Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 356 More like a princess

Chapter 356 More like a princess

There was warmth in Su Qing's eyes, and only Meng Hao would think about her everywhere, afraid that she would feel uncomfortable when she met someone related to the Li family. In fact, Meng Hao really thought too much. She was just a passerby, and she never cared about it.

"Don't worry, even if she is the daughter of the head of the Li family, I won't be offended. Our achievements are already very good. When we graduate in the future and have a stable income, we can take over the family and live together. Good days, why are you always immersed in the past, I have long forgotten."

Meng Yan smiled, "Qingqing, I'm relieved if you think like this, that Huang Yunbi just treat her as a normal friend."

Su Qing nodded, "I see, you should hurry back to class."

Meng Hao finished what he was holding back in his heart, and saw that Qingqing really didn't look unhappy, so he went back to the classroom with peace of mind.

From this day on, He Shilan and Huang Biyun often asked Su Qing to go out with Wang Lu. Su Qing would go there once or twice. She was so busy, how could she have time to go out often.

Su Qing didn't respond to the two new friends, but Huang Yunbi was more interested in Su Qing, and often contacted her with excuses, inviting her to attend the class.

Su Qing doesn't dare to go to Professor Zhao's class anymore. He is a stubborn old man, over 100 years old, and has a very bad temper. He goes to the head of their department every day and wants Su Qing to transfer to another department.
Su Qing made it clear that she would not change the department, and that she was only interested in pharmacy, but the old man was furious, and angrily scolded her for wasting her great talent.

Where would Su Qing dare to go to class, at most she would miss a few of Professor Li's classes, so she never agreed to Huang Yunbi.

Seeing that Su Qing didn't seem to be very enthusiastic about her, Huang Yunbi complained to Wang Lu whether Su Qing didn't like her,
Wang Lu laughed and said, "You have also been rejected by Su Qing several times. Su Qing is just like that, taciturn, and likes to be alone. Otherwise, why would you live in a luxury villa for singles? The accommodation fee is twice as high."

Huang Yunbi asked in surprise: "Su Qing lives in a luxury single room. She doesn't come from the original galaxy, so why is she so rich?"

Wang Lu said: "That's not easy. Students in our pharmacy department are short of money, so they can refine some medicines and sell them at will. The quality of medicines Su Qing refines is not bad. She is also good at cultivating elixir. Enough to spend."

Huang Yunbi suddenly smiled and said, "Oh!! So that's how it is!"

But she didn't take it seriously in her heart. What does Wang Lu, a young lady from a family, know? She doesn't know how difficult it is to earn money.
Pharmacists can make money by refining medicines, but human energy is limited, and they can refine several medicines a day. Low-level medicines are worthless, and high-level medicines are difficult to successfully refine.
It is simply impossible for a pharmacist to refine medicines all day without doing anything.

She is also a pharmacist, and she is a class higher than Su Qing and Wang Lu. If it is really as simple as Wang Lu said, why do you work hard every day, just to save some money for accommodation.

Her schooling is a big expense, and her mother can still afford it if she is an ordinary student.

But she went to the Ability Academy, and was admitted to the Department of Pharmacy. As a pharmacist, she seemed to be a glamorous, superior person, compared with anyone else. In school, she was a poor student. No matter how talented she was, she didn't have a lot of resources to support her. She doesn't have a good future, so she especially hopes that Professor Zhao can accept her as a disciple. Unfortunately, the old man doesn't like her at all, but he likes Su Qing very much.

My mother provided her with six years of intermediate classes, and she had already exhausted her family's wealth. Just wait for her to succeed in her studies, and the mother and daughter can live a good life in the future!

Originally, she felt that her life was pretty good. As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison. Ever since Su Qing went to their class for a class, teachers, classmates, friends, everyone was talking about Su Qing and how talented she was. Gao, Huang Yunbi couldn't help but feel jealous. How could a local beetle from a primitive galaxy be more popular than her and better talented than her.

But the two still look alike, and they are often compared together, which makes Huang Yunbi furious.

But she has always shown people with a sunny, lively, sweet, and understanding image, and she is about to explode in anger. She still has to maintain a pure and gentle image, and smile every day to show people, not to mention being aggrieved.

So when Huang Yunbi heard that Su Qing had a better life than her, she felt even more jealous. Su Qing was especially good at making money, so there must be some secret. If she could figure it out and use it well, could she also make a lot of money.

Huang Yunbi is a very scheming person, no one can see her true thoughts, she looks innocent and ignorant of world affairs, she is very kind to everyone, always showing a sweet smile, she may have some intentions in her heart.

Wang Lu and He Shilan smiled heartlessly, they didn't know at all, Huang Yunbi's mind was very complicated, and she was already figuring out how to figure out Su Qing's secret.

Huang Yunbi looked at the two of them. Since Su Qing can't get in touch with them often, she should gather with Wang Lu, Zhou Ya, and Chen Hongfei more often. After a long time, Su Qing will find out the details.
Especially the one named Meng Rong, who came from the same place as Su Qing and grew up together, so he must know her very well, and more useful information can be gleaned from him.

Wang Lu was talking to He Shilan, but for some reason it turned to the topic that Huang Yunbi and Su Qing looked alike, but Wang Lu sized Huang Yunbi up and said hesitantly:

"Shi Lan, I don't know if you have noticed, but Yun Bi is actually more like another person."

As expected of a curious baby, He Shilan immediately asked:
"Who? There are people who look like Yunbi. There are so many coincidences in the world, unless they are sisters of a family."

Wang Lu hesitated and said: "I just thought of it suddenly, don't you think Yunbi is more like Li Ningbi? The future crown princess, the adopted daughter of the national teacher, Li Ningbi, the closed disciple of Chen Jingyu of Tianlong Academy!! "

He Shilan and Huang Yunbi were stunned at the same time, Wang Lu didn't say that they hadn't noticed that Huang Yunbi was more similar to the future princess.

He Shilan said with flickering eyes: "You're right, they really look alike, especially their eyes and smiles are as sweet and lovely, but Su Qing's eyes are deeper and colder."

Huang Yunbi was admitted to Tsinglan College at the age of 20. It has been more than two years since she left Bichenxing. She really doesn't know much about the future princess and has never paid attention to her.

What's more, Li Ningbi left Bichenxing when she was a teenager. If she hadn't been engaged to the crown prince last year, not many people would know about her.

Huang Yunbi's heart was in a mess, but on the surface she showed innocent eyes, and asked in surprise:
"Am I really like the princess?"

Wang Lu nodded excitedly. She admires Li Ningbi very much and pays more attention to her.

Immediately turn on the communicator on the wrist, find out the photos in the collection and show them to the two,
"How is it similar?"

In the photo, Li Ningbi has long flowing hair, a sweet smile, and a noble temperament. It can be seen that she is from an extraordinary background.

There are also a few engagement photos with the crown prince. The man is handsome and the girl is smiling like a flower. The pictures are so beautiful.

Huang Yunbi stared at it for a long time, her heart was churning, but she still smiled and said:

"We are both from Bichenxing, maybe we are really relatives? Go home and ask my mother."

The two girls nodded in unison, not to mention that there was no chance, because Li Ningbi was more like her, almost like twins.

At this moment, Huang Yunbi's heart was overwhelmed. Her mother, Huang Jing, was never married, but gave birth to her. Her mother always said that if her father died on the battlefield, she would never marry for the rest of her life, just keep her by her side.
But my father's family has never cared about their mother and daughter, and they don't care about her. If she is a child of that family, how can my father's relatives be so cruel? It seems necessary to go back and ask my mother what's going on ?

(End of this chapter)

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