Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 323 Sword and Slash Ban

Chapter 323 Sword and Slash Ban
Su Qing rest assured to follow the ancestor and leap forward. The roads here are all prepared for monks. The distance between the peaks is not close, and there are many gullies in the middle. It is very difficult for ordinary people to walk, so Su Qing had to fly in the air all the time.
There is only a single log in front of you, which is placed between two peaks, and the abyss is below. Ordinary people will be scared to death at a glance. Who dares to walk up it?
Su Qing lightly tapped the dead wood with her toes, hey, what kind of tree is this?It was quite strong. Su Qing poked it with the knife in his hand, and there was a sound of gold and iron. It was amazing. The bridge built by a piece of wood was made of high-quality spirit wood.

"Qingqing, let's go, don't waste time, it's just a piece of ten thousand-year-old iron wood, it's worthless."

Seeing that Su Qing had the leisure to poke a piece of wood, Luo Zilan turned her head and urged.

Su Qingxin said, Old Ancestor, you have high vision and don't like anything, but I'm poor, and I have to do everything by myself. Although there are still many resources in the space, there are few resources that can be used. Besides, the resources are getting less and less as they are used. , None of the spirit stones she had prepared before remained.

Leaping across this single-plank bridge, you will arrive at the huge mountain opposite, which looks like a elixir garden specially opened by the sect.

As soon as Su Qing fell down, she was stunned. I can't blame the ancestor for asking her to come over in a hurry. There are elixir everywhere. Even the many weeds under the trees can be used to refine medicine because of the spiritual energy. They are all treasures what! !

Su Qing took out the medicine shovel, squatted down and wanted to dig,
Luo Zilan said angrily:

"Qingqing, these are not good things, dig them when you have time, the real good ones are protected by prohibition inside, these are weeds."

Su Qing thought twice, the price of these weeds is very high outside, isn't that kind of spiritual plant a weed?Don't argue with the ancestors, just follow along!Let's go and see what the ancestors saw as the elixir?
Although the monk can see clearly at night, it is not as convenient as the sun shining in the daytime, so it is better to follow the ancestor,

They quickly leaped over one piece of medicine field after another. As expected of the place where the sect grows elixir, large pieces of elixir plants grow into a pile. After many years of lack of care, there is nowhere to stand. Fortunately, they can all fly in the air.

Finally Luo Zilan stopped, pointing to a large field of medicines covered by the formation,

"Qingqing, all the good things are here, I can go in, I guess you have to rely on your own ability to break the restriction,"

Su Qing nodded. It was the first time she had seen this kind of restriction. There was no one who arranged the restriction to remove it. As long as the energy is sufficient, it will always cover here. I hope that after a long time, the ability of the restriction will be reduced, and she can break it at once.

Now it can only be destroyed with huge profits, and I don't know how Luo Zilan got in. Maybe it's been a long time or the person who used the restraint died, who knows?

Su Qing stretched out her hand and summoned the Luoying Immortal Sword. She really couldn't open the restriction without using all her strength this time. If it was set by a cultivator of Huashen, and her cultivation base was too far behind, it would be over.

Su Qing held the sword, lifted the spiritual energy, and the flowers flew with one move, and the sword swept over, the sword energy formed a storm, composed of thousands of tiny petals, rushing towards the restraint with a loud click, and the light shone everywhere Shooting, a storm of energy was brought up, the restraint was not broken, but cracks appeared on the mask.

Luo Zilan happily shouted: "Just one more sword strike. I said that this kind of restraint is very simple, and simple violent destruction is enough."

Su Qing also didn't use sword moves this time, it was too costly. She waved the Luoying sword in her hand and slashed on the restraint, using her own strength.

The energy shield covering the medicine field suddenly deepened with cracks, cracked twice, crashed, completely shattered, turned into aura and scattered in the air,
There are countless kinds of psychic medicines in it. It may take too long and no one manages them, and they all grow into a ball. Su Qing's eyes are staring at them. They are really rare spiritual plants that are very cherished. Some of them are not available in the market. The school's I haven't taught the courses, they are all panaceas that are urgently needed for alchemy, so why not be polite,
Luo Zilan urged her, "Qingqing, you dig it yourself quickly, I can't help you, I can only help you guard, don't worry if I'm here."

"Well," Su Qing nodded, and with a wave of his hand, a large jade box appeared on the ground. He bent down and quickly began to dig out those elixirs, put them in the box, and tidy them up after returning to school, and planted them in the jade pendant space.

Su Qing squatted down, quickly waved the small medicine shovel in her hand, and began to dig out the elixir, looking for old people who had enough medicinal properties.

Su Qing's movements are fast enough, all of which are based on years of experience in digging medicine in the mountains, but no matter how fast he is, he still needs to be alone, and the rarer the elixir, the more careful he must be, not to damage the roots, and it is impossible to randomly pluck it.

This medicine field only has more than half an acre of land, but the elixir dug up is full of several large jade boxes. Let them continue to grow some young elixir, and clean up the medicine field by yourself, otherwise They are all crowded together, and no one can grow well. I will come again when I have a chance.
I don't know yet, what will the military do if they discover this ruin?How long can the mountain guard formation outside the sect last?

There are still many elixir in the medicine field of the whole mountain. Su Qing found some that he didn't have, and dug a lot of those that were not easy to buy in the market. It seems that this sect is not very big. The types of spiritual plants in the medicine field Not many.

Su Qing told Luo Zilan about this idea, Luo Zilan shook her head and said:

"It's not what you think. The entire mountain here is a medicine field. It should have been planned before. According to the general practice of sects, it would not be planted in this way.

Maybe when we evacuated back then, all the mature and usable elixirs were dug away, leaving a few seedlings, which grew one after another over the years, so there were not many varieties. "

Su Qing, oh!With a sigh, she is just a grassroots, so she doesn't know what the cultivation sect is like, she is already very satisfied with these gains.

Walking around this mountain, there is nothing good except for the elixir. She also went to those rooms for a walk. It took too long, and many buildings were about to collapse.

Luo Zilan said that this kind of house is for low-level disciples who grow elixir in the outer sect. The materials used must not be very good. It is not surprising that the house collapsed.

Following behind Luo Zilan, Su Qing wandered down another mountain. Many caves were restricted, even if they were broken open, they were still empty, which meant that the owner had cleaned up before leaving.
In some places, there are still a few pieces of furniture left. Su Qing looked at them and put them into the space. Maybe they could be sold as antiques. Luo Zilan even laughed at her for being petty.

Su Qing sighed inwardly, patriarch, you don't need to eat and drink, she and Meng Hao still have six years of school expenses, how can they not try to earn money, wait for Meng Hao to earn money sooner!
In some caves, there were some books, jade slips and other decorations, Su Qing took them away when they looked good,

Not all caves can be opened, and Su Qing's cultivation base is still too low. Her cultivation base can reach the level of a supernatural master, but she uses more means than a supernatural master.

If you really want to fight, Su Qing may not be able to beat Lin Yuyang, at most it will be a tie,
Su Qing can't beat Lin Yuyang, and Lin Yuyang can't do anything to her. In terms of strength, Su Qing should be stronger. Unfortunately, she has little actual combat experience, and she doesn't have the courage to fight on the battlefield without regard for life and death.

Although Su Qing has a high level of cultivation, she has the mentality of an ordinary person. How can she compare to soldiers who have gone through years of bloody fighting.

"Old Ancestor, this sect should be relocated as a whole, not suddenly encountering enemies. All buildings are intact, without any trace of destruction. Unfortunately, there is no useful information left behind."

Luo Zilan: "Never mind him, after so many years, people have died long ago. If there is nothing wrong, I will definitely come back to take a look. Since I haven't come back, I don't want any sects in Nuo Da. There must be some special circumstances and I can't come back."

(End of this chapter)

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