan is to finish six years of schooling in a low-key manner, find a livable planet to buy a small farm, and take her grandma to live. There is no need to compete with others, let others do it!
For this reason, she specially told Meng Hao not to talk about her affairs in the future, and not to show off her talent to others.

In Mengyuexing, her talent is not bad, but in Qixingxing everyone is an elite among people, the situation is different. If Su Qing is not as good as Meng Yu boasted, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Meng Yu couldn't help nodding, knowing that today's outspokenness made Qingqing really angry, and it was all his fault.

Today, in front of a few strangers, I told Qingqing from childhood to adulthood, really shouldn't, how does he know who the other party is, what if his conduct is not good, what should he do if he uses what he said today to slander Qingqing everywhere?
He should keep in mind the advice of his elders, and only say a few words when meeting people, but don't let go of his heart. When he gets excited, he forgets it all, and makes a mistake on the first day at school.

Meng Hao made a serious and profound self-criticism, and assured Qingqing that he would never talk inappropriately with strangers again.

Su Qing nodded, and didn't blame him too much, as long as Meng Yan understood, they began to mix noodles with minced meat and cabbage, and prepared to make dumplings.

The two discussed where to visit tomorrow. There are several areas on the campus, and they can enter and browse with their student cards.
For example, the school's refining room, medicine refining room, planting base, animal garden, library, practice room, and student unions organized by students of all grades. The school actually has a task hall where students can complete tasks and receive contribution points. In exchange for spiritual plants, resources for cultivating supernatural powers, and various refining materials.

As for the task content, there are many, all kinds, everything.

Su Qing and Meng Hao took advantage of the time when they woke up, nestled on the sofa in the living room, and watched for a long time with their communicators in their arms. They felt that life in the college was simply too colorful. hundred times.

The main reason is that students only need to study professional courses, which is more than half easier than studying in intermediate classes, and students' spare time life is more colorful.
After reading all kinds of information from the school, the noodles have woken up, and we can make dumplings with stuffing.
The two turned on the star TV and watched while working. They chose the local program of Venus, just to learn more about the situation of Venus.

Both of them are familiar with cooking, so they filled the refrigerator with dumplings without knowing it, and the leftovers were cooked enough for them to eat with fire and tenderness, and there was still some left over.

After the dumplings were made, it was past five o'clock in the afternoon.
The two cooked dumplings, and after eating, Meng Yu was going back to his dormitory. Before leaving, he still told Qingqing to take care of himself, and closed the doors and windows tightly. Meng Yu turned into an old lady and talked non-stop. Being separated from Qingqing made him very worried.

Su Qing was annoyed by him,
"Okay, I'm not a child, besides, the school is very safe, you can go back quickly, come over for dinner tomorrow morning, take this box of dumplings, go back for supper, pack all the daily necessities you bought, otherwise it will be useless. "

"Don't worry, I've already installed it, so I'm leaving."

Meng Hao took his things and strode away from Su Qing's dormitory, feeling reluctant to part with her. After all, the two lived in the same dormitory since they were in the intermediate class. Now that they have grown up, it is not suitable for them to live together again. Even if they want to, The school can't agree either.

Meng Yu left with the mentality of an old father.

Su Qing looked at Meng Xiao's back and shook her head. When will this child grow up and become more mature?

A person with a personality like Meng Yan is a late bloomer, and he has to go through a lot before he can transform and become a real man. Since he is studying on campus, let him continue to be innocent for a few years! !
Although the two are in the same school, they are in different departments, and basically have no intersection. If they don't have special contacts, they may not be able to meet each other in the campus of Nuo University in a year.

Meng Hao has been under strict control by Su Qing for these years, and his personality is naturally a bit simple. When he has his own life circle and faces all men, once Su Qing lets go, he will definitely grow up rapidly.

Su Qing waited until Meng Yan's back was gone, then closed the courtyard door, and began to walk around the courtyard to observe,
Luo Zilan also came out to help check. Fortunately, except for the surveillance head at the street lights outside the courtyard, there are no surveillance cameras installed in the courtyard or in the room. It may be for the privacy protection of students living in luxury dormitories.

She noticed that there was a surveillance camera in the living room of Meng Hao's dormitory, but not in the suite.

Su Qing took out a few formation flags, raised his hand, the streamer flashed into the corner of the wall and disappeared,
She wants to set up a protective formation, mainly to prevent people from intruding when she is practicing or not in the dormitory. Although she has no secrets on the surface, it is better to protect her own territory.

In the past, I couldn't arrange such a formation without spirit stones, and I was struggling to keep talking on paper, and I didn't know how effective the learning would be. Now I just got a lot of spirit stones, so of course I have to try.

Su Qing arranged the protective formation according to the direction, and activated the formation with a wave of his hand, and an invisible spiritual energy surged around the small courtyard, and began to spread, forming a protective shield.

It can stop people, birds and beasts from entering, even some hot weapons can resist it, but it consumes a lot of spirit stones, so you can't use it if you want to come to the campus.
When the formation was activated, Su Qing felt safe and finally able to do things boldly without fear of being discovered. There was also a low-level phantom formation outside the protection formation, and passers-by would always see the normal picture.

What is Qinglan College? It is the base camp of supernatural masters. The teachers and students here are all supernatural masters. What if there is a little trick in the air?

Su Qing greeted Huomiao Jiaojiao and began to practice. The two cats were too lazy and wanted to sleep when they had nothing to do. Finally, she knew why. Their mother was obviously of the blood of the beast, but her cultivation was not high. It was all caused by the onset of lazy cancer of,
They were also perfectly inherited by their brother and sister. I feel that the two animal pets I received are unreliable. They only eat and don’t work. , don't you have to support yourself,

It was the first time for Su Qing to practice in the open air. She sat cross-legged on the mat, with her five hearts facing the sky, and began to practice the exercises. At the very beginning, she felt an unusually pure spiritual energy rushing in, and the invisible protective formations emitted light.
Except for Su Qing who can feel it, other people can't see it at all, otherwise Su Qing wouldn't dare to form a formation, because others can't see it at all.

Luo Zilan nodded while floating in the air. Sure enough, the spiritual energy of the medium galaxy is a hundred times stronger than that of Mengyuexing. Qingqing has hope to break through the golden core stage. She was also lucky to get a batch of spiritual stones. Fortunately, they finally walked out of that barren planet.

(End of this chapter)

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