Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 325 Jade Key

Chapter 325 Jade Key
Luo Zilan nodded after serious consideration and said:

"Maybe it will work. That child is simple and kind by nature, has a pure heart, and has not been polluted by materialistic desires. You have taught him very well. It may not be possible in two years. You can let him practice."

There is no distinction between good and evil in any practice, but there are good and bad practitioners. Human beings are the most complex creatures. They are born with the spirit of all things in the world. Their wisdom is higher than that of all creatures. They are good at creating, thinking, and good Evil is impermanent, very complex, and definitely not a black and white standard.

If Meng Hao can really practice the Heavenly Dragon Formless God and Demon Kungfu, become a demon with one thought and become a god with one thought, invincible, and his cultivation level will shake the world, it will be amazing. As long as he can control it, he will definitely become the overlord in the future.

Luo Zilan felt that Su Qing's personality was too mediocre, and she didn't have the ambition to pursue power. She just wanted to live a simple life, but it was not that easy. Her ability could not be hidden for a lifetime, and there would always be clues.

No matter how powerful a person is, how can he fight against the entire empire, so there is one person who can rush forward to protect her and hide her, that person is Meng Hao,

Su Qing was not as far-reaching as the ancestor thought, but simply wanted to find a suitable cultivation method for Meng Hao,

She held the jade slip, and after reading the exercises, she felt that the content was not profound. Meng Yan probably had difficulty understanding it, so she needed to practice first and teach him step by step.

Su Qing put the jade slip into the space and said:
"Old Ancestor, we still have to hurry up, it will be dawn in two hours, and Li Kai and the others are going to wake up."

Luo Zilan said: "Let's go, go to the warehouse and look for it. I can't get in there. I think it might be something good.

After you come out of the storeroom, go pick more spirit fruits. I don’t know how many years those fruits have grown on the trees. It’s a pity that they will fall to the ground and turn into mud. Each of them is rich in spiritual energy. "

Su Qing and Luo Zilan left Zangshu Pavilion and ran to another direction. Fortunately, the warehouse was also on this mountain, so she didn't need to run back and forth.

Outside Qinglianzong's warehouse, the protective formation is still in operation, and Su Qing can't get in. Luo Zilan has already figured out a way, otherwise she has wandered here for half a month in vain.

"Qingqing, over there, there is a jade tablet in the room. It should have been dropped by the guards, or thrown by the disciples of the Qinglian Sect. Take it and try to see if you can get in. The opening level of this formation is not high. started at random."

Su Qing nodded. She couldn't break through this kind of formation, so she needed a corresponding identity jade badge, which was like a key, and she could only enter with it.

Sure enough, in the room Luo Zilan pointed to, there was a jade tablet under a table, Su Qing bent down to pick it up,
what!She accidentally looked up out of the corner of her eye and found that there seemed to be something on the wooden board under the table. If she hadn't squatted under the table to pick up something, who would have seen something hidden on the wooden board against the table.

Su Qing stretched out her hand and took it out. It turned out to be a key, which is rare. I have never heard that the door of a monk needs to be locked.

Cultivators generally arrange formations, prohibitions, and door locks have a fart, and they can be opened with a twist, unless there are special places and special doors.

"Haha, look, ancestor, what did I find, what's the use of a monk getting a key?"

Su Qing stood up, held up the key in her hand, and showed the old ancestor,

Luo Zilan didn't even notice that there was something hidden under the table, it was really dark under the lamp, so she just put it there openly, let's see who can find it, it must have been hidden by someone inside Qinglian Sect, and there was no chance to take it away in a hurry.

This is also considered a genius for hiding things. Just push it under the table so hard, and it will be embedded in the wood. If you don't squat down, no one can see it.

This is a jade key, which is very exquisitely made. As for what it is used for, I don't know.

"Put it away first, maybe it's from there, if you have a chance, you will meet."

"Yeah!" Su Qing nodded and threw it into the space.

I found the jade token, hurry up and try to see if I can enter the formation.

They went back to the warehouse, Su Qing hung the jade plaque on his body, sure enough, the formation was not obstructed, and he walked in directly, instead of bumping into a glowing wall,
The warehouse of Qinglian Sect is very huge, but unfortunately, there are empty boxes everywhere. It used to contain all kinds of resources, but now it is empty.
Su Qing can only pick some good-quality boxes and put them away. The resources he collects in the future also need to have a place to store them, right?

Luo Zilan laughed at her for picking up trash,

Su Qing really wanted to roll her eyes without temperament, what could she do, would it cost money to buy it,
It seems that before the family moved away, all places were properly handled, not a single spirit stone was left behind, and they were all taken away.

In the end, Su Qing only found some boxes for things, and there were a lot of ores of poor quality that no one liked, and there was nothing in the whole warehouse.

Those ores are also things that are everywhere in the cultivation world, so they are rare now, and they are still of some value, so it's not a waste of time.

"Old Ancestor, didn't you say that there are still spirit fruits? The warehouse is empty. Why don't we pick the fruits and eat them?"

Luo Zilan walked around in the warehouse,
"Qingqing, I feel that there is still something here, you are looking carefully, maybe there is a mezzanine secret room, otherwise what is the key for, maybe the guards are going to guard and steal it.

Generally, the people responsible for guarding the warehouse are the elders of the sect, and those elders have many secrets, even the head of the sect may not know it.

My analysis is that someone stole the key and hid it, planning to come back alone and take the things away. Unexpectedly, an accident happened and there was no chance to come back. "

Su Qing blinked, is that so?Anyway, she didn't know what was going on inside the sect, she was just a wild monk, so she said disinterestedly:

"Old Ancestor, how do you know? Even if Qinglian Sect really has secrets, we don't have time to dig through them."

Luo Zilan: "Of course I know that any sect has the right to struggle when it grows up. They fight against each other from top to bottom. No one wants to reap the benefits. Every elder hopes that the more resources they have, the better. If there are no resources, how can they practice and continuously improve their cultivation?" , Whoever has the highest cultivation level in the entire cultivation world is the supreme one, you should look for it first."

Su Qing saw that the ancestor said so, well, let's find it, as the ancestor is a pure energy body, she can't find it, so she guesses that she is useless.

I can only try to use Luoying to knock the walls and floors around to see if there is a secret room compartment, basement or something,

But the sound shows that it is solid, and she even flies up to the roof to try,
"Old Ancestor, there is really no secret room, and there is no need for a monk to set up a secret room to hide things,"

Luo Zilan still didn't give up, "It's strange, I always feel that Qinglianzong's aura is stagnant, there must be treasures, why can't I find them?"

Su Qing didn't want to search around anymore, "Okay, Patriarch, let's go to pick the fruit."

Luo Zilan was still wandering around in various warehouses, she clearly felt that the aura here was very strong, why was there nothing?
Qinglian Sect's warehouse was built on the mountainside, and it was built by hollowing out the mountain. The area is very large, and small spaces are separated according to the storage resources. Luo Zilan still has no clue when she explores one by one.

Su Qing had already started to leave, and was about to step out, when she found that among these many large compartments, there was actually a small room, only more than ten square meters, why use it?Also specially arranged at the entrance, to watch the gate?

When she first came in, she glanced at it and found that it was empty, so she skipped it. At this time, she felt very strange in her eyes.
"Old Ancestor, take a look at what that small room is used for. Could it be a collection of valuables?"

Luo Zilan, "What valuables can there be in the warehouse? The real good things, generally monks will put them in their storage space. These are the common resources of the sect. They are nothing rare, but they are in large quantities. The most common ones are spirit stones."

(End of this chapter)

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