Chapter 287
His current achievements in martial arts all depended on body training. The martial arts taught in the school always felt that they were not as powerful as Qingqing's family-inherited martial arts and were more suitable for him.

Su Qing frowned, thought for a while and said:

"From now on, you will practice in front of the dormitory. When someone asks you, you just say that it is the martial arts handed down from your own family. Be careful, but it will attract attention."

Meng Yan was stunned, Qingqing dared to say it, and asked hesitantly: "Is it okay to say this? What if the Li family finds out? There must be students from Bichenxing in the school."

Su Qing: "It's absolutely fine. It's not good to care too much. If someone wants to watch it, let them watch it casually. It doesn't work for others to learn a few movements. After a long time, everyone doesn't care. The Li family has a lot of kung fu. This set They don't pay much attention to kung fu, and I modified a lot of movements, they won't find out."

Nine-turn Xuangong does not have the matching breathing method to practice together. The optical movement can only relax the tendons and activate the blood. Su Qing doesn't care about spreading the exercises at all. It's just that the jade pendant space is a very common exercise. When Meng Hao enters the nine-turn, It is time to change the exercises.

The things of the ancestors are left to the younger generations, and have nothing to do with the Li family, so how could they arouse their dissatisfaction? It was just an excuse for Su Qing to pass on his skills back then.

Since Qingqing said so, Meng Yan could only nod his head, but he knew very well in his heart that the exercises he learned were definitely not as simple as Qingqing said, there must be some secrets, and Qingqing would not tell him, so that's good, to save himself that day Can't help but say it.

He couldn't stop practicing. In Mingyue City before, he and Qingqing practiced in front of the dormitory openly, and no one paid any attention to them. It seemed that he was too cautious, so it was better to be natural.

Su Qing, Meng Hao and the two cats had breakfast together. Su Qing asked Meng Hao to practice first, and she came to wash the dishes and tidy up the room.

After talking with his roommates last night, Meng Yu found that he was really too worried about Qingqing.

Qingqing has grown up, she is no longer that little girl who needs her own help to sit on the chair, he has to get used to letting go.

Besides, doing laundry, cooking and tidying up the room, Qingqing does such work very well. In the past, the two of them also divided the work at school.

Standing in the courtyard, Meng Hao practiced the body training technique thoroughly. After finishing the work, he was sweating all over his body, and his joints were creaking. After this period of time, his stiff body stretched out, and the blood vessels in his whole body were immediately smoothed, and his body was much more comfortable. up,
He went to the bathroom to wash his face first, dried it in the warm air vent, brushed his hair down, walked out and said to Su Qing:

"Qingqing, go back to the dormitory with me and meet some of my roommates. They are all nice people. You can also take care of each other if you have anything to do on campus in the future.
You can no longer be like before, you don’t talk to anyone, you don’t have any friends, you should try to make a few good friends, and girls should have a few girlfriends to share your girls’ private topics. "

Su Qing nodded silently, thinking that what Meng Yan said was right, she should try to make a few good friends, one cannot be alone forever.

Instruct the Huomiao brothers and sisters to look after the house. They will go to Meng Yu's dormitory first. In the afternoon, they will take the Huomiao brothers and sisters to the school to register and change the pet information.

When Meng Yu took Su Qing back to the dormitory, his three roommates had already woken up and were eating breakfast with takeaway food.
When Wang Bin saw Meng Yu coming back, he asked him if he had eaten yet?

Meng Hao smiled and said, "I've finished eating long ago. Nuo, Qingqing is here too. I'll let you get to know her. If we meet outside, take care of her."

Chen Hongfei met Su Qing and greeted her with a smile. Wang Bin and Ma Junhui couldn't believe it when they saw her for the first time. She and Meng Hao were siblings who grew up together.

"Hi sister Qingqing, if you need help in the future, please don't hesitate to ask me for help." Wang Bin was overwhelmed with enthusiasm when he saw the white and clean girl.

Ma Junhui was a little shy facing the little girl, especially when he was holding the rice bowl, he nodded and ran back to the room.

It also made the remaining three straight men laugh out loud, and Su Qing's lips curled up a little at Ma Junhui's behavior.

Immediately concealing the spell, the irresistible beauty of the city was revealed, and against the cool and ethereal temperament, Wang Bin and Chen Hongfei were dumbfounded, and couldn't help their hearts beating wildly.

Su Qing quickly suppressed her smile, and her face returned to her normal and delicate appearance. Ever since she knew that she looked similar to Li Ningbi, Su Qing had made some fine-tuning to her appearance, and outsiders generally couldn't see her real appearance.

The two who were stunned let out a sigh of relief and looked at Su Qing. They no longer had that touching face. They were puzzled, but they didn't think too much about it. They thought it was just because they saw the little girl's smile and felt very pretty.

Meng Hao didn't notice the gaffe of the two roommates, and was still asking what they were going to do today?
Chen Hongfei stripped away the rice in the bowl in two or three mouthfuls, threw the packaging into the trash can handsomely, and said with a smile:

"Of course it is to find out the various places in the school. What do you want to play? I will treat today's expenses."

"Okay, okay, it's settled."

Wang Bin cheered happily. He is not short of money, but of course he would not refuse a treat from Kaizi. Seeing that Chen Hongfei's parents prepared all kinds of things for him yesterday, he knows that this kid's family is very rich, so you don't have to be polite to him.

Meng Yu still wanted to be polite, and wanted to say that everyone pays their own, but Su Qing responded quickly and pulled him down, and immediately changed his head to nod in agreement, and coaxed them to take them to eat some special delicacies of Venus.

Chen Hongfei said happily, "That's for sure."

Calling Ma Junhui in the room, they left the dormitory together and wandered around the campus.
Chen Hongfei and the others are all from the martial arts department. Everyone's martial arts skills are not low, and their physical fitness is very good.

Otherwise, with Chen Hongfei's inertia, he would have rented a speeding car long ago.

A few big boys chatted happily together. Su Qing silently followed behind and observed a few people, especially Wang Bin and Ma Junhui from Chenxixing. Let her focus on it and collect some information secretly.

Su Qing didn't talk to them right away, knowing about Chen Xixing's situation, she had to wait for everyone to get familiar with it slowly, so as not to appear abrupt.

According to the introduction of the school tour guide, they browsed along the far and near locations.

The first stop was the school's medicine refining room. Su Qing and Meng Yu were amazed at the school's advanced equipment, which was several grades ahead of Mengyuexing. They couldn't blame the students for their high level of medicine refining.

The other three were not interested in refining medicine, and they all flew at low altitude when they were in school.
Hearing that Qingqing is very talented in refining medicine, Wang Bin asked without opening his eyes,
"Since Su Qing has a good talent for refining medicine, why didn't he apply to the Department of Pharmacy?"

Chen Hongfei heard Meng Hao explain the reason yesterday, and Ma Junhui might have guessed it, the eyes of the two showed regret,

Su Qing was very free and easy, and said lightly: "Shang Lingzhi is more economical, and pharmacy is too expensive. I can minor in pharmacy."

Wang Bin understood immediately, and his face was flickering, strangely embarrassed, as if he was asking about someone's sore feet.

Although the three of Chen Hongfei came from good backgrounds, they are not like people in developed regions who look down on people from primitive galaxies.
In fact, they still have a sense of superiority in their hearts, thinking that the original galaxy is poor and backward, and the quality of the people is very low.

Meng Hao said that firewood was still used for cooking in their village. The three of them couldn't imagine what kind of life that was, and felt that they couldn't live a day.

But the three of them are all smart people, even fools can't get into Tsinglan College. They understand that students who can be admitted from the original galaxy must be amazingly talented, and there will be great luck in the future. They should be friends and try to hide it The contempt in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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