Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 290 The Ore Market of Morning and Evening Star

Chapter 290 The Ore Market of Morning and Evening Star
This is the headquarters of the Pharmacists Guild of the Empire. In the past, Su Qing often came here to read posts and inquire about some information.
She also participated in the pharmacist assessment here, and has already won the three-star pharmacist qualification, but she did not actually register with the guild to receive the badge.

Since she will not be working as a pharmacist in the future, Su Qing does not plan to continue the assessment, but it is time to study, and she still needs to know some things.

Enter the Pharmacist Guild, and follow the guidance to a very large room, where many people are reading materials,
This is the original posting section. If you want to see any information, just go and get a book and open it. You can choose according to the date. Every day, the information will form a book, which is very convenient to browse.
Su Qing chose a few books at random. She hasn't been here for a long time, and she hasn't read them all.

what!The pharmacists in Tianlong City discovered that the current equipment would not be able to refine high-level pills successfully. They suggested that they need to use the original alchemy furnace to refine according to the records in the ancient books.

Someone spent a lot of money to buy an ancient alchemy furnace from a collector, but it didn't work in the step of purifying the liquid medicine. After many tests, it was discovered that the temperature of the flame was the problem.

There are a lot of posts like this, and different people express different opinions, all of them are studying how ancient monks refined elixirs.

On a whim, Su Qing picked up a pen and published an article, why can't supernatural masters refine high-level pills?
Su Qing explained this issue from several aspects, first explaining that ancient monks and supernatural masters are not a system of cultivation at all.

The energy of cultivation is different, which means that it is impossible for a supernatural master to refine the same pill. Legend has it that monks are very particular about alchemy. If a supernatural master wants to succeed, he can only simplify it or replace it with some other things.

Even using a monk's alchemy furnace is useless. The energy of two people's cultivation is different, so the effect cannot be achieved. The most important thing is the flame during alchemy. Ordinary flames cannot provide the heat needed by ancient alchemy furnaces.

According to the legend, what the monks use is not ordinary fire, any fuel on the market today is not suitable. The monks use energy flames for alchemy, similar to the flames emitted by fire-type supernatural masters.

To sum up all the above, she thinks that as a supernatural master, it is basically hopeless to refine the legendary elixir, and she can only refine a simplified version.

Su Qing's posting is just for fun, and then continue to browse other information,

But I don't know that some of the conclusions she wrote casually caused a thousand waves of waves, and made many pharmacists suddenly realize that they were all asking who this Qingqing Zijin was?
The star network shows that this person is a three-star pharmacist, and the real information is kept secret. The star network has a high degree of confidentiality of personal information. As long as the personal information on the Internet is controlled by the empire's super optical brain, ordinary people have no right to inquire about the other party at will. archival.

Su Qing's reading speed is astonishing. People browse with both eyes, but she browses with her spiritual sense. Naturally, she reads the posts and materials during this period of time.
Go to the task posting section to check some information. There are people with any needs, but due to confidentiality issues, Su Qing does not want to conduct more transactions online, and it is easy to expose herself.

She'd better get to know Bailang City first. Tomorrow, she and Meng Yan will go to Jingyun Market to have a look, and buy a storage device by the way, as a cover for the bright side.

Su Qing wandered around the Pharmacist Guild enough, and looked around the virtual Tianlong City,
The star network is designed according to reality. The pharmacist's guild is in Tianlong City. The entire virtual Tianlong City is not small. There are people coming and going, and it is very lively. The online shops are divided into many areas according to the actual city structure.
Su Qing found a well-known shopping website, a virtual big market, with various merchants selling goods, row upon row, more lively than physical stores, selling more miscellaneous and complete items, many of which are not seen in physical stores Goods can be found here, especially second-hand goods, which are very popular.

Su Qing wandered around the market casually and bought a few products. After payment, the merchant will send the products directly to the customer by interstellar express.

What Su Qing likes most are all kinds of plant seeds, as well as ancient classics. There is no record of that era of cultivation in school, not even on the star network.

Su Qing came to the Tianlong City Library, wanting to search for information, to see what was going on in the historical records, why the cultivation civilization suddenly disappeared, and after searching for a long time, she still found nothing.

There was no other way, so Su Qing had no choice but to ask the administrator, saying that she was a pharmacist and wanted to check information about monks' alchemy.

After the administrator's explanation, she realized that the ancient books about monks were listed as top secret and rare materials by the empire. Only masters of pharmacy have the right to read it.

Su Qing had no choice but to leave angrily this time, and continued to go to another stall market to see what new things were there. Tianlong City is the center of the empire, and there must be many good things.

The virtual market is no different from the physical store. Compared with the physical store, the operation is more diversified and the product types are more abundant. Because there are many restrictions on opening an offline store, the cost is also high, and a dedicated person is required to watch the store all day long.
I am not afraid of virtual business, I can do business whenever I want, and I can set up a stall when I have time, so there are many more amateur businessmen, and the more people there are, the more products will be abundant, and there are all kinds of things to sell.

Of course, the managers of Starnet are also very strict in reviewing sellers and products to prevent illegal products from appearing.

Su Qing bought some rare seeds that she had never seen before, and asked the seller to send them to her dormitory at Tsinglan College after payment.
There is nothing else of interest, click on the control panel, turn into a streamer and return to Bailang City, look at the time is still early, Meng Hao and the others don't know how long they will play?Why don't you go to Chenxixing to see, is there anyone selling spirit stones?

Morning and evening star is like this?Su Qing stared at the virtual city of Chenxixing in a daze. She only entered Chenxixing, and did not choose a specific city. She came here on a whim and did not check the information at all. The system randomly configured it for her. Most people love to choose address.

There are all kinds of ores everywhere, and the speeding cars that come and go are also full of ores, and all kinds of ores are piled up on the roadside to form stone mountains.
In some places, there is actually a circle of people waiting for the boss to untie the big rock and see what minerals are wrapped inside.

Su Qing opened her mouth wide and didn't come back to her senses for a long time. She imagined that the ore market was different!Why is it like a refugee camp, there are no neat shops, all kinds of exquisite stone materials, and they all look like primitive rough ore.

What's even more difficult is that at least one must have a storefront to do business, right?Why build a straw shed to do business? In the interstellar era, it’s all high-tech, so it’s not enough!Could it be that people from Chenxixing like this kind of retro style?

Forget it, let's take a look first, neither she nor Meng Hao took the path of a craftsman, so they didn't need to buy ores, although they both learned crafting well.

The purpose of Su Qing's visit was to find out if there were any spirit stones. She walked slowly along the stall, carefully avoiding speeding cars and crowds carrying goods.

There was a booth in Hure, and there were cheers from many people around, as if a stone gambler had found a good piece of ore, a high-quality ore that could be used to refine magic weapons.

This kind of virtual stone gambling, although it is not really a good bet, the store will give the customer a corresponding value of interstellar coins, it is just a different way of having fun, but most of them are waste, and very few people can return. Book.

There are a lot of stones piled up on the side of the street, these are all virtual, of course we can't see the energy contained in them.

Su Qing felt that it was a waste of time to come here. There are many shops for gambling on stones. People who play this kind of game are really strong in gambling, and they can be addicted even if they are virtual.

(End of this chapter)

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