Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 298 Cheats in Martial Arts Novels

Chapter 298 Cheats in Martial Arts Novels

He has always been a baby, but he has been in his hands for almost ten years, and no one has seen any mystery.

The price he gave was considered expensive by the customers. For the same price, you can buy better jade on Xingwang. Jade is not an energy stone. It is purely for ornamental purposes. Who would pay a big price for it.

Later, fewer people asked, and the boss gave up selling the high price. Su Qing asked the price, and he casually quoted a high price of 10. Unexpectedly, the young people were smart and not impulsive at all, and the girl had to leave. He had no choice but to drop the price in a straight line.

Unexpectedly, the girl asked him if he had sculpted before, which made him suddenly say in a low tone:
"Where can it be? It can definitely be engraved. You can buy it and try it. It will definitely be fine. My business is based on integrity."

One thing to add in my heart, it's no wonder that people in the black market do business, cheating and abducting are the norm, and honesty is divided to whom.

The boss said this to every customer. The rules of the black market are irreversible after the transaction is completed. As for the quality problem, no one cares about it!
Su Qing chuckled twice, her cold demeanor became brighter,
"That's good, boss, I want all these jade materials,"

"Ah, I've got them all, all right, all right,"

The boss seemed to be very afraid that Su Qing would change his mind, so he immediately checked the quantity and offered a price for Su Qing to pay. Su Qing didn't hesitate, and paid happily, put all the jade slips into the storage container, turned around and greeted Meng Xiang and the others to continue. go forward

When they left, the boss was still thinking, did he suffer?What kind of jade is it?If it was a very precious item, wouldn't he have missed the opportunity to make a fortune.

Meng Hao approached Su Qing and asked: "Qingqing, why do you always like to buy jade materials recently? It's not a cultivation resource, and it's not very useful. You still bought them all, and they are all unsalable goods. You see, the boss can't wait to give them to you." install."

Su Qing said mysteriously: "Hey, you don't understand, haven't you heard a word? A loss is a blessing. The boss doesn't know the benefits of that kind of jade. I think it's a good thing. I have to go back and take a good look before telling me you."

When Meng Yu heard Qingqing say this, she didn't say a word, Qingqing's vision was very sharp, she thought it was a good thing, and she was definitely right.

As for the other people who were looking at the products on the booth, they didn't pay attention to what they said at all. There are too many novelty things here, but the prices are inflated, and what they buy may be fakes.

Su Qing's words made Du San's eyes flash. Could it be that this little girl can really see which jade materials are good things?

After all, from the very beginning, the things she bought were unknown to others and classified as waste, but he knew that those things were indeed collected from explorers, and they were definitely not ordinary things.

After walking around, several people got something. Su Qing bought some elixir seeds, and Meng Hao bought a martial arts cheat book, which looked like a fake.

There were a lot of paper Martial Arts Cheats in that booth, such as Tathagata Palm, Sunflower Collection, Lingbo Weibu, Guiyuan Cheats, Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon and Golden Crow Sword Technique, etc. Most people would think it was a lie of,

The price of the cheat book is very cheap. It only sells for 2 interstellar coins. There are instructions and graphics in it. Many people can't understand it at all, and they don't know where people on the black market got it. Even if the price is fake,
But when Su Qing saw those names, she opened her mouth wide and her expression changed drastically in surprise. How come there are so many secret names in martial arts novels in this world? Could it be that there are other traversers in this world?
Meng Hao and Chen Hongfei held it in their hands, and they felt very inscrutable after flipping through it. [-] yuan for a copy is not particularly expensive, so they bought it back and studied it, so they bought a copy for each of them.

Su Qing didn't care about them, but kept thinking about it in his mind. Du San knew that these secret skills were all fake, so he didn't say anything. Anyway, young people will suffer more, and they will have a long memory in the future.

After wandering around, the few people got on the sightseeing car and continued to drive along the passage to the interior of the flagship.
Du San told them that the place below is full of bulk sales and shipments. Unlike the scattered stalls above, they are all shops opened by major forces, and many large companies will also sell and purchase goods here.

The inside of the flagship is different from the one above. I advise them to go back after a few casual glances, and don’t buy things randomly.

The goods here are often worth millions, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of transactions. Many of them are contraband, and they can't use them. They can't afford good things, so they leave after looking at them.

They all nodded obediently, even Chen Hongfei, who was always domineering, did not dare to do anything wrong. Young Master Chen is not easy to do here.
The black market has gathered a lot of powerful forces, and some people can't figure out their footsteps at all. There may be shops of interstellar pirates, where they sell some shady commodities and buy some resources.

There are also many mercenary organizations who also like to come to the black market to purchase. The goods here are full and the prices are cheap. There are many scarce goods that do not have formal channels. They are guaranteed to be found here. As long as they can make money, people in the black market dare to get them.

There are rumors that the black market is controlled by several big families in the empire. No one knows whether it is true, but everyone in the black market is very disciplined, no one dares to make trouble, and all the troubled people disappeared inexplicably.

Tour buses drive along the passage, and you can meet other vehicles on the road. There are all kinds of vehicles. The passage is as bright as day, and there is no darkness at all. The light source is a device that imitates sunlight.

Soon we arrived at the trading area, which is very wide and huge, not smaller than Jingyun Market, but the flow of people is not as much as on land. After all, only a certain type of people can come to the black market to trade. Many ordinary people don’t even know where the black market is. Do not know at all.

There is no need to get out of the car and walk here, because the area is too large, you can sit in the car to browse, see which store is stopping, and enter the store to choose products.

Su Qing looked at the unsmiling Du San, and suddenly asked boldly:

"Uncle Du, do you know which shops buy Lingzhi? I want to ask their purchase price,"

Du San nodded indifferently. He was not curious either. Su Qing asked the reason for the price. Anyway, he only cared about Young Master Chen's safety, and it had nothing to do with him when the others came alone in the future.

The car stopped in front of a shop, "This area is full of shops that sell elixirs and potions, and they also buy them. Go down and have a look,"

Su Qing didn't care about Du San's indifferent attitude.

If she dares to come here, she must have the ability to protect herself. The people here can't stop her. Even if the thermal weapon is very powerful, she can use the magic weapon in the jade pendant space to blow up the entire flagship. Besides, she is not a troublemaker. Temperament, if the business can be done, do it, if not, just leave, and won't make things get out of hand.

A few people got off the car, and the whole area was filled with shops selling spiritual plants and potions. Chen Hongfei and the others were not interested, but they came along to accompany Qingqing, otherwise they would not feel at ease if a pretty young girl went alone.

Asking all the way, everyone found that the boss and the buddy here are really individual,

People in business pay attention to harmony and making money, but the people here have a cold face, a look that no strangers should enter, and they speak sullenly. They don't look like businessmen at all, and timid guests can be scared away.

So few people dared to ask the price of potions and elixir, only Su Qing calmly asked the shopkeeper if he would accept elixir, and at what price, which types would he buy?
Don't look at the intimidating shopkeepers and guys, they are not as vicious and unreasonable as they appear on the surface, after all, they are doing business, and the black market must abide by the rules of doing business.

Su Qing asked several companies in a row, and finally confirmed that the purchase price of elixir and medicine on the black market is higher than that on the Jingyun market.

(End of this chapter)

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