Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 369 The Calculation of Mother and Daughter

Chapter 369 The Calculation of Mother and Daughter
Huang Jing is also an experienced cook, so she can't help her, not to mention there are many practical smart kitchen utensils,

While cooking, I smiled and listened to the girls chatting happily. The girls were all normal, except for the girl named Su Qing.

Her eyebrows and eyes are really similar to her daughter's, but there is a weirdness all over her body, her temperament is too cold, as if she is not interested in anything, her bright eyes are not as bright and lively as a girl's, on the contrary, she has a vicissitudes of seeing through the world, so strange A little girl who has never experienced the world, how can she feel the vicissitudes of life.

Huang Jing felt that she was blindsided, and didn't care. She started cooking, and an exquisite birthday cake was already set on the dining table.

While cooking, Huang Jing thought about what her daughter told her.
It turned out that the high-level energy vegetables that Yunbi brought back were grown by Su Qing. After eating those vegetables, my stomach felt warm and comfortable, and the old problems that could not be cured were relieved a lot.

But a few days ago, Yunbi came back sullenly, saying that she was embarrassed to take those vegetables for nothing in the future. She was pointed out by her classmates for taking advantage of Su Qing, and the two sides almost quarreled.

After hearing what happened, Huang Jing was so angry that she wanted to reprimand her. Seeing her daughter's unhappy appearance, she finally turned into a sigh and swallowed what she wanted to say. It was useless for her to say it, and it would annoy Yun Bi , the cause is still for myself.

When the child grows up, his personality has been formed, and it is too late to correct it, and it cannot be changed.

Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, Yun Bi must have taken other people's things for nothing, and even made unreasonable words, and finally pushed the blame on the two friends. This child is too unkind.

Yun Bi did hurt that little girl named Su Qing. I heard that she came from a bad background, and her family was poor.

Yun Bi didn't understand Su Qing's situation, instead, she liked her things, and she couldn't complain that her classmates couldn't see her, and she wanted to expose her even if she tore her face.

Yun Bi was forced to do nothing, she could only say that she would never want Su Qing's vegetables again, and she had to tell herself the whole thing, which meant that the rest would be up to her, and she took those vegetables because of her illness. .

Huang Jing shook her head with a helpless expression on her face, this child even used her mother,
But the reality is that they really don't have any extra money, and if they can buy high-end vegetables from Su Qing at the market price, if they can afford the energy vegetables grown by the grower, then it is up to their daughter to calculate step by step.

Huang Jing is so old that she doesn't have the face to open her mouth to talk to a poor little girl.
But every time she got sick, the lingering painful feeling also made her feel trembling, so she could only pull down her old face and try. Thinking of this, Huang Jing felt her cheeks burning, and she was too ashamed.

Huang Yunbi didn't know her mother's inner struggle at all. If the mother and daughter could speak directly, Huang Yunbi would definitely cry out for grievances.

Su Qingcai is not the pitiful image her mother imagined, she is very powerful, can afford a luxury villa, eats, drinks and uses the best, everything is better than her, and her talent is astonishingly good, how pitiful she is.

Soon the smell of food came from the kitchen. Although Huang Jing is a senior expert, she is also a competent mother. She didn't know how to cook when she was young, but she will learn everything when she has a child. Her cooking skills are quite good, even better than Huang Yunbi. too much.

Huang Jing took off her apron, walked to the living room, and said softly to several people:

"Everyone, it's time for dinner. Yunbi will take everyone to the bathroom to wash their hands."

"Wow, it's done so quickly, Auntie is amazing."

"That's right, I've already smelled the aroma, it must be delicious."

A few people laughed and went to wash their hands first, then followed Huang Yunbi into the dining room and sat down around the dining table. Fortunately, the table was big enough for everyone to sit.

Birthdays are the same process, giving gifts, wishing and eating cakes, it’s still the same after many years.

Su Qing said a few words of congratulations with Da Bo, and gave gifts, and then everyone raised their chopsticks to eat and drink lively.

They are all young people, and there is no rule of not talking when eating or sleeping, just say what you want.

The crisp voices of the girls are like larks, you speak to each other, talking while eating,

Huang Jing looked at them with a smile, and asked them to eat this dish and try that one.

It happened that Su Qing was sitting next to Huang Jing, of course, this was also deliberately arranged by Huang Yunbi.

The other girls were scrambling to talk and chat, only Su Qing ate a couple of bites of food at will, then sat quietly and listened to everyone talking.

Huang Jing asked in confusion: "Su Qing, why don't you eat it? Is it because the food doesn't suit your appetite? You like to eat like that, and auntie will help you."

Su Qing shook her head, "No need, Auntie, I have a small appetite, and I will be full after a few bites. You are very good at cooking."

Huang Jing smiled and said, "That's it, then I'm relieved, but you are growing up, you should eat more, or you won't have enough nutrition."

Su Qing: "Thank you, Auntie, I understand. I have been used to eating less since I was a child."

Huang Jing poured Su Qing a drink, and said very gently:
"If you can't eat, drink a glass of juice. Speaking of it, I also want to thank you. My family, Yunbi, is not sensible. She always takes home the vegetables you planted for me to eat. She cried when she got home that day, saying that she had quarreled with her classmates. , just for those vegetables.

After I heard her finished speaking, I already criticized her. Yunbi did not do the right thing. No matter how much you like to eat the vegetables you grow, you can't always get them for nothing. It's because the auntie didn't educate her well, so don't take it to heart. "

Su Qing raised her eyebrows, and looked at Huang Yunbi's mother seriously. She had always been a gentle, virtuous, kind and amiable mother before, but she didn't expect her to be very scheming.

What I said, the average person will definitely say it’s nothing after hearing it politely, maybe they will also generously say that it’s just a few vegetables, and they can take whatever they want in the future.

With a few words from her, you will be asked to open your mouth and give away your things for free. If you want to sincerely apologize, you can give her the food money!
The spiritual vegetables that Su Qing grows are not so precious. She doesn't care, but it doesn't mean she is willing. If she is cheated, she will continue to give them away for free. She is indeed Huang Yunbi's own mother, and the older ones are more capable.

Su Qingliang blinked her eyes, and said with a serious expression on her face:
"It's okay, auntie, I have forgiven Yunbi, and she also promised that she will never want the vegetables I grow again."

Huang Jing opened her mouth and looked at Su Qing with strange eyes, speechless, as if she had two horns growing out of her head.

This is how a girl is raised?To be able to say something like that means that Yun Bi really shamefully took advantage of her, she generously forgave her, and blocked her from continuing.

Huang Jing held up her chopsticks, and was stunned for a long time without moving, her mind was running rapidly, how to deal with Su Qing's words,

Sitting on the other side of her, Wang Lu saw her in a daze, and hurriedly asked, "Auntie, what's wrong?"

Huang Jing: "Ah, I, I'm fine, I just thought of something, come on, you eat vegetables."

Seeing that Huang Jing was fine, Wang Lu continued to participate in everyone's topic,
But Su Qing smiled very unkindly in her heart, telling you mother and daughter to play tricks, don't think that you are going to follow the script you wrote, our grades can't understand, and you don't play cards according to the rules, what can you do?

"That, Su Qing! Don't blame Yun Bi, she did that for me."

After all, Huang Jing is an adult with extensive experience, and immediately showed a countermeasure, and said sadly, with a helpless expression on her face.

Su Qing's eyes lit up, and she still had inside information, and hurriedly asked according to the routine:
"Auntie, what's going on, why do you say that?"

At this time, Huang Yunbi noticed her mother's situation. Originally, at today's birthday party, the mother and daughter made a tacit decision to get free vegetables from Su Qing.
While greeting her friends, she has been paying attention to the situation of Su Qing and her mother, listening to them with her ears up.

(End of this chapter)

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