Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 377 Meng Gan's Ambition

Chapter 377 Meng Gan's Ambition

Su Qing nodded, "Then you can try it. It is recorded in the materials left by the Qinglian Sect that many people have tried to practice the Heavenly Dragon Wuxiang God and Demon Art, but they all ended in failure. Killed, it was because they couldn't control it, they killed innocent people indiscriminately, and caused masters to chase them down."

Meng Hao: "Then I want to try too. If I don't try, I will never know the result. I swear that I will become the most powerful mech master in the empire and become a star hero!!"

Seeing that he had made up his mind, Su Qing stretched out her finger to point to his forehead, and first passed on the first half of the Tianlong Wuxiang Shenmogong to him.

Su Qing didn't pass on the whole exercise to Meng Hao, because he was afraid that his cultivation base would grow too fast and he would not be able to control himself, so he first stabilized the first half of the exercise, even if he didn't pass on the second half of the exercise, Completing the first half of the practice will also allow Meng Hao to dominate the empire and occupy a place in the entire universe.

After all, Tianlong Wuxiang Shenmo Kung Fu was a very high-level set of kung fu in the cultivation world back then. If it wasn't for being unable to control the balance of the two forces of God and Demon, it would not cause insanity, good and bad.

It's not the first time that Meng Hao has been taught by Su Qing. He feels that this method is too convenient. It would be great if Qingqing could stuff all the knowledge in those textbooks into his mind at once, so that he would be able to learn his homework. very simple.

Meng Hao didn't know yet that Su Qing taught him to use Yuanshen, and he would be like Su Qing in class, remembering and never forgetting, but his comprehension and comprehension were incomparable to Su Qing's.

Meng Yan sat cross-legged on the ground, carefully studying the exercises in his mind, which consisted of several thousand words. What was frustrating was that he couldn't understand them at all. What did they mean?

"Qingqing, this set of exercises is too difficult, I can't understand it at all, how to practice?"

Although Meng Hao has learned a lot of knowledge over the years, Su Qing did not teach him the basics of cultivation. The main reason is that he has not considered whether to teach Meng Hao skills other than body training.

After all, comprehension and ability master are two different systems. She is afraid that Meng Yan will be discovered by others and expose herself.
Until the Qinglian Sect ruins appeared, she felt that there must be a lot of people who had obtained cultivation techniques and ancient martial arts secret books, which provided Meng Xiang with a source for learning cultivation techniques, and it would not be awkward for others to ask in the future, let alone The Tianlong Wuxiang Shenmo Kungfu was indeed found in Qinglianzong. Why can the two of them practice it?
That's not easy to answer, the two of them are so gifted and savvy!
In fact, as long as you study carefully, there is no difference in the appearance between cultivation and supernatural power cultivation, but the power is stronger. Just tell Meng Xiang that it is a martial arts cultivation method.

Martial arts masters who cultivated to the extreme can also shatter the void. There are still many martial arts masters in the empire, and they are no worse than supernatural masters when they cultivate to the extreme.

To practice Tianlong Wuxiang Shenmo Kungfu, Meng Hao must learn from the five elements and human body meridians and acupoints like Su Qing did back then, because he has no spiritual roots. He used to practice Nine Turns Mysterious Kungfu, and the spiritual energy he absorbed was finally transformed into energy strengthening the body,

But Tianlong Wuxiang Shenmo Kungfu is a cultivation method covered with a martial arts shell, which can make spiritual energy circulate in the meridians for a long period of time, and create a similar virtual spiritual root in the dantian to make up for the lack of spiritual roots.

After successful cultivation of the kung fu, the aura will form two different energies of gods and demons to occupy the dantian, each standing in half, and the balance must not be lost. Once the balance is broken, it will affect the mind of the practitioner.

Meng Hao first had to learn the basic knowledge of comprehension from Su Qing. Fortunately, now he can use the Yuanshen, and his memory is surprisingly good, and he can quickly remember what Su Qing explained.

After Meng Hao understood and mastered the basic knowledge, Su Qing began to explain to him how to practice the Heavenly Dragon Wuxiang God and Demon Art.

Strictly speaking, the Tianlong Wuxiang Shenmo Gong is a set of exercises prepared for body cultivators. It can be practiced regardless of whether the practitioner has a spiritual root or not.

Meng Hao has practiced the Nine Turns Mysterious Kung Fu these years, and his meridians have been broadened to the extent that he is not inferior to Su Qing. Once he starts to operate the kung fu, he immediately attracts a lot of spiritual energy into his body and circulates in the sky.

Su Qing sat cross-legged on the side and carefully protected Meng Yan. Fortunately, she opened the protective formation from the beginning to avoid being discovered.

It was the first time for Meng Yan to introduce Qi into his body. After performing the exercises, a large amount of spiritual energy formed an energy core in his dantian, which was equivalent to a virtual spiritual root. From now on, he will be a monk.

Su Qing would not tell him about cultivation, but only said that Tianlong Wuxiang Shenmo Kungfu is a set of martial arts skills, and it is internal force stored in the dantian.

Anyway, the external performance of the moves in cultivation techniques and martial arts are similar. As for being particularly powerful, of course it is because of Meng Hao's good aptitude.

After running for a week, Meng Hao opened his eyes and excitedly said to Su Qing:
"Qingqing, it's so fun. This kind of cultivation is the real cultivation. In the past, when we took the supernatural class, the cultivation path taught by the teacher was circulated to the brain. I think what you taught me to store energy in the dantian is correct."

Su Qing: "Well, I will explain the exercises to you slowly. You should practice carefully in the future, and don't be interrupted suddenly. If you are disturbed while practicing, you will go crazy."

Meng Yu nodded and said: "I see, it's not that I haven't studied supernatural abilities, I know all the precautions, don't worry!!"

Su Qing: "In the future, when people ask you about your cultivation skills, you will say that you don't have a name and that they are all inherited from your ancestors. You must not reveal that you found the skills in the ruins."

Meng Yu frowned and said, "Is it okay to say that? Mengyuexing is just a small place, and there are not many powerful martial arts. My family's skills are so powerful that no one believes it?"

"Then you will not hide your clumsiness. As long as your life is not endangered, there is no need to use your full strength. If you are too early, you will end badly. Beware of various forces in the empire. If someone wants to rob you of your skills, you should keep a low profile until you have absolute power! !"

Meng Yu disappointedly agreed, "Understood."

After finally cultivating a very advanced technique, I still can't show it. Meng Hao didn't like this situation very much, and thought to himself, one day I will become a very powerful person, and no one can make plans for me.

From then on, the ambition to gain power slowly began to grow in his heart.

After the new year is over, Su Qing and Meng Hao continue to live a life of continuous learning. When they are tired, they will go shopping for entertainment and a change of mood. They spend most of their time studying and practicing.

During the day, Meng Yu came to Su Qing to learn and practice, and at night they entered the star network together. Su Qing trained Meng Hao to drive the mech, and his life was more fulfilling than when he was in class.

Just when school was about to start in a month, Chen Hongfei sent a video, asking Meng Hao and Su Qing if they wanted to hang out together.

"Meng Yu, Qingqing, the Gothic planet not far from Venus is a planet with a very small resident population. The Hengduan Mountains on the planet have a vast area. It has always been the place that produces the most elixir and strange animals. It is a good place for travel and adventure. All the major mercenary groups like to go there to collect elixir and hunt exotic animals."

Meng Yan asked him, "How much does each person need to pay for going out to play?"

Chen Hongfei said boldly:

"Our family has provided transportation, board and lodging, including supplies and weapons, as long as you can come. I also want to contact that pungent woman Wang Lu. She will definitely be interested. Everyone must have something to say about the last military training treasure hunt."

Meng Yu looked at Su Qing, saw her nodding, and said, "Okay, are Wang Bin and Ma Junhui going too?"

Chen Hongfei nodded and said: "They also agreed to go play for a while. The others didn't call out, and everyone was not good at martial arts. They were all dragging their feet."

Su Qing raised her head and rolled her eyes in disdain, Young Master Chen, you have to find out who is really holding back.

(End of this chapter)

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