Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 315 The Instructor's Arrangement

Chapter 315 The Instructor's Arrangement

The whole class is full of students from the Lingzhi Department. Most of the supernatural powers are wood, earth, and water. Seeing that Su Qing and the others are about to climb to the top of the mountain, they also urged the students to hurry up.
But it's not that easy. They have only been supernatural masters for a few years, and they are already top geniuses if they can cultivate to the fifth level of supernatural power. !
A lot of people accidentally fell down, only to be caught by the instructor flying, so they had no choice but to continue to climb up from below. Anyway, this day will be spent in the mountains.

The instructor asked the students who climbed up to come down and continue to come down a few times. For training, of course it is to climb back and forth. If you do a lot, you will definitely be proficient.

Su Qing originally thought that today would be easy. Unexpectedly, the instructor might see that her supernatural power is strong, so they broke up their group and put her in the weakest group. She had no choice but to continue climbing this cliff back and forth. cliff.

In Su Qing's view, all the classmates are children, and she can't just watch them fall from her side. She has to reveal a lot of strength. She didn't notice that the instructor's smug smile,
In addition to Lin Yuyang, Su Qing's performance is best known by the instructors in their class. This girl often does not work hard, and she is in a daze from time to time. Others are tired like a dead dog after training. Fortunately, she didn't even sweat. With ease, let's see if this shows his strength.

Arrange some difficult tasks for her, assign a group of weak chickens to her to lead, and miraculously go up, hum, these are the delicate little sisters that a few girls protect every day, all of them are blind, and they are obviously Bawanghua.

After several hours of climbing, the whole class was able to climb to the top of the mountain with bare hands. It was already noon, and everyone's stomach was growling, and it was time for lunch.
However, the instructor did not distribute food and water to them. Survival training in the wild. Under such circumstances, how to find food and water is also an assessment.

There is no shortage of water sources in the mountains, most of which are unclean and need to be filtered. Generally, when the army lands and fights, the medicine for filtering water sources is always carried, especially when the primitive planet is opened up, this kind of medicine is absolutely indispensable.

The instructor gave each student a medicine to filter water sources, and told them that they could hunt exotic animals in the mountains, look for edible plants, and make lunch on their own.

Students who can't find food, or even the simplest water source, should go hungry.

These are also field training items, and the instructors didn't talk too much, mainly wanting to see how far the students can do without any experience.

This mountain forest is not in great danger, and it is the place where their base fighters often train, so the students are asked to disperse and take action on their own, and return after two hours.

After climbing the cliff, Su Qing was still not transferred back to the original group by the instructor. She was still with a few weakling classmates,
There were two girls who wanted to cry every time they looked at them, and screamed when they encountered anything. The two boys couldn't even compare with Chen Hongfei.

Su Qing frowned, she didn't have a problem if she didn't eat, and it seemed that the training in the afternoon was not easy, and they must still run back. These people really couldn't eat or drink, and they fainted.

But there is nothing to eat in this barren mountain, even if you want to hunt exotic animals, you have to run a long distance, it's not safe, and the speed of a few children can't keep up.

Li Lijun is a timid girl, she timidly approaches Su Qing,
"Student Su Qing, what should we do?"

The other people all looked at Su Qing. They knew that Su Qing was very young, but they couldn't help but want to rely on her. When climbing, without Su Qing, the few of them would not be able to pass so quickly. It takes a few tosses.

Although Su Qing is young, she is strong and flexible, and can always catch them in time. Her supernatural power is also very powerful, and she can support the whole process by herself.

So the students in the same group couldn't help but wanted to catch Su Qing and rely on her to find a way.

What can Su Qing do?In her eyes, they are all children! !

"Let's go, let's find a water source first." There were many puddles in the swamp when they came, which could be used for cleaning food and drinking water.

Where there might be fish and shrimp, Su Qing saw wild fruits and edible wild vegetables along the way, and would ask a few people to dig them out and bring them with them.

Seeing a bird's nest in a tree, ask a male student to go up to see if there are any birds' eggs,
Although these two boys are not good in physique, after all, they are also high-achieving students admitted to Qinglan. It should be no problem to climb a tree, right?

Unexpectedly, the big boy is not as good as the timid Li Lijun. She climbed up like a monkey, and found a few bird eggs, and gave it to Su Qing. But the boy went up and couldn???t get down. She kept calling for help, and dared not go down. , so high mountain cliffs have been climbed, and a tree can't handle it.

Su Qing just forgot that what they have been training in rock climbing is to climb up, but they haven't learned how to climb down! !

Su Qing had no choice but to leap, grabbed the man by the collar and brought him down.

As supernatural masters, they should not be so useless. The main reason is that they are all children who grew up in the city. When they come to the mountains to experience, they only go hunting and playing with their families. No one will climb trees!
Hunting is basically a wild game for fun, and now it is military training, which requires the ability to run, jump, climb cliffs, and walk through wilderness swamps,
Can these inexperienced city dolls not complain?Not to mention climbing trees, if it weren't for the instructors to lead the way, it would be a problem whether he could find the direction back to the base smoothly. After all, he grew up so big and spent all his time in school. Who is free to stroll in the mountains and forests!
After Su Qing grabbed the boy by his collar and took him down, he still didn't dare to open his eyes. The classmate next to him said coolly:

"Okay, you are all standing on the ground, you are really shameful, you are not as good as Su Qing, she is still a child!"

The boy said with lingering fear: "I don't know how to climb trees, so it would be nice if I could go up."

Su Qing frowned. She was not the nanny of these children. They came out for training, so they couldn't rely on her for everything. Big boys are not as good as little girls.

In fact, there are a lot of things to eat in the mountains and forests, wild vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, some of which need to be tested with instruments, and they don't have any. Su Qing can only take a few people to dig some familiar wild vegetables according to experience.

After walking and stopping, I finally returned to the swamp, and found that there were quite a lot of students walking back, because they thought that the water source here was convenient.

Only Su Qing in the team had a little camping experience in the mountains. She didn't know what happened to the other classes. Anyway, the four people around her were useless.

She found a suitable place and asked the two girls to pick up dead branches and use them for fire later.

He took out a small bucket from the jade pendant space and asked the two boys to fetch water. There are many puddles in the swamp, so they can get a bucket of water back no matter what.

The two boys looked surprised. They didn't expect that Su Qing would put a bucket in the storage container. Who would take such a useless thing and take up precious space, that is, it is useful in the mountains.

The two boys went to fetch water from the puddle together. Fortunately, they were also supernatural masters, and there was no problem fetching water. When they came back, they found that

There were two more pots beside Su Qing, and a green mat was woven with rattan and spread on the ground. She was cleaning up wild vegetables picked on the road.

The two were really convinced, Su Qing was really well prepared, and even brought a bucket and a basin when she went out,

Seeing them coming back, Su Qing lowered her head and said without raising her eyes:
"When you bring the water back, go to the puddle to see if there are any fish, if you can catch pheasants and rabbits in the woods, you can't eat enough wild vegetables, if you go back as late as the first day, it's hard to say if you can have dinner .???

The two boys nodded, put down the water, and turned around to look around. They are not really trash. Who dares to say that those who can be admitted to Qinglan College are trash, but they are not familiar with the environment in the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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