Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 386 Repair the Array

Chapter 386 Repair the Array
Su Qing figured it out as soon as he changed his mind, and was ready to do it at any time.

Su Qing took out a few array flags from the space, inserted them into the damaged parts of the original array base with a wave of his hand, and connected them all according to the orientation to replace the original array base.

He flew back to the gate of Xihua Palace, stood at the eye of the general control formation, and said to Mo Qi:
"Mo Qi, try using the control jade talisman to activate the formation. Several formation foundations are broken. I can only temporarily connect them with the formation flag. I will refine the formation foundation after I go back, and I will replace it for you in the future, but don't worry. , Those formation flags will be used for ten years without any problem."

Su Qing's words are very watery. Although the quality of the array flag she refined is not very good, it is not as bad as she said. It will be no problem if it lasts for a hundred years, but Mo Qi doesn't know.

When Mo Qi heard that it could only be used for ten years, he said very dissatisfied:
"It's only been ten years. The quality of the things you use is too bad. In the past, the array flags sold in the shops can be used for hundreds of years."

Su Qing spread his hands and said helplessly:
"That's no way. It's not the era of cultivation. I can't find many materials. I don't even have a single spirit stone on me. Those array flags are all made of ordinary materials. Of course, the quality is not good, so I said go back to refine the array foundation. , just to collect better materials,
I dug up the elixir in the valley and just sold it so that I can buy refining materials. If you want something of good quality, you must need a lot of money. Do you think I have money?I'm just an underage student. "

I don't know if Mo Qi believed Su Qing's words, it grabbed a jade talisman and started to activate the protective formation,
A burst of light flashed, and a transparent shield appeared over Xihua Palace covering the entire valley. If it was opened from the outside, it would seem to be covered by a glowing bowl.

I don't know where the Xihua Palace is. Anyway, Su Qing came in from the bottom of the lake, but if there is such a big palace near Tianshui Lake, it won't be many years without being discovered. It must have passed through that layer of enchantment. Entering a small space, it is easy for people to enter because the formation is invalid.

Mo Qi said excitedly: "The array has recovered, thank you Su Qing, although your cultivation base is not high, the level of the array is not bad, you go dig the medicine! You can use the elixir in the valley as you like, and I have this token for you .”

Something flew towards Su Qing, Su Qing stretched out his hand to grab it, it looked like a very ordinary wooden sign, on it were the ancient characters of the realm of cultivation, with the words "Hopeless Secret Realm" written on it.

"This is the token to start the hopeless secret realm? How to use it?"

Mo Qi said in a deep voice: "Direct refining, go to Wuwang Peak, you can activate the secret realm at any time."

It didn't tell the truth at all. The Hopeless Secret Realm is opened every ten years. Since the Tianxingzong was destroyed tens of thousands of years ago, it has never been opened. The ghost knows what's inside. It is very likely that the passage between the two worlds is abnormal. Su Qing, what happened has nothing to do with it.

Su Qing snorted, "Okay, then I'll go dig some elixir and sell it for money so that I can help you refine the array base."

"Go!" Mo Qi waved his paws and lay down at the gate of the palace. If there were outsiders, he would not go anywhere, so he guarded the entrance, and closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to talk more.

Su Qing didn't want to get close to it too much, she helped repair the formation, and Mo Qi gave her the token of the secret realm as a reward, and the elixir was the raw material for refining the formation base, and the rules of the cultivation world were clearly understood by each other. Seeing that Su Qing is useful, otherwise, don't say anything about the rules, Mo Qi would have slapped her to death long ago.

Su Qing began to dig medicine around in the valley. Looking at the time, it has been delayed for more than an hour, and there is not much time left. He will also help arrange the restraints and set up the magic array at the entrance of the cave. She didn't know whether it was a loss or a gain after sending out a few battle flags.

Although they are all made by themselves, they are not as good as the treasures left by the ancestors, they were bought with money, if they can’t get back to the original, she will be at a loss, she tried her best to help, but it seems that they are all from the same line of cultivation For the sake of it, Mo Qi was the first creature of the cultivation era she came into contact with, and they didn't count Huo Miao.

It's a pity that Su Qing still has too little experience and thinks too naively. Mo Qi is nothing more than using her to show off, and he didn't have any good intentions when he gave her the token of the secret realm.

Su Qing dug the medicine very quickly, looking for precious ones that she didn't have, and the elixir that was not easy to buy outside. Soon two hours passed, she was not greedy, and she stopped digging when the time was almost up.

She flew back to the gate of Xihua Palace, found Mo Qi and said, "Mo Qi, the elixir I dug up is enough to buy the materials for refining the array base, time is running out, I have to leave, I will help cloth the entrance Ban it."

Mo Qi opened his eyes, stood up,

"There is no need for the restriction. I will go out to breathe from time to time, and it will be destroyed. You can just arrange a phantom formation at the entrance of the cave, and just give me a jade talisman for entering and exiting."

With a flash of Su Qing's eyes, she understood why there were legends of monsters in Tianshui Lake, and what happened to those people who disappeared.

Su Qing does not have the heart of the Virgin, and condemns Mo Qi for killing innocent people, and advises it not to harm human beings in the future, not to mention that those people are strangers to Su Qing, it is impossible for Su Qing to make Mo Qi unhappy for strangers, she If he really fights with Mo Qi, he may not win, so what position does he have to order a divine beast.

The two fought against each other at the beginning, and both sides suffered from the fight. It is important for her to leave this place safely. The safety of other people's lives is not her responsibility.

Su Qing nodded and walked towards the exit!

The ink qi did not change into its original body, but kept a small appearance and followed Su Qing to the exit, only then did Su Qing realize that the ink qi could also fly.

She cursed in her heart that she was confused, that flames could fly, and that beasts stronger than her could not fly. Sure enough, her choice was correct. If there was a fight, she would not have the advantage, so it would be worthwhile to help out in a fight.

Pass through the barrier that is useless except to isolate the aura from escaping, and continue to move forward.

Su Qing suddenly thought of something, she was a bit embarrassed, but she still had to explain, otherwise she would appear to be a bad character.

"Ahem, that Mo Qi, when I first came in, I didn't know that there was an owner here. I thought it was the cave left by that expert. I took a lot of things, and I will put them back as they are."

Mo Qi said indifferently:

"The caves are all prepared for the disciples on duty, and there are no good things. You can take whatever you like. Didn't you say that the era of cultivation has passed tens of thousands of years, and it's useless for me to keep those things. They are all given to you."

Su Qing said with a smile: "Ah! Thank you then, I will accept it with a smile. There are many things that I don't need. They can be sold as antiques outside. Now humans like to collect them."

Mo Qi remained silent, not continuing to speak.

They soon reached the entrance of the cave, and Su Qing began to calculate the position and arrange the formation.

The level of Su Qing's formation method is not even up to the third level, but there is no problem in arranging a phantom formation. As long as it is not a high-level ability master, it will never be seen through.

Holding an array flag in his hand, Su Qing shot into various directions one by one, and directly activated the array. Suddenly, the entrance of the cave turned into a large rock, and the entrance of the cave could no longer be seen.

"How about Mo Qi, is this okay?"

Mo Qi nodded and said quietly:

"Well, give me the control formation flag, and you can leave. Within ten years, if you can refine the foundation of the formation, come back and help me repair the protection formation. I will thank you very much. If you are outside If you find out about Tianxiang cardamom, if you can’t get it yourself, you must inform me, and I’ll go and grab it back.”

Mo Qi said very confidently, as a divine beast, it does have arrogance,

It's a pity that now is the interstellar era, warships and mechas traverse the universe, and those hot weapons are no worse than high-level monks. If we really want to fight, Mo Qi may not be able to fight against a bunch of mecha masters. There are many families and all kinds of warships As the backing, it is not certain who will hit whom! !
(End of this chapter)

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