Chapter 333
Lin Yuyang couldn't help laughing when he heard it, these little dolls are very curious, they don't know if it's true or not, so they dare to try it, how brave they are!

If there were really relics in the mountains, it would not be the turn of these dolls to come. They would have discovered them long ago. They must have left a shadow somewhere. The universe is full of wonders, and there are still many phenomena that cannot be explained by science.

Lin Yuyang instructed the soldiers to ignore the students as long as they were not in danger, and to report any problems in time.

It didn't take long for Su Qing and the others to organize the students to attack the formation successfully, and it didn't take long for Qinglianzong's sixteen peaks to open up. Things happened very quickly.

The soldiers were still on the sidelines at the beginning, seeing those students having fun, and some decent-looking ones really attacking the white light, and they were discussing with each other, so what's the use!It's all illusory.

But when the great change came, everyone was stunned, wondering what happened?
It wasn't until Su Qingmengxiao took the lead to jump up the trial stone steps and ran into Qinglianzong that the soldiers woke up like a dream, and hurriedly reported the situation to the chief. It's terrible, there are really relics, and the students have already started to run up.

When Lin Yuyang heard the news, he became anxious as soon as his heart sank. It was broken, and there are really relics! !
He wasn't afraid that the good things would be obtained by the students, but that the sects of the immortal cultivators in ancient times were not so easy to enter, and there were prohibitive traps everywhere.

Those children don't understand the horror of those ancient people at all. If they touch something, they will die. This time they will cause a catastrophe. Lin Yuyang feels that he can't bear it anymore.

Immediately report the situation to the base commander and the capital of the planet, assemble the manpower and equipment, especially the medical team, board the ship in a hurry, and fly to the coordinates of the ruins.

Lin Yuyang was really a little panicked. Standing in the command room of the battleship, his face was as dark as ink. Once the students were injured or injured, he would take full responsibility.

All the personnel driving the battleship took their positions. From the base to the Qinglian Sect, Lin Yuyang had already seen the ruins on the big screen of the battleship.
He was very surprised by the completeness of the ruins. He never expected that there was a well-preserved ancient ruins near their base. It was so shocking! !

Why didn't I find anything before, there was nothing in that area! !It can be concealed under the most advanced satellite scanning, which shows the powerful technology of the ancients.

This complete piece of ruins is very important. It can provide an in-depth understanding of the cultivation system of the ancients and their technical system, what the ghost-like handwriting means, and how to attract energy.

Seeing the densely packed students on the stone steps, but walking so slowly, what's going on?

"Report to the commander, we have arrived at the designated coordinates, do we need to land?"

Lin Yuyang said: "Just land on the mountain with the largest area. Once casualties occur, they can be treated in time, so that the medical team is ready, and the teams are ready to rescue people."


More than a dozen drivers are operating densely on the keyboard in front of them.

The warship flew over the eight peaks of the outer gate of Qinglian Sect, and flew towards the peak in the middle of the inner gate. There was a huge square where the warship could land.

They are only driving a small frigate. Generally, there is no need to dispatch battleships, flagships and other large warships on the planet, and they cannot be used.

Suddenly the battleship issued a warning sound, and the mastermind turned the sound,

"Warning, warning, the battleship system has been damaged by unknown reasons, the battleship cannot control the normal flight, and it is crashing, please be prepared,"

All the pilots used their fingers to operate all the keyboards in front of them, but it still didn't work, and the battleship was still slowly descending from an altitude of several thousand meters.
The driver asked desperately: "Commander, what should I do? The manual operation is also invalid. We are about to crash."

Lin Yuyang calmly ordered:

"Still using manual operation, the battleship retreats and leaves the control range of those mountains first,"

"Yes! Yes!!" Several operators, controlling their own positions, tried their best not to let the battleship continue to fall, and began to retreat, pulling a little bit, leaving the range of Qinglianzong. Sure enough, the battleship seemed to be pulled down by some force Disappeared and began to stabilize.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, otherwise it would have been miserable. The battleship crashed. Not only were they in danger, but the damage to the students below was the greatest, because most of the children were in this area. It was too scary. Even Lin Yuyang was out. Sweating all over.

"Commander, the battleship has returned to normal, and the danger of crashing has disappeared."

Lin Yuyang's face was heavy. Sure enough, the ancient ruins are not that simple. The battleship will crash when it enters the sky.

"Search for a suitable landing site nearby. Let's go down first and see how the students are doing. Don't let them run wild in the ruins. It's very dangerous. If you accidentally touch something, you may never be able to leave there."

The empire has discovered many relics, and various problems have arisen. A small group of soldiers entered a cave, and they did not know what was touched. They were locked in by an invisible energy, and finally used several supernatural masters, It was only then that the energy shield was broken and the person was rescued.

"Yes, search for the landing site immediately, prepare to land, and notify the teams to prepare."

When the warship flew over the heads of the students, many people saw it, but they didn't know why they retreated and returned to the mountain to land.

But it has nothing to do with them. What everyone is anxious about now is to go up to the treasure hunt. More than 10 people have already gone up. When the army enters the ruins, what good things can they get.

Su Qing and Meng Hao also saw the battleship. As for why they retreated, Meng Hao didn't know, Su Qing's heart was like a mirror, hehe, it must be the forbidden air formation that the ancestor said.

Why is Qinglian Sect a medium-sized sect, especially the main peak of the inner sect, it is absolutely not allowed for anyone to enter from the air, so there is no guarantee of safety, there must be various prohibition formations,
Now they just destroyed the mountain protection formation, what other restrictions are there?Fortunately, I still have a Qinglian sect identity jade badge on my body. I guess I can enter most places without being attacked. As for the others?Depending on your luck, you won't die anyway.

"Meng Hao, we have to hurry up, let's go."

The green vine in Su Qing's hand wrapped around Meng Yu's waist in a flash. Su Qing pulled him hard, and the two of them jumped into the air and rushed towards the caves at a faster speed.

Meng Yu knew Su Qing could fly a long time ago, so he was not surprised. Qingqing was in a hurry now, and she must not have hoped that they would not get good things, and they had to work harder.

Soon they entered the vicinity of a large area of ​​buildings on this peak. Every courtyard or cave was covered with a layer of white light. Others might not be able to see it, but Su Qing and Meng Hao could see it clearly.

Meng Yu frowned and said, "Qingqing, how do we get in?"

Su Qing said flatly: "Use the strongest moves, attack and restrain without leaving room,"

Meng Yu nodded, understood, it is just a portal, which needs to be destroyed violently,
Su Qing held the saber issued by the army in his left hand, and Luoying appeared in his hand with a wave of his hand. The swipe was silent, and the seemingly light sword swung out, bringing the green sword glow but roaring away like mountains and seas. The aura brought out The wind made the clothes of the two of them flutter,

Meng Hao had seen Su Qing practice swords in the mountains of his hometown, and he knew how powerful this move was. He once cut off a mountain top, so wouldn't it be scary?He was very curious about where Qingqing usually hid the sword, and took it out directly when she used it, which was more convenient than a storage device.

He took two steps back, and his skin was sore from the burst of aura, one can imagine how powerful this move was.

The green sword light and the white light collided violently, with a click, the restriction was not broken, and it was almost the same.

"Meng Hao, go and try."

(End of this chapter)

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