Chapter 321
There are many water sources in the mountains, and it is easy to find spring water. Everyone is at a spring, preparing to have lunch and clean up the headless crocodile.

Su Qing has the most experience in preparing picnics and barbecues, but it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and the storage utensils were confiscated. Isn't it suspicious that she took out the seasoning, so Su Qing didn't say a word, and just divided the labor according to Li Kai's arrangement,

The four girls went to collect firewood, the boys cleaned up the crocodile meat,

When Su Qing was collecting firewood, he searched for some plants that could be used as seasonings. Wang Lu and the others only knew about various spiritual plants and didn't know much about ordinary plants. Picking flowers, digging roots, after a while, they are not interested,
As for the boys cleaning up the crocodiles by the spring, Su Qing didn't tell them how to clean them up, just toss about, get used to everything, and I can't be too outrageous, after all, the captain is Li Kai, and there are people from the army secretly following!
The girls felt quite comfortable, cutting dead branches in the woods, frightening many birds away.

When Su Qing saw the bird's nest, he would go up to see if there were any birds' eggs. Seeing that Su Qing had a light figure and could jump up a tree with just a touch of his feet, Wang became eager to win, and found a big tree with a bird's nest and jumped. Go up and see if there is any harvest.

Zhang Hui and Chen Fei'er were not that good at martial arts, so they could only collect dead branches under the trees, pile them into a big bundle, tie the rope tightly and pull it back, and let the boys light a fire to cook.

Su Qing saw that Wang Lu was also looking for bird eggs, so she stopped looking, packed firewood, picked a lot of plants that could be used as seasoning, and went back. She couldn't eat much, so why bother, the team has some just eat.

The boys have turned the big crocodile into pieces of meat, and they are waiting for them to come back from collecting firewood. After a few days of training, the students, not to mention cleaning up the strange beasts, are really impressive. The cleaned meat is placed on several very large sheets. on the leaves,
Seeing that the girls picked up the firewood, the boys hurriedly set up the firewood and lit it. The boy with the gold department supernatural ability had already made an iron pot and put it on it, poured half a pot of spring water, sliced ​​the meat into it, and planned to cook it. A pot of broth.

Su Qing nodded in her heart, it's really good, this gang has become camping masters in just a few days, so what kind of people are cultivated by the environment, in order to eat, people will rack their brains to learn and solve it, it's not possible.

Su Qing found a flat stone, washed it, chopped up the leaves, grass leaves, etc., and hammered it into green grass mud with small stones.

With a flick of a finger, a green rattan sprang out of thin air, quickly woven into a large tray, took a piece of meat, cut it into small pieces, and marinated it with the chopped grass mud and salt. Fortunately, there was still a small bottle of salt in the backpack, the instructor We figured they'd have a picnic outside.

Su Qing doesn't care what other people do to barbecue, anyway, she can cook whatever she likes, if not in front of everyone, she doesn't need to eat at all.

She found a suitable branch and peeled it, peeled it into a wooden stick, put it on a skewer, dug a hole by herself, lit a pile of firewood, put the skewered meat on the fire, and roasted it little by little, and the fat dripped on it. There were prickles on the firewood, and a strange fragrance came out.

When Su Qing put the grilled meat skewers on the plate, he found that Chen Hongfei was swallowing and waiting to eat.
Su Qing said coldly: "If you want to eat it yourself, there are still a lot of seasonings for bacon."

Su Qing only wore a dozen strings in total, she didn't want to serve Young Master Chen to eat and drink,

Chen Hongfei heheed twice, "Qingqing, since your brother and I are good friends, share it with me and try it out."

Su Qing was really helpless to Chen Hongfei, so he had to give him a meat skewer. Chen Hongfei ate it in his mouth and hummed twice, his eyes were beautifully bubbling. Compared with skewers, grilling it yourself is rubbish.

Su Qing ate up the remaining two skewers and continued to grill the skewers, because during the training, basically everyone learned how to handle food. Although Chen Hongfei didn't know how to make food since he was a child,

But with Meng Hao these days, I still learned how to barbecue, let alone cook it in a decent way. Following Su Qing's example, chop up various leaves and wild vegetables, marinate meat pieces, put them on wooden sticks, and put them close to the fire , Gently turn over and bake, the food made by yourself is more delicious in your mouth,

Looking at the other side of the fire, everyone put a large piece of meat on sticks and grilled it directly. The outside of the meat was burnt, the inside was raw, and the smell was strong. It was hard to eat, unless you were hungry. It's so bad, I really don't want to eat it.

But on Su Qing's side, the smell of barbecue meat is tangy, just smelling the smell makes mouth water wantonly, a few girls know what Su Qing picked so many grass leaves for, and the meat is just smeared with a little grass mud, it's so fragrant , Let them try it too! !

Zhang Hui pulled Chen Fei and ran over to ask Su Qing for seasonings. Wang Lu was reserved at first, and she first ridiculed Chen Hongfei for relying on her little sister. If she went to ask Su Qing for seasonings for barbecue, wouldn't it be cheeky? , She didn't help when picking it, and let Su Qing, who disliked it, waste time.

In the end, I couldn't help but ran over and threw away the black meat in my hand. The only food in the world can't live up to it.

Su Qing picked a lot of plants that are suitable for making spices, enough for everyone to use, as long as she is not allowed to do it, pick if there is not enough, there are some in the forest.

So even Li Kai didn't want to eat the black meat in his hand, so he couldn't help but follow everyone's method, cut it into small pieces, touched some grass paste, and put a layer of salt on it. Not to mention, the taste of the meat was really good A lot more delicious.

Su Qing ate a few skewers of barbecued meat and said that she was full, and she was not used to this kind of meat, so just eat as much as you want without feeling hungry.

Everyone believed it, and began to scramble for the remaining seasonings without restraint. For a while, there was a group of frolicking by the spring water.

After a lively lunch, the few people tidied up quickly and followed the instructions of the instructor.

A whole crocodile was as big as it was, and they didn't even finish eating it. Each of them cut off two large pieces of good meat, wrapped them in big leaves and stuffed them into schoolbags. It can't be broken either.

Cleaning up quickly, Li Kai checked that there were no omissions. The team continued to walk deep into the mountains, changing directions from time to time to expand the scope of their search.

The hard work was not in vain. I finally found the first box in a tree hole. The box was only the size of a fist. I opened the watch and scanned the box, and the watch showed that their team had scored points. Several people cheered and put the box away. As proof, move on.

Su Qing planned to hunt for treasure at night when everyone was asleep, and had long been looking forward to finding a place to camp as soon as it got dark.

It is best to have a cave, and it will be safe if it is blocked by big rocks. If it is dangerous to go directly outside, even if you have to keep a vigil, it is not easy to defend if danger really comes.

Before Su Qing left, she would protect several people with a protective array, so that her safety was guaranteed, otherwise she would not feel at ease to go hunting for treasure.

They found a box on the first day and don't know what happened to the other squads?
The experience arranged by Lin Yuyang is actually not difficult, it is just three days in the mountains, and the powerful strange beasts in the mountains have long been cleaned up.

These students are all supernatural masters, and they are the future of the empire. The mountain is so big that he is afraid of accidents, and each team is followed by at least two warriors to secretly protect them.

But he never thought that there was an ancient sect of cultivating immortals hidden in the depths of the mountain range, which was usually covered by a large array of mountain guards, and even monks could not feel it.

Luo Zilan's primordial spirit is powerful, so she discovered it on the first day, and wandered around inside for several days,

Although she is just a stream of energy and has no body, but when passing through the formation, she doesn't know what settings to touch, or there is a problem with the energy operation of the mountain protection formation.
(End of this chapter)

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