Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 310 Ending in Chaos

Chapter 310 Ending in Chaos

For example, what the ancestor said, in some special secret realms, you can't use aura. In that way, as a monk, you can't open the storage bag, you can't fly, and you can't get out your spiritual consciousness. You can only use your body instincts. How to survive in the wild It is very important not to underestimate the wisdom of mortals.

Learning well now may be useful one day. This is their field survival training, which is definitely very important.

Most of them are studying hard, because they all know that there is still a final assessment, and maybe they can perform well with this, and rely on these scores.

From the terrain, to plants, to various creatures, how to find water sources, how to judge the species and whether it is dangerous through the footprints and feces of alien animals.

How to save energy and run quickly, the instructor also taught them a method to regulate breathing. After all, not all students have a family background, like Wang Lu who practiced high-level exercises since childhood, and can adjust the consumption of the body at will.

It wasn't until dark that the instructor led the students and left the mountain to run towards the base.

This time no one dared to run around, because the instructor said that the whole class is a team, and soldiers must be organized and disciplined, not individualistic, leaving comrades behind at will, and helping each other.

Running in the mountains at night is really not easy. After all, without the help of tools, no one has night vision eyes. Students who have never been trained are suddenly marching in the dark. One can imagine how difficult it is.

Many people in the team tripped over stones, and the sound of ouch, ouch was endless.

Su Qing held the person who was about to fall because of his unsteady feet several times, and a girl said thank you several times.

Su Qing just shook his head. Such an environment is enough for these children. It was like this on the first day. They didn't even eat a good meal. They just ate a meal of marching dry food outside. Now everyone is hungry and their feet are fluttering.

How many people are as powerful as Su Qing, after all, they are a minority.

Whoops, with a scream, one person fell, and the people behind couldn't escape in time, and they would fall into one piece. Fortunately, there was a distance between each class, otherwise the whole army would be wiped out, and the journey was miserable. Old suffer,

Su Qing often helped the students in the front, back, left, and left, so their class was fine. Originally, they could return to the base before dinner according to the normal speed, but there were too many students who were slowing down, which affected the overall speed.

After 9 o'clock, they finally rushed back to the base after stumbling all the way, and the chief instructor of the big devil had already brought people on the speeding car back to the gate of the base and waited for them.

Seeing the students who came back like fleeing without any formation, their faces were dark and there was a chill all over their bodies.
Many people fell several times, their bodies were bruised and purple, grinning, and some girls were crying silently,

They were originally the treasures of the family, the favored ones among the people, how could they have suffered this crime, even if they are masters of supernatural abilities, they don't care about their supernatural abilities! !
In the supernatural learning of the intermediate class, the teacher not only teaches everyone how to practice, but also the technique of using supernatural powers to attack and effectively use supernatural powers to perform various tricks, and use supernatural powers to defend against enemies and fight, and it is only formally learned in college.

For the students who have been running for a day and are still hungry, the supernatural power seems to be of no use at this time, and the supernatural teacher is also afraid of being hungry.

In this way, many young people who are full of self-confidence, think that the supernatural master is very great, and defiantly lose their arrogance in their hearts.

The instructors of each class are trying their best to form a team, but it's not that easy. On the first day, the students are not familiar with each other. It's no wonder that this group of freshmen can finish well.

The students are still wronged. Many of them have done their homework and know that military training is very hard. The army seems to have a bad opinion of the freshmen, and they will be ravaged once a year.

Many people are ready to endure hardships, but a whole day of tossing is still enough, either climbing up and down the mountain, or drilling into the deep mountains and old forests. They are proud supernatural masters, and they will not do those things in the future.

There are also a small number of students who have failed to complete the first task and the mountain marching training, and their scores must be zero.

After those people were brought back by the instructor in a speeding car, they directly joined the subsequent field survival training, and they were even more miserable. They didn't even have food, because the devil's chief instructor said that those who failed to complete the task were not eligible to eat,

By now, everyone’s eyes are green with hunger, looking at the classmates around them like hamburger barbecue, they can’t wait to hug and take a bite.

This performance made the people around me very scared. Let me go, do these students have hallucinations, don’t they just miss a meal?You can't die of hunger.

We only drank a bottle of water and ate two bites of compressed biscuits, so we are a little better than you.

It took a quarter of an hour for all the students to form a team, but they didn't stand upright at all. Many people's legs were trembling. If they didn't work hard, they would have fallen down.
All the students just got rid of the heavy intermediate class academically, they were admitted to the college, and they were disqualified from the military training for freshmen. They ran a few hundred kilometers of mountain training. If they were not all supernatural masters and strong bodies, they would not be able to do it at all. I can still stand still.

Most of the students were just struggling because of their self-esteem, especially the students who did not complete the first task, felt uncomfortable and ashamed, and insisted on not falling down.

Obviously they are all the same freshmen, how can others finish it, but I can't finish it, and I am punished not to eat, it is too shameless, how can I mess around in school after being tired.

Lin Yuyang looked at this freshman coldly. He could do such a simple training on the first day. His quality really deteriorated year after year. He needed to train hard.

"Instructors of each class, lead the students back to the base, today's training is over."

After speaking, Lin Yuyang turned around and entered the base. Cheers from the students behind him made him frown again. He had no discipline at all, so he let them go first on the first day.

Many people couldn't help cheering, and finally it's over, they can go back to have a meal, take a shower, and lie in bed for a while. Now many people don't care about co-ed dormitories, they just want a place to lie down.

After all the students knew that they were not allowed to eat, they protested one after another, and the instructors of each class severely reprimanded:
"What are you shouting for? I didn't return to the base at the stipulated time. It's past dinner time. The cafeteria won't wait for you. Disband and return to the dormitory. Don't run around in the base. Remember to turn off the lights at [-] o'clock. If you can't finish washing, go back to the dormitory bed. For those who don’t, points will be deducted, and the training volume will be doubled tomorrow.”

Hearing this, the team dispersed immediately with a whoosh, and everyone rushed to grab the bathroom. Fortunately, the bathrooms and bathrooms in the military camp were large enough for everyone to use.

In the interstellar era, it is very easy to build a house. It is all made of synthetic materials and can be assembled directly. The entire building can be built overnight. The whole city is mechanized and completed by intelligent robots.

The students' dormitory, cafeteria, and toilets are all temporarily built on the base, which is very simple. Of course, the students cannot enjoy a particularly comfortable environment, otherwise how can they let them know how happy their normal life is.

Of course, the board and lodging of the base soldiers is still very good, the conditions are very good, and the only poor conditions are the students.

Since it is a freshman who comes to experience training, it should be the best preparation for hard work.

Because Su Qing helped several girls along the way, she won their favor. She immediately dragged Su Qing to rush to the toilet, and ran to the bathroom to wash and wash clothes, fearing that she would be slower than others.

The girls are chatting on twitter when they are together, and a pretty girl with a round face said:
"My name is Zhou Ya, her name is Li Hong, what's your name? Are you young?"

Su Qing nodded, "Well, my name is Su Qing,"

In the chaos, Zhou Ya still did not forget to chat,

"Thank you, Su Qing, for holding me back several times today, let's hurry up and finish the washing, and wash the clothes by the way, so I sent out two sets of clothes, I don't know if there is enough for a change."

(End of this chapter)

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