Chapter 360

How many stars is Su Qing a pharmacist?What kind of potion are you good at refining?How many kinds of elixirs can be refined? She didn't find out the same.

It seems that we have to find another way, isn't Su Qing not coming out, then she will come to her door to find her, and use an excuse to visit her dormitory.

Huang Yunbi looked at Wang Lu again with flickering eyes, approaching Su Qing, and let Wang Lu bring it up.

Meng Yu refused to tell many things about Qingqing, because the more he saw, the more he found that Qingqing was very mysterious. He was mysterious since he was a child, and he was ignorant when he was young. He always took what Qingqing said as a joke or a story.

Looking back now, since Qingqing's parents divorced, she has changed, even Grandma Zhu has changed, but I didn't care about it at the time.

Especially when they walked out of the mountain village together and got admitted to the best school, it was like a dream. It was clear that Qingqing was supporting everything these years.

Many things about Qingqing are very mysterious, such as the body training technique taught to him, the elixir given to him, and the alchemy technique he knew was taught by Qingqing to Uncle Yang, and it was not developed by Uncle Yang himself at all.

It doesn't feel like all the things are not connected together. Once it is put together, Meng Hao is shocked. It turns out that Qingqing has so many secrets.

After thinking about this clearly, he still dared to speak about Su Qing casually.

Huang Yunbi didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, they were all asking for Qingqing's information, Meng Yan definitely couldn't tell, but just picked some things that everyone knew, and dealt with her.

Seeing that he couldn't get Su Qing's information, Huang Yunbi began to ask about their martial arts class without revealing anything, which aroused a heated discussion among Chen Hongfei's group of four.

It is inevitable that they will talk about the skills they have practiced, how many levels of martial arts they have reached, and when they heard that Meng Yan's martial arts test has reached the ninth level, Huang Yunbi immediately exclaimed, and the words of admiration are thrown out as if they don't want money, which makes the other three boys feel uneasy. born jealous,

Chen Hongfei first protested in dissatisfaction:

"Hey, let me say, Yun Bi, in front of the three of us, it's too much to praise Meng Xiang alone, and the three of us are also very good at martial arts."

Huang Yunbi smiled at him, with a little sadness in his eyes,
"I know, you are also very good, but Meng Yan is even more powerful. I have admired heroes the most since I was a child, because my father died on the battlefield. I especially hope that I can find a boyfriend who is as brave as my father."

After saying this, her snow-white face showed a shy pink color, making people look at it with affection and affection.

Everyone understood, or comforted or made fun of her.

But Meng Hao trembled, he really couldn't stand this woman, he was used to Qingqing's cold face, seeing a shy look on the similar-looking face, that kind of expression that Qingqing would never appear, really gave him goosebumps all over his body .

Especially what did she say?Looking for a hero to be her boyfriend, and even praising him vigorously, Meng Hao felt like his hairs were going to stand on end! !

He has no idea about this girl, he always feels that her smile is very fake, it feels unreal, don't fall in love with him!

Huang Yunbi didn't know what Meng Yan was thinking at all, otherwise she would definitely be mad, and the ghost would fall in love with you idiot! !

The gentler she smiled at Meng Hao, the more trembling Meng Hao felt, as if being entangled by a sticky poisonous snake.

Chen Hongfei also jokingly said: "Young Master Ben will be a great hero in the future, and you should admire him even more."

Everyone booed him one after another, tearing him down, saying he was a bragging hero, laughing and joking for a while.

After this gathering, Huang Yunbi and Wang Lu became even more intimate, often calling He Shilan, and the three of them went shopping together.

This day was in time for the holiday, so Huang Yunbi came to the dormitory early in the morning to find them to hang out with. She didn't wait outside the school for the two to come out. How about it?
In fact, she often goes to He Shilan's dormitory, but it's the first time she came to Wang Lu's dormitory.
Wang Lu happily let Huang Yunbi and He Shilan into her room. She also lived in a four-person suite. The layout of the school's dormitory is basically the same. Each person has an independent space, and it is not small.

The three girls sitting in the room don't look cramped at all, and the girls always have endless topics to talk about together.
Huang Yunbi's eyes flashed, and she asked, "Have you thought about it? Where are we going to play later, and finally take a day off."

Wang Lu thought for a while and said, "How about going to the amusement park? I heard that there is a new project that simulates the ruins of the expedition, which is very fun."

He Shilan nodded, "Yes!!"

Huang Yunbi suggested, "Call Su Qing! She won't be bored in the dormitory during the holidays, will she?"

Wang Lu said firmly, "That's for sure. She just likes raising cats and cultivating elixir at home. She won't be interested in going out to play."

Huang Yunbi said: "Let's call her, it's so boring to be bored in the dormitory all the time, why not go out and relax."

Wang Lu said helplessly: "Even if you ask, it's useless. She will definitely not go. She has already met us once this week."

Huang Yunbi refused to give up,

"Lulu, how do you know if you haven't tried it? Every time you just contact Su Qing on the communicator, she will definitely not go. It's too dishonest. Let's go to her directly. I happened to see the deluxe single room. What is the dormitory like?"

He Shilan assisted perfectly, "Yes, yes, let's find Qingqing in person, she really doesn't want to go out to play, forget it,"

Wang Lu thought, it's okay anyway, let's go, the dormitory between the two is not far away.

"Okay, but before we go, I have to send Qingqing a message, otherwise she will be upset that we disturbed her cultivation."

Huang Yunbi thinks that Su Qing's personality is very weird, she doesn't look like a girl in her teens at all, when a girl in her teens loves to play, laugh and be pure and sunny, who is as lifeless as her? Could it be that Su Qing is also the head of a single-parent family? Big one, did you suffer a lot when you were young?

The three girls took their bags, chatted and laughed and rushed to Su Qing's dormitory. Before going out, Wang Lu sent Su Qing a message.

Su Qing stopped practicing at dawn every day. First, she would do body training in the courtyard, tidy up the room, make breakfast for Huomiao brothers and sisters, go upstairs to water the planting fields, and then go out to attend classes.

During the holidays, I would read and study at home, practice various homework taught by my ancestors, and read the information in the jade slips. Regardless of whether it is a holiday, she is even more busy. A person who does not even have time to sleep will never waste a little time.

The most important thing is to go to the jade pendant space to refine the space picture scroll unshakably,

It has been more than half a year, and the refining has only increased a little bit. Her cultivation base is too low. Without the help of the ancestors, it is impossible to complete the refining successfully without ten or eight years of water grinding.

Su Qing sat cross-legged in the living room, surrounded by things, all kinds of jade slips, jade talismans, and various formation drawings she drew,
Because of Qinglian Sect's experience, Su Qing began to pay attention to the mountain protection formation and high-end restriction, without Luo Zilan's urging, he took the initiative to work hard to learn the knowledge of the formation.

What Su Qing thinks is that he must never fight uncertain battles again. In case of another incident like Qinglianzong, don't be stopped by a formation or restriction, and you can't always destroy it with huge profits!It was too much work.

Both formations and restrictions are composed of various rune communication energies. Since they can be arranged, they can be dismantled. As long as she understands the principle, she can disassemble them more easily, making treasure hunting easier.

This time, she was lucky enough to get the whole Qinglian sect, which made Su Qing as excited as chicken blood. This kind of work is so cool, if she does it a few more times, she will be mad, and she will be able to lie down and win for the rest of her life.

Learning formations, of course she was very motivated, Luo Zilan shook her head secretly, she was not surprised by Qingqing's reaction at all, she thought the same way when she was young, otherwise why would she know a little bit about everything, it would be useful for exploring the ruins of various secret realms .

(End of this chapter)

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