Chapter 292
After washing the clothes, I started to make dinner for the two cats. They are now adult cats and need to eat enough meat every day.
Usually, Su Qing would let them eat vegetables and fruits, as well as some staple foods. Monster beasts are stronger than ordinary beasts, and they are not so squeamish. They can eat any food that contains energy. The difference is equal to life undergoing an evolution.

Meng Yu sent a newsletter, saying that he and Chen Hongfei had dinner at school together, and that he would come to find Su Qing tomorrow morning, and then go shopping in Jingyun Market.

Su Qing is now gradually letting go of Meng Yan, no longer restraining him, and letting him decide many things by himself, and get in touch with friends more.

In the six-year intermediate class, they put their minds and bodies on their studies, and now let Meng Xiao live a relaxed college life.

Martial arts is Meng Hao's strong point. He must be able to learn it very well. Six years of college career can cultivate Meng Hao into a very comprehensive talent.

Don't think that the martial arts department is just for students to learn all kinds of martial arts and practice non-stop all day long.

Absolutely not like that. Students of the Martial Arts Department also need to learn the basics of interstellar knowledge, such as driving mechs, aircraft and warships, using various weapons, including cold weapons and hot weapons, how to survive in various environments, various Adventure knowledge, anyway, is very rich in content.

In the academy of the interstellar era, any subject is not simply to learn the knowledge of the department, but also needs to learn all kinds of knowledge related to the undergraduate.

For example, Su Qingxue's spiritual plant science is not just about farming, but also analyzes the effects of various soils, water, climate, and energy on plants, as well as various microorganisms, nutrition, etc., involving a wide range of subjects.

what!What time is it? Su Qing finished the dinner for the two cats, but Huo Miao and Jiaojiao didn't come back yet. It was just going outside as soon as she went out, and she didn't want to come back.

Su Qing communicated with the two cats through the contract, telling them to come back for dinner quickly, and go home immediately after receiving their reply.

Within two minutes, two swishing figures leaped into the yard, it was Huomiao and Jiaojiao, a golden cat and a fiery red cat, rushing into the room waiting for dinner.

They have jade cards refined by Su Qing, so they can directly enter the protective formation.

Su Qing didn't give the jade card to Meng Hao. After school started, Meng Hao couldn't enter the girls' dormitory area at will. They had to meet outside, so there was no need to give him the jade card. Su Qing was afraid that he would lose it because of his carefree personality. Well, explain the function of the jade card to him clearly, explaining it involves more secrets, so I don't give it to him at all.

Su Qing glanced at the two cats under her legs, and asked lightly: "Did you cause trouble outside?"

The sounds of meow meow scrambled to come out,

"Master, we didn't cause any trouble. The campus here is huge and there are many interesting places. I also took in two younger brothers. They live in the same garden. They can't fly and can't get out.

There is also a magical beast in that place called Arowana. It smells so delicious that we didn't dare to touch it. Master, you can get one for us to taste later. It smells so good. "

When Huo Miao and Jiaojiao talked about Arowana, they kept sticking out their tongues, and their saliva was about to flow out. It seemed that they were really greedy.

Su Qing's calm expression showed astonishment, no way, these two guys even broke into the Animal Garden for a stroll, how did they get in?
That's right, they move quickly, following people as they rush past when the door is opened, people with bad eyesight will think they are dazzled.

The Alien Beast Garden is really fun. Similar to the wild animal park on Earth, there are many kinds of wild beasts in the local area. Although many fierce beasts are intercepted in the fence, where two monsters can be stopped, they can still fly.

The two bastards still want to eat Arowana, which is a fifth-order strange beast. The school raised it in the artificial lake, and they both missed it. They also wanted to get one for them. It was so beautiful and expensive. Fish is for viewing, is it for eating?
"In the future, you can go to the garden where you raise alien animals to play freely, but you are not allowed to catch the alien animals raised in the school. If you get into trouble, I can't save you, master. There are many high-level ability masters in the school. I don't want to clean up the mess you made. When the time comes, I will sell you to pay off your debts."

Su Qing seldom feeds them fish, because Mengyuexing’s ocean area is small and there are not many aquatic products, so she forgot that cats naturally love fish,

Bailang City is not far from the sea, and there are plenty of aquatic products. You should buy some dried fish for them to taste. Although they always say that the two cats are good at eating, it is useless at all, Su Qing still loves them very much.

"Understood, master, we will not cause trouble,"

Huo Miao stared at Yuanyuan's big eyes to assure, but thought in his heart that if he didn't go by himself, he could tell his younger brothers to catch fish, haha, that would be none of his business.

Su Qing didn't know what was going on in Huomiao's mind, thinking that the two cats would be obedient and would not cause trouble, just like in the first intermediate class school, they spent six years of studying in a normal way.

But she didn't think about it seriously. At that time, the campus was not so big, and there were not many exotic animals. My favorite fish, it's no wonder that the flames can be let go.

After feeding the two cats, Su Qing cleaned up the kitchen, sat cross-legged in the living room, took out the jade materials she bought and started to practice making jade charms.
There are many types of jade talismans. Huo Miao and Jiaojiao wear access control jade talismans, protective jade talismans can protect themselves, and various attack talismans. Simply put, jade talismans are high-end products of talismans because jade contains energy. , the effect of engraving it into jade charms is more powerful.

Jade materials can also be refined into low-end magic weapons, all of which are disposable, mainly to depict various formations on jade and play various functions.

This is what Luo Zilan has been teaching recently. She can't slack off. She has to practice when she has time. As her cultivation level improves, it becomes more difficult to learn various knowledge.
In particular, she practiced the Mantianhuayu technique. When Su Qing practiced, she might hurt herself. Fortunately, the monk has a strong recovery ability, and if one pill is used, the trauma will be healed.

In fact, monks spend most of their time relying on their own efforts. The teacher will only explain the exercises to you at the beginning and when the disciples have questions that they don’t understand. But that’s just the teacher’s own explanation of the exercises, and individual perceptions are different. , the understanding of exercises is also different,

So no matter what you learn, it is up to the master to lead you into the door and practice on your own. Fortunately, Su Qing's comprehension is not bad, and Luo Zilan is very satisfied so far.

Luo Zilan was also very confused sometimes, why did she insist on leaving behind a trace of soul, after tens of thousands of years, and also insisted on finding a descendant, is her inheritance really important?
The Li family, as powerful as it was back then, is gone. Does the offspring after tens of millions of years have anything to do with her?

Maybe Qingqing itself is very important to her!Even so, she will have to wait for Qingqing to ascend before her true self can meet Qingqing!What did the deity do back then?Do you have to cut off a trace of the soul and leave it behind?

Meng Hao played enough games with a few roommates, Chen Hongfei generously paid the bill, and invited them to the school restaurant for dinner, a few good friends, although they had just met for a day, hooked shoulders and backs intimately, and went back to the dormitory together after playing around ,
Meng Hao told several people that he and Qingqing would go to the Jingyun Market tomorrow morning to see the various cultivation resources of Venus, and buy a storage device by the way.

Chen Hongfei immediately said: "Let's go together. Wang Bin and you all just came to Bailang City, and you all just came to see it. Qingqing wants to buy storage utensils and find me. Go to the mall opened by my family to buy them. You can get a discount and I guarantee you will be satisfied."

Meng Hao said happily after hearing this:
"Really? That's great. The storage utensils sold by Mengyuexing are very expensive. At that time, I only bought one for me. Qingqing said that I would buy it after school. The price is more cost-effective. Thank you, Hongfei, for being able to be with you." The roommates are simply too happy."

(End of this chapter)

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