Chapter 383
Chen Hongfei rented a medium-sized boat. More than 20 people stood on it without feeling crowded. A bodyguard was in charge of sailing the boat. Su Qing and the others stood on the boat, enjoying the lake and mountains.

The blue waves of Tianshui Lake are as blue. Although the area is not particularly large, it is not small. There are many boats on the lake, and many people even take out their fishing rods to fish.

The water in the lake is so clear that you can tell how deep it is, but you can't see clearly what is at the bottom of the lake. There are only aquatic plants and rocks in the shadows.

Everyone was talking and joking, but Su Qing leaned on the side of the boat and looked at the dark bottom of the lake. She always felt that there were spiritual fluctuations in the lake, but unfortunately the ancestors couldn't go down. Their spiritual consciousness was stopped by something when they entered tens of meters. Can't find out what's underneath?Besides, the boat sailed past quickly.

Luo Zilan said affirmatively next to her ear:

"There should be an enchantment below, but unfortunately you can't go down to check it now, you can only wait until night."

Su Qing nodded. He didn't expect that the rumors were not all groundless. On any planet, there are relics of cultivation. Just arrived at a tourist attraction, he found it.
Su Qing sent a voice transmission to the ancestor, and expressed his own doubts. Could it be that in their era, people on every planet cultivated immortals?

Luo Zilan said unsurprisingly:

"That's not unusual, it's normal for every planet to have cultivators, but most of them don't have contact with mortals, and mortals always think that cultivators are gods.

Don’t think that in the interstellar era, it’s great that human beings can travel between planets. In the era of cultivation, we can directly drive flying magic weapons to travel the universe. How far is the distance between the Venus star and the Gothic star? Every major cultivator will have a large sphere of influence. . "

However, Su Qing felt that not all planets had ancient relics, but Gothic planets were rich in aura and suitable for establishing sects.

Unable to detect it with spiritual sense, Su Qing had to go into the water to see it at night. He thought that the era of cultivation had passed so long, and there would be no danger below.

After strolling around Tianshui Lake, a few people returned to the camp.

Although the lake water is clear and transparent, no one swims in it, because it is taboo. It is said that anyone who swims in the water will drown and die.

Most people will regard this statement as a legend and don’t believe it at all. Some people have tried to swim around the lake without any problems, but most mercenaries are doing a living by licking blood. They are still very superstitious and insist that this it is true.

The members of the blood wolf mercenary group are even more convinced that they often go to the mountains to fight for their lives, but they must not suffer from bad luck, so they are seriously told not to go into the water.

Chen Hongfei is not interested in swimming either. What he wants to see are monsters. According to legend, monsters come out to breathe on the night of the full moon. Unfortunately, tonight is not a full moon, so he can't see the monsters.

After everyone disembarked and returned to the camp, those left behind had already prepared meals, because everyone had storage containers, tables, chairs, benches, and pots and pans. They ate quite a lot, although they were all convenience foods.

After dinner, everyone had nothing to do, so they got together to chat and listen to the old men of the blood wolf mercenary group talk about the strange events they encountered.

Only Su Qing sat cross-legged in the tent with his eyes closed, while Wang Lu went to listen to stories and play cards with a few boys. She couldn't stand Su Qing's silence, and when she saw her meditating, she didn't bother her at all.

Su Qing is just learning the formation in her mind, she will not meditate in these places, it is too dangerous.

The sky was getting dark, and the mercenaries and the bodyguards of the Chen family had arranged their shifts. Xie Jiahao suggested that Chen Hongfei and the others should rest early. They would have to go on their way early tomorrow morning, crossing the Tianmu Forest to reach Wuya Mountain.
Wuya Mountain is also a place with beautiful scenery. The mountains and plains are full of flowers. Whenever the breeze blows, it will bring a rain of petals all over the sky, which is particularly beautiful and charming.

When Chen Hongfei and the others heard this, thinking that they would see the beautiful scenery tomorrow, they all went back to the tent to rest. After running for a day, they were also a little tired, and they fell asleep as soon as they lay down, regardless of whether the conditions were difficult or not.

At midnight, Su Qing glanced at the sleeping Wang Lu, got up and put on the invisibility talisman, left the tent, and flew to the lake,

Su Qing stepped directly on the lake and floated to the place that was detected during the day, which seemed to be a place with an enchantment.

She put an aura cover on herself, plunged into the lake, and dived to the bottom of the lake like a fish.

Unexpectedly, the bottom of Tianshui Lake is not mud, but rocks. It may have been part of the mountains a long time ago, but the terrain is low-lying, and it was submerged by the lake later.

There are quite a few creatures in the lake, but there are no large creatures. If there are any monsters, they must be fabricated by people.

Su Qing finally swam to the bottom of a mountain peak, which is the deepest part of the lake. Su Qing continued to dive, and before the pressure she endured reached the limit, she finally saw a cave opening on the rock, and she looked happy , there is a door, swim in and have a look.

Luo Zilan also shouted: "Su Qing, swim in, where does the energy of the enchantment come from?"

Su Qing swung her legs and moved her body forward, and got into the hole at once. As soon as she entered, Su Qing almost lay on the ground. The moment she fell to the ground, she immediately floated up, and stood up with her feet on the ground.

What surprised her was that there was no water in it. Su Qing put her arm deep into the hole out of curiosity. There was lake water outside, but the hole was very dry and there was no water vapor at all. How strange! !
Luo Zilan said without being surprised, "There's nothing surprising about it, it's just that there are water-repelling beads embedded in the hole, it's a very common thing."

Su Qing looked at the top of the cave and there was indeed a bead, and there was a kind of luminous stone for lighting on the cave wall, which emitted a faint light, and it was impossible to find the light without sinking into the bottom of the water.

Luo Zilan urged her, "Don't look, go inside and see what kind of place this is, please pray that you don't run into the den of monsters."

Su Qing is already immune to the words of her ancestors, otherwise she would have been surprised by her long ago.

This cave is very large, it should be the monk's cave a long time ago, there are several rooms in total, and there is a passage at the back that leads to a deeper place.

Several caves have bedrooms, alchemy rooms, and study rooms, which can make people live here comfortably. There are some worthless things in them, and Su Qing put them away after seeing them well.

Finally, she walked carefully along the passage,

"What kind of monk, Patriarch, will open a back door in his cave, and don't know where it leads?"

Luo Zilan said: "Perhaps there is some kind of genius and treasure inside. There are monks guarding here. Go over and see if you can find something good."

Su Qing didn't expect to find any good things. There are so many good things, and you can come across them when you come out to play.

Walking around, there was light in front of her. Su Qing was very surprised. You must know that it is dark now, so where is the light coming from?

"Old Ancestor, how can there be light?"

Luo Zilan: "You are confused, the enchantment will glow in the dark."

Su Qing thought about it, he really didn't know much, and he forgot that he went to Qinglianzong at night last time, and the mountain protection array was also shining.

Su Qing approached and saw that it was really a layer of enchantment, similar to formations and restrictions. I don't know whether to break the enchantment and walk in.

Unexpectedly, Su Qing probed with her hand, hey, there is no obstacle, she can go in directly, which surprised her very much, what's the use of such an enchantment arrangement?

She was very surprised and said: "What kind of enchantment is this ancestor? Why is it similar to nothing?"

Luo Zilan said: "It should be similar to the spirit-gathering array you set up in the planting field. It is a barrier that blocks the loss of spiritual energy, so that a certain amount of energy can be maintained in the space. Go in and have a look, and there may be some surprises."

Su Qing stepped into the barrier full of hope, Luo Zilan exclaimed, "Qingqing, be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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