Chapter 363
There was a whole large cardboard box, and several people took it out and counted it, and placed vegetables, fruits and various meats all over the floor.

As the master, Su Qing can't be idle, only she and Huang Yunbi can cook, Wang Lu and He Shilan are not helping,
They can only do some small tasks such as picking vegetables and handing things, so they can't do well. Fortunately, the kitchen in the school's single dormitory is big enough for them to toss about.

The kitchen utensils in Interstellar World are all smart, and there are not many hands-on ones. There are pressure cookers for stews, ovens for barbecues, and only vegetables need to be fried.

Su Qing has no feeling for cooking. I don’t know how many times I have done it in my previous life and this life. Huang Yunbi is trying to stay close to Su Qing. I don’t usually like cooking, but today I have to put all my energy into it and show off. How close to Su Qing.

But Wang Lu and He Shilan felt that cooking by themselves was very interesting, like playing house. Picking vegetables and cleaning them made a lot of jokes.

Su Qing looked at Huang Yunbi's proficient chopping and side dishes. She really knows how to cook, so she acted as an assistant.

It didn't take long for all the vegetables to be cut up. The meat and vegetables were stewed first, and then a few plates of green vegetables were fried in the wok before the rice was served. Huang Yunbi suddenly said,
"Su Qing, there seems to be less vegetables. We girls should eat more vegetables. If you eat too much meat, you will gain weight. The tomatoes you planted are ripe. How about picking two to make soup? You won't be reluctant, will you?"

Su Qing glanced at her clearly, nodded and said: "Why, you go pick it, pick two more, it's not enough to eat if you don't have enough."

I thought in my heart, she still found a reason, so that I couldn't refuse, so I would eat it, this sister who is somewhat related by blood has a lot of eyes, step by step, careful calculation, step by step to achieve her goal, I did not take the initiative to send her Vegetables, then she will find a way to eat them, which is a bit interesting.

Huang Yunbi took a vegetable bag from the kitchen, called He Shilan to go upstairs to pick tomatoes together,

Su Qing wanted to look at the stewed meat in the pot. She had used up several stoves, so she would definitely not be able to walk away. She glanced at the excited two people from the corner of her eye, with a funny smile on the corner of her mouth.
She was sure that Huang Yunbi would not just pick two tomatoes, she could eat as much as she wanted, and she said that just to tease her, to see what she wanted to do next, but she really impressed her, Huang Yunbi's fighting power was amazing.

This sister is very hypocritical, she doesn't say what she does directly, she insists on beating around the bush, it's not true at all, she always has a pair of innocent big eyes, showing a sweet smile to brainwash you,
Since she wants to get close to her, then come and see what she's up to. It doesn't matter if she discovers some secrets, just delete her memory.

Sure enough, after Huang Yunbi and He Shilan came down, the bag contained a lot of vegetables, and they picked some of each.
Huang Yunbi blushed slightly, and said shyly:
"Sorry Su Qing, we may have picked too much."

He Shilan hurriedly took the matter to herself,
"Su Qing, it's all my fault. Seeing that the vegetables you planted are growing so well, I couldn't stop and plucked one after another."

Su Qing knew it well, it must be Huang Yunbi who kept admiring, this dish is so good, that dish is so tender, He Shilan was encouraged, and wanted to pick a handful of everything, it seems that Huang Yunbi eats He Shilan to death, and someone will help charge forward for everything In the past, she just needs to control the direction. It's a bit scary. She can see people's hearts very clearly, much better than herself.

Su Qing: "A few handfuls of green vegetables are nothing. Just pick them up. If you can't finish them, you can eat them tomorrow. I'll clean them and cut them up and fry them."

After washing a few tomatoes and a handful of green vegetables, two more vegetables were added. The meat and vegetables were ready. Huang Yunbi started to cook the dishes, and Su Qing was in charge of handing them over. The two cooperated tacitly, and the cooking speed was very fast.

If Wang Lu and He Shilan were to help, they would not be able to tell the difference between oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, it would definitely be a disservice.

The food was ready soon, not to mention Huang Yunbi's cooking skills are really good, the food smells delicious.

The four of them sat down and began to eat. Su Qing ate very little, only half a bowl of rice, and he was full after eating two bites of each dish at will.

The three of Wang Lu had a big appetite, and they ate deliciously. Each of them ate two bowls of rice, especially the last two dishes, which were surprisingly delicious, crisp and refreshing, and felt warm in their stomachs.

The three of them snatched up the two dishes, but they were still unsatisfied and didn't eat enough.

It was the first time for Wang Lu to eat such delicious vegetables, she wiped the corner of her mouth and asked:
"Qingqing, I don't know if it's Yunbi's good craftsmanship, or the vegetables you grow have high energy. They are really delicious. I have eaten a lot of good things, but they are not as good as a plate of stir-fried vegetables."

He Shilan nodded in agreement. She and Wang Lu both came from extraordinary backgrounds. She had never eaten anything good, but a plate of green vegetables made her want to eat it.

Huang Yunbi said with a smile:
"It must be that the vegetables Su Qing grows have high energy. My cooking skills are only average. Su Qing, why do you eat so little? Is it not to your taste?"

Su Qing shook her head, "No, I usually eat very little,"

This Wang Lu can prove that since she first met Su Qing, she has always had a small appetite.

After hearing Wang Lu's words, Huang Yunbi said with confidence: "That's good, I thought you couldn't get used to my cooking."

The girls cleaned up the kitchen together, put the dishes and chopsticks into the dishwasher, and put all the unfinished meat in a basin for the Huomiao brothers and sisters to eat when they came back.

Although Wang Lu and He Shilan don't know how to cook, they still do a good job of cleaning, not to mention they all use tools.

Soon a few people tidied up the kitchen. Su Qing cooked a pot of fruit tea with fruit, and everyone drank it in a cup. The sweet and sour taste was quite delicious.

A few people sat on the sofa chatting all right, and Wang Lu sighed:

"It's a pity that Zhou Ya and the others didn't come, otherwise it would be more lively. With us accompanying you, Qingqing, do you feel very warm?"

Su Qing nodded, "Well, it's very lively. I'm usually alone, so it's a bit cold."

But she thought to herself, what a ghost to be warm, it made her brain hurt from the noise.

Huang Yunbi naturally mentioned her mother, saying how hard her mother worked to bring her up, and how she spent all her wealth to support her studies. Now that she is admitted to Qinglan, her mother has finally paid off her hardships. Tears rolled in the circles of her eyes when she spoke emotionally , Wang Lu was so moved that she wanted to cry, it's not easy being a single mother!
Su Qing just listened quietly, her expression didn't change much, as if what Huang Yunbi said was normal,
If it weren't for everyone knowing that she has such a personality, they would definitely call her cold-blooded and ruthless,

While talking, Huang Yunbi turned around and said:
"In this world, my mother is the only family member I have, so wherever I go, my mother will follow. I am always afraid that I can't take care of myself. I can see my mother every day. I feel very happy.
You guys can only go home once a year. You must miss your relatives very much, right? "

He Shilan snorted coldly with her small nose, "Just to show that you have mother's pain, my parents will also visit me often,"

Wang Lu smiled and said, "My home is in Venus, and I can go home whenever I want. I'm disappointed, but Su Qing won't be able to go home for six years!"

Huang Yunbi pretended to be surprised and said:
"Oh, Su Qing, I forgot that you can't go home until after graduation. You must miss your family very much, right?"

Su Qing nodded. Of course she missed her family, even the little boy Meng Shuo, but unfortunately she couldn't go back.

Huang Yunbi's eyes were full of sympathy, and she said delicately:
"Su Qing, why don't you take all your family members to live in Venus, the living environment here must be much better than your hometown."

Su Qing said lightly: "I told you a long time ago, grandma won't come."

 January 2022, 1 is another new year. I wish all my friends a happy new year.

  In 2021, looking back on the whole year, I was not happy. I was thinking about a decision every day. After wandering for a long time, should I return to my roots?

  I hope that when I empty out the inventory, everyone will help me to go home with ease.

(End of this chapter)

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