Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 294 It's Difficult to Make Money

Chapter 294 It's Difficult to Make Money
At Chen Hongfei's house, a private pharmacist was hired to provide him with medicines, and he did not use the market to buy medicines.

Chen Hongfei didn't buy medicines, Wang Bin and the two could understand that if he was rich and had a private pharmacist at home, wouldn't Meng Hao need to buy them?

But this is a very personal question. They didn't have a deep friendship after they met for a short time, so they didn't hesitate to ask.

When she arrived at the Lingzhi market, Su Qing bought several special elixirs, which she could not cultivate for the time being, and needed to be planted in a special environment. She also bought some lingzhi seeds and seedlings for refining basic medicines, and asked Meng Hao to harvest them. up.

The three of them knew a little about Meng Hao and Su Qing's backgrounds through chatting, but they were very surprised to see that she was so generous and paid millions of elixir without blinking an eye.
Didn't Meng Hao say that they were born in a mountain village, their families were very poor, and they still had to eat synthetic food, why could they afford to go to school? , how does this contradict itself?
The three of Chen Hongfei were puzzled, they didn't ask outside, they thought about going back, otherwise they really didn't want to be deceived.

Qixingxing's spiritual plants are much more abundant than Mengyuexing's. Luo Zilan recognizes several kinds, and they are considered rare elixir in the world of comprehension.

If the price is right, Su Qing will buy it. Some are very expensive and can easily cost tens of millions of interstellar coins. random flower,

While wandering around, Su Qing would ask the clerk whether to buy spiritual plants and medicines. After asking around, the prices sold in the market are quite expensive, and the purchase price is less than half of the selling price, which is too bad.

Unless they cultivate particularly precious spiritual plants, it seems that they will take the high-end route in the future. They are refining some medicines for sale. The price of low-end medicines is similar to that of Mingyue City, and the price of high-end medicines is actually lower than that of Mingyue City.

After thinking about it, Su Qing figured it out. There are only a few high-level pharmacists in Mingyue City, and the highest level does not exceed the fifth level. Venus is adjacent to the Central Galaxy, so there must be many pharmacists. The market for high-level pharmacies must be saturated. Goods are not far from the central galaxy. Ordinary warships or cargo spaceships can go back and forth within a few days.

Su Qing felt unhappy now. It will be difficult to earn money in the future. If she can't do it again, she can only sell pills on the black market, so that she can't be found, and spend the anonymous financial card in her hand by the way.

But they just arrived in Bailang City, and they don't know where the black market is. It seems that it will fall on Chen Hongfei. Su Qing looked at Young Master Chen who was talking happily,

"Meng Hao, find a chance to ask Chen Hongfei if there is a black market in Bailang City, and where is the address?" Su Qing sent a voice transmission to Meng Hao, and no one else could hear it.

Chen Hongfei spoke vigorously, and the three of Meng Hao nodded from time to time in response. Su Qing's voice transmission made Meng Hao pause, and immediately reacted, nodding to Su Qing without a trace.

The Jingyun Market is very big. It takes several hours to visit all the stalls. None of them have the patience to walk all the places.
When a few people are tired from walking, they find a place to rest. The market also has restaurants, teahouses, coffee shops and other places that provide food and beverages.

Chen Hongfei said earlier that he would invite everyone to eat, and they ate one by one. They are all famous delicacies of Venus, very delicious,

Even Su Qing was interested and ate a lot. She really didn't eat anything particularly delicious in Mengyuexing.

Half of Mengyuexing still eats synthetic food, and the food eaten by city people still needs to be purified.
Under such circumstances, the development of food culture is of course slow, and the history is not as long as that of developed planets. After all, when the imperial fleet explored Mengyuexing, Mengyuexing had just developed into a feudal social system.

After eating a street of special delicacies, the stomachs of a few people couldn't hold it anymore, so they had to continue wandering around the market to digest food.

The food in Meng Yan's stomach was quickly digested and turned into energy. He didn't feel uncomfortable at all. He supported Chen Hongfei who was rubbing his stomach, and said with a smile:

"Haha, you can't do it anymore. If I can eat it, I still have the biggest appetite. You can't compare it. Let's go, walk slowly, and use your supernatural powers to help you digest it. It will be fine after a while. Master Neng, this little food is nothing."

After the ability masters activate their abilities, they do not belong to ordinary human beings. They can continuously improve their physical strength through the cultivation of abilities. Continuous evolution should be called superhuman. Eating more food is nothing, so Meng Yan said that.

Wang Bin and Ma Junhui laughed at themselves when they heard this, and used supernatural powers to help digest them. To put it bluntly, that's not something ordinary people can do! !

The key is do you know the route of the ability to run?They can learn the basic exercises taught in the school,

Only the children of some rich families have the opportunity to practice other exercises. Although their families have a small fortune, they still do not have the background to possess other exercises.

Meng Hao himself does not need assistance in digestion, his body needs to consume energy all the time, and he will take the initiative to absorb it quickly without being urged. This is the talent of a body refiner.

Wang Bin pretended to be displeased and said:
"You'll make fun of us. Given our background, how could it be possible for us to have that kind of supernatural cultivation method that can't be circulated to the stomach, so how can it help digestion? Otherwise, you can ask Chen Hongfei, their family is very rich, and they can find some basic A cultivation method other than exercises?"

Chen Hongfei rubbed his stomach, wanting to digest the food quickly. Hearing Wang Bin's words, he said lazily:

"It's not that I can't get it, it's not much different from what the school teaches, and it's not worth spending so much money. Anyway, I will take over the family business in the future, and I won't rely on the ability teacher for a living. The division is for the body to be strong and to live longer."

Now the few people didn't speak a word, they cursed secretly in their hearts, the evil rich second generation, too hateful, and showing off that the family is rich.

Sometimes it’s like that, everyone hangs out together, one of them is bold and rich, and he likes to rush to pay the bill. After a lot of times, everyone gets used to it, and he doesn’t even say polite words, it feels like he should pay everyone.

Not only are most people not grateful, but they often hate him in their hearts, showing off that their family is rich and showing off that others are poor.

So no matter how rich you are, you can’t always pay for your friends. No one will be grateful. Even a kind person will ignore the facts after getting used to it. That person doesn’t owe everyone, so why should he pay you.

After walking for a while, several people felt better in their stomachs, and they didn't need to eat lunch anymore. They had just digested the food in their stomachs, and no one wanted to continue eating.

Meng Hao took the opportunity to ask Chen Hongfei, "Hongfei, if we want to buy some rare goods that are rarely seen in the market, is there any place to sell them in Bailang City?"

"Well, Bailang City sells everything. How can there be anything rare and rare. Please be more specific."

Chen Hongfei didn't understand what Meng Hao meant, so he asked him to explain what he wanted to buy?
Meng Yu leaned close to Chen Hongfei's ear and said softly:

"Hey, why don't you understand? I mean, is there any legendary black market in Bailang City that sells special goods and offers certain discounts if you don't go through formal channels?"

Chen Hongfei asked strangely: "Why are you asking this? I usually don't go, but my father knows a lot of people in the black market, and I have followed him a few times. They are all shady things, and many of them are Goods obtained from interstellar pirates."

Meng Hao chuckled, "I'm not curious, I have a chance to show us."

Chen Hongfei nodded, "It's definitely not a problem to see it. Qingqing still needs to buy a storage device. Let's go to my mall first, and then I'll take you to see it after buying it. Let's go, don't talk too much about that place outside, otherwise it will attract people's attention. Reporting is bad."

(End of this chapter)

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