Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 302 The first day of school

Chapter 302 The First Day of School

Su Qing insisted on using the newly bought storage device for Meng Yan, mainly because she really didn't need it. She had a storage device to cover up the space of the jade pendant. Meng Xing really needed a storage device with a large space. Row.

After some refusals, Meng Hao was still persuaded by Su Qing, even if he disagreed, he had never screwed Qing Qing since he was a child, and he listened to her in everything.

Meng Hao had no choice but to unbind his storage device gene, and the two switched to each other.

Meng Yu felt that Qingqing was very kind to him, thinking of him first in everything, and being considerate of him in everything.

He put the things he bought into a new storage container, and when he got the martial arts cheat book, he said with a smile:

"Qingqing, you are smarter, can you understand this cheat book? Lingbo Weibu, it sounds very interesting, but unfortunately I don't understand the content explained in it, what's going on? I don't have many terms I've heard it, it's too puzzling."

Su Qing was arranging the array plate and jade slips he bought back, when he heard Meng Xiang's words, he said casually:

"You really thought that there would be martial arts cheats on the black market. If there is such a good thing, it's not up to you guys to buy it. The empire has such strict management of martial arts. If a good cheat is discovered, the big family has already taken it away."

Meng Hao still had a little expectation and said:

"Oh, it might be true. Look at it. It's very mysterious. What is Jiugong Bagua and what does it mean? It looks so mysterious when you draw it."

Su Qing raised her delicate eyebrows, with a surprised look on her face, "Bring it here and let me have a look."

Meng Yu handed over the book in his hand, Su Qing took it in his hand and began to read it, Luo Zilan leaned over to read it with her,

"Hey, it's interesting. This is a body technique evolved from the Jiugong Bagua. If you learn to avoid attacks quickly, it's an excellent skill for escaping. If you can match and attack, hehe, it's a unique skill, but for us It's useless, it's okay to deal with supernatural masters."

Su Qing was so-so in martial arts, and all her talents were in cultivation, but monks' skills were higher than martial arts, so she didn't need to work hard on martial arts.

Martial arts masters, no matter how powerful their moves or how fast they are, are still inferior to monks, but Meng Hao is not good enough. He is a body-refining monk, which is equivalent to using martial arts to enter Taoism. Although this book is made up indiscriminately, it also has some truths,
Based on this, it can be adapted to create a set of exercises suitable for Meng Hao. After all, body training can only strengthen himself, and there are no offensive moves. The degree of cooperation is not high.

"Okay, I'll study this book. It's not bad. If you miss it, I'll teach you after I learn it."

Meng Hao laughed, "It's really great, should I just say it? My luck has always been very good. It really allowed me to buy a cheat book."

Su Qing snorted coldly in his heart, he's so handsome, why don't he study with his ancestor and recreate a set of martial arts for him, and when he reaches the ninth rank of the nine-turn Xuangong, these mortal martial arts can be given up , It is enough to directly practice the self-cultivation technique, only then will the meridians of his whole body be unobstructed, he will lose his mortal body and become a great monk.

Meng Hao took some food and vegetables happily, and left Su Qing's dormitory happily. He wanted to go back and tell his friends that he really found a treasure.

Su Qing shook her head with a funny face, this child is always so innocent, maybe he will mature soon if he let go slowly.

Close the door and open the formation, the courtyard is covered, Su Qing returns to the room, and continues to check what things,

Array disks and array flags are lacking in spiritual energy, and they are all dull. Otherwise, they would not be regarded as waste products. These are all made of high-quality refining materials, and the current refining technology cannot destroy the depicted formations. , it cannot be smelted into materials, it is not a waste product.

Su Qing drew out a wave of aura, input the formation plate and the formation flag, immediately removed the obscurity of these items, and the light bloomed, and it was not ordinary at first glance.
Su Qing smiled, and bought something good without spending much money, it was so worth it.

One of these formation disks is a hidden formation, and the other is a phantom formation, both of which are very useful. Although there is a box of formation disks in the jade pendant space, there are as many such things as there are.

A few array flags are also treasures. She just wants to set up a gathering array for the planting field, and a few array flags are used. The effect will definitely be better, and it can grow pure spiritual rice, spiritual noodles, and spiritual vegetables.

However, these things still need to be cultivated for a while, and each of them lacked aura for too long. Su Qing put these things into the space and began to look at a bunch of jade slips bought on the black market.

This should be a jade slip left by a great sect in the era of cultivation. There are several exercises, cultivation experience, travel notes written by monks, and journals in the cultivation world. It is very interesting. After reading it, Su Qing and Luo Zilan discussed it together ,
Luo Zilan still has a little impression of this sect, and those anecdotes are even more funny, such as how Ling Xiao Zhenjun pursued Fairy Yuxiao, and Jinyu Daoist was tied back to the sect to get married, that secret realm is about to open, and loving couples in the cultivation world turned against each other , but it has been mentioned many times in the records, the event of Zerg invasion, what is Zerg?
Luo Zilan didn't know either, it was all after her ascension.

From the descriptions in these jade slips, it can be imagined that the cultivation civilization developed very brilliantly back then, and it was unknown why it suddenly disappeared, which was a mystery to Su Qing.

After tidying up her things, she began to take out jade materials to practice drawing formations, meditating after midnight, and the roll call of new students will begin tomorrow morning.

Early in the morning, Su Qing changed into the school uniform issued by the school, put on the school badge, took some necessary items and put them in the storage box, tidy them up, and told the Huomiao brothers and sisters to play freely and never cause trouble.

Su Qing walked out of the dormitory, ready to go to the teaching building to gather with all the freshmen,
There is a meeting point on the communicator, just follow the instructions. Many people will take the school bus or buy flying boards and other means of transportation, but Su Qing doesn’t use it. This distance is nothing to her. Su Qing doesn’t seem to take much steps. But he is using the magic that shrinks the ground into an inch.

It quickly surpassed several students, causing many people to look sideways. The girl walked so fast that she was nowhere to be seen in a blink of an eye.

For Su Qing's wind-like speed, no one feels new. The students of the Ability Academy have no weird methods, they are not ordinary people, it is normal to be strange.

When Su Qing arrived at the designated location, many people had already gathered here, and they should all be freshmen of the Lingzhi Department.

Students who know each other gather together to talk on twitter, it should be a dormitory,
In front is the teaching building of Lingzhi Department. The teaching buildings of each department are not far from each other. Students from other departments also gather here, but they are standing in front of different teaching buildings.

Soon there were more and more people, and the teacher saw that the freshmen had almost arrived, so he directly sent down the class he was assigned to, and asked everyone to line up and enter the classroom in an orderly manner.

The classrooms of the college are very large, allowing more than 100 people to attend classes at the same time. The teacher's lecture sound is also three-dimensional and surround, which can be heard very clearly.

In the college class, students are no longer given paper textbooks. All learning is done on the optical computer, including submitting homework. The teacher’s lecture materials can be stored and downloaded to the communicator. You can also log on to the school website to review homework. Some courses need to be taught in the Xingwang virtual classroom, so they need to go to the school's optical brain room.

Su Qing lined up into the classroom according to the class she was assigned to, and sat down in a seat. Except for the head teacher standing in front of the podium, the other teachers directly played a video to let the students get to know each other.

(End of this chapter)

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