Chapter 313

"That's not difficult. As a supernatural master, the barren mountains and wild mountains can't help us."

Zhou Ya came from a small family with multiple large manors. Not only is she good at martial arts, she is also a wood-type supernatural master.

Chen Hongfei snorted coldly, "You think it's enough to just run up the mountain, but there are so many requirements, such as teamwork, climbing over mountains, climbing obstacles, crossing rivers, etc., and preventing the attacks of alien beasts and poisonous insects."

But Li Hong said: "I don't think it will be particularly difficult. We are not soldiers. We are just under the special training for freshmen, and it will be over in a few days."

Wang Bin nodded, "That's right, we're just going through the motions and learning as we please, as long as we can get good grades in the assessment. In fact, whether our military training grades are good or not has no effect on our future graduation."

Several men and women with good backgrounds all nodded. They don't have to worry about their future prospects. There is no better position, and the family business is enough for them.

Only Su Qing and Meng Hao remained silent, Su Qing sighed in his heart,
This is the difference between civilians and nobles. For children from poor families, it is only a starting point for them to work hard to get into a good school.

Students from those families are still not on the same starting line after graduation. No matter how hard you work, you can't do what a family has accumulated for hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years.

The students from these aristocratic families are not 100% sincerely want to make friends with Su Qing and Meng Xiang, they are just because they are talented and reserve a few more talents for the family, which the family needs.

The world is so realistic, mutual use, profit first, friendship is just a matter of course, but even so, everyone has to follow the rules of the game.

Su Qing shook her head inwardly, everyone in the world is for profit, she should work hard for her dream!

She doesn't have much ambition herself, she has a small manor, and just lives a happy and ordinary life. Those intrigues and intrigues are not suitable for her, so it is good to learn Lingzhi, and the world will not pay attention to a farmer.

It's a pity that Su Qing thought very well at this time, but who dares to say that the great master of Lingzhixue is only farming, and how many elixir in the world are cultivated by the great master Zhipei, and when she faces it in the future, she will know that she What a ridiculous idea.

Su Qing looked around for a week. Now in the entire cafeteria for ten thousand people, every young face is talking freely with a smile on her face. Her bright and simple personality will change beyond recognition after many years. She just needs to finish her six years of college life well. Other random.

In the early morning of the next day, after dinner, we gathered as usual and followed the instructions of the instructors. At the beginning, it was a [-]-kilometer mountain training. All the students lined up neatly and ran forward.

At this time, it was not like the first time, rushing forward in a swarm. After training, the team did not disperse, and the speed was not slow.

The instructors sat on the flying car and stared at them, making the students very envious of them. There were even a few students who were always punished to make training more difficult, cursing in their hearts, cursing that the flying car of the big devil fell off and gnawed on the mud.

Lin Yuyang looked at the running students below, and nodded his head in a decent way, he no longer ran like a group of free-range ducks running up the mountain,

Today's training is to do an actual combat exercise in the environment of deep mountains and dense forests to test the results of military training in the next few days.

Let's see how much the students have mastered in various trainings such as rock climbing, wading, lurking, etc. By the way, teach them some military experience, no matter what job they do in the future, it will be useful.

After all, every year, most of the graduates of the martial arts departments of major colleges will enter the army and become soldiers defending the empire, and they are also the high-end combat power of the main fleets.

Even if each class has to maintain formation, the students still run very fast, especially the obstacles on the road after a few days of training, it is not a problem for them, and the body will automatically cross it.

Compared with the first time, it's a world of difference. The ability master's physical fitness and reaction ability are higher than ordinary people.
On Lin Yuyang's usually indifferent face, there was a hint of satisfaction, and he secretly thought that if there was a fleet composed entirely of supernatural masters, the force would definitely be very powerful, but unfortunately it was impossible to do so.

A fleet needs several 100,000 people, except for the Mecha Squadron, which is all composed of supernatural masters, other departments simply cannot reach it.

There are many supernatural masters in various schools, and the proportion of the total population scattered throughout the empire is not high. Every supernatural master is a top talent in the empire, and it is impossible for all of them to enter the army.

Seeing that these rookies have only been training for a few days, they really need to be forced, otherwise how would they know how much potential they contain?
There are a lot of good seedlings in this year's freshmen, although they are all training, some are doing their best, and some of them are paddling all the way. The youngest girl is the best paddler. Don't think that she is doing it secretly.

Who is Lin Yuyang? He joined the army in his 20s, participated in hundreds of large and small battles for decades, explored new routes, and experienced countless hardships in planetary land reclamation. He fought Zerg, the Federation, and alien beasts. , who knows the training of various arms like the palm of his hand, how can a little girl escape his eyes.

It is obvious that any training can be easily passed, but deliberately doing it like everyone else is self-defeating. Besides, from the breathing, heartbeat, and expression, one can tell whether a person is trying his best.

Lin Yuyang is in his 60s this year. He is considered a young man with a ninth-level ability. In a few years, he can reach the cultivation level of a saint. How could he not have noticed the small actions of Su Qing and some students?

Humans in high-level galaxies have a long lifespan, especially supernatural masters, who can easily reach hundreds of years of age, so Lin Yuyang looks like he is in his 20s, but he has actually been in the army for decades, and is now the commander of the Venus Space Fleet one.

Su Qing is very sensitive, she immediately found that someone was staring at her, she quietly poked out her consciousness to check,

Whoops, I startled her, it turned out to be the black-faced chief instructor, why are you staring at her?How well-behaved I am, I haven't made any moths! !
There are too many high-tech monitoring equipment in the fleet base, even if she wants to go out for a walk every night, she dare not act!During this period of time, she was so well-behaved, she didn't do anything out of line.

If Lin Yuyang knew what she was thinking, he would definitely ask, are you sure?

Su Qing hurriedly followed in the team, and observed the big devil again, feeling that there was no danger, so he continued to wander,
The ancestor went out for several days and hadn't come back, and he didn't know if he was in danger. Su Qing was quite worried.

She went into the mountain today to see if she could find her ancestor, and she couldn't contact her, unlike Huo Miao and Jiaojiao who signed a contract with her, as long as they were within a certain range, they could be contacted.

Thinking of Huomiao and Jiaojiao, I don’t know if they are doing well after staying in school. I left enough meat at home, and the two of them will heat it up easily. I guess they will be full and not hungry. As monsters, You can't die if you don't eat for a year, just keep practicing.

But Su Qing never imagined that Huo Miao and Jiaojiao joined forces with the school's beasts, and almost drove the school's staff in charge of the beasts crazy.

They couldn't find out why the number of arowanas raised in the artificial lake was decreasing day by day, and fish bones were found by the lake. It was the strange beast that ran out and ate the fish?
The staff looked at the rare aquatic beast Arowana that had been raised for many years. It was eaten with only bones, and roared loudly, "Who did it?"

It's very wrong, all the beasts in the park are in their own area, they can't get out at all, there are guardrails blocking them, and nothing is damaged!

Besides, the alien beasts are full every day, and they will not be so hungry that they want to catch fish to eat. There are not many alien beasts that like to eat fish. Anyone who can get into the water is a suspect.

(End of this chapter)

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